What makes you beautiful

Goddess's Oneshot CHRISTMAS GIFT

 Featuring Male Idol: Uknow Yunho
 Featuring Female Idol: Seohyun
 Plot: Yunho has always thought Seohyun as younger sister and hoobae. But he found himself feels strange around Seohyun and jealous of guys who are close with her.After he heard of some his junior idols talking about Seohyun and decided to confess his love to Seohyun......
 Genre:Romance, Drama
 Title: What makes you beautiful




"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door-or-or~" Yunho hummed as he set up the breakfast on the table.

Changmin got out from his room, his eyes half-opened as he raked his fingers through his hair. "Hyung, that's horrible." he stated blandly. "You're like 26 this year and you're acting all cutesy with that song that's sung by 18 year old boys. When I was 18, we were singing Hug." he rolled his eyes.

Yunho shot Changmin a look and shoved the plate of scrambled eggs at his friend. "Aish, I don't even know why I make breakfast for you." he muttered. Changmin made a cute face. "Because I'm cute?"

Yunho shuddered. "Oh gosh, this coming from the person who said I was acting cutesy."

Changmin laughed as he gobbled down the food Yunho had prepared. Yunho ate his own breakfast, his thoughts trailing to the reason why he was singing the song in the first place.


That girl was just adorable. He remembered his astonishment when he met her during his trainee days and discovered she liked reading self improvement books. Mind you, she was fifteen at that time.

Seohyun was a prim and proper sort of girl that guys dreamed of and thought never existed any longer at this time and age. Leeteuk had mentioned on a program before that the guy Seohyun dated in the future would have to go through his questioning first because Seohyun was just that precious.

Seohyun had been his favorite hoobae from SNSD. No, his favorite hoobae from the whole of SM town and the whole kpop scene.

Changmin waved his hand in front of his hyung and raised a brow in interest. "Hyung, why are you smiling in that y way of yours?" he grinned. "Thinking of a girl?" he teased.

Yunho cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. "Shut up and eat." he whacked Changmin's head. Changmin shut up immediately but that grin continued to hang off his lips. He had known Yunho long enough to figure where this was going.


"Hi Yonghwa." Yunho waved as he and Changmin got to the music station for their recording. "How are things going?"

"Tired duh." Yonghwa joked. "When are we celebrities not tired? All I want is some good rest." he yawned dramatically. Minhyuk stopped twirling his drum sticks and bowed when he saw the DBSK sunbaenims.

Changmin settled down on the chair and plugged in his earphones to listen to his music. The maknae was still jumpy and nervous before going on stage even though DBSK had debuted for a good eight years. Yunho would have thought it was rather cute if not for the fact that he felt a little jumpy too.

Yunho smiled at Yonghwa to keep up with the chit chat to sooth his nerves. As they were talking, there came a knock on their waiting room. The door opened and Yunho felt his heart skip.

Seohyun smiled as she poked her head in. "Hi oppas." she smiled. "I brought herbal tea for all of you, fighting on the performance."

Yonghwa smiled a little too brightly as he accepted a bottle from her. "Thanks, Seohyun."

Yunho couldn't help but remember how Yonghwa had been paired up with Seohyun for WGM before and the realization suddenly seemed bitter. He narrowed his eyes at Yonghwa, displeased with how his friend was looking at Seohyun.

Seohyun went around the room to distribute the bottles of drinks and the CN blue boys were obviously very unsettled with her presence. Seohyun didn't notice and she woke Changmin up from his daze. "Oppa, herbal tea."

"Herbal tea?" Changmin wrinkled his nose, not afraid to show his displeasure. "But it's bitter. Don't you have food?"

"Yah." Yunho frowned. Changmin got the signal and took the bottle from Seohyun. "Anyway, thanks."

Seohyun was left with one last thermal flask and she handed it to Yunho, smiling. Yunho accepted it, his eyes looking back at her tenderly. Changmin pouted at the scene. "Hey why did Yunho hyung get one with thermal flask and ours are plastic bottles?"

Seohyun bit her lip. "I know Yunho oppa hasn't been feeling well lately so I added extra ingredients for his drink and it has to be kept hot."

Yunho broke into a warm smile. "Thanks Hyun." he wanted to ruffle her hair but she already had her hair properly fluffed and her make up done.

"Anyway, good luck for the performance!" Seohyun waved and popped out of the door.

Yonghwa sighed dreamily and stared at the door even after she left. Jonghyun rolled his eyes and smacked Yonghwa on the shoulder. "Stop staring, she's gone."

Yonghwa made a face. "Too bad she didn't really like me that way." he muttered. "I was so happy when I knew that she was going to be my wife for WGM."

Yunho's eyes flickered to Yonghwa in interest. "She doesn't like you that way?"

"Duh!" Yonghwa sighed and drank the herbal tea. "At first I thought it was because she was a little too prim and proper but later I figured that it was because she already had someone she liked." he shrugged. "I wonder who's that lucky guy."

*I wonder too.* Yunho thought. He caught what he thought and blinked, scratching his head. *Why am I curious? It's not like....* his eyes widened in realization.

The months of dreaming about her. The silent discreet gazing. The automatic urge to search for her in a crowded room.

He loved her.

"Oh gosh." Yunho whispered.

"Yeah totally." Yonghwa nodded, oblivious. "Sorry for me right? I know. Thank goodness I didn't fall too deep before I pulled myself out. But then again I still have a little feelings for her but I'll give my blessings for whoever she likes." he looked at Yunho who was spacing out. "Hey hyung, not need to feel THAT bad for me."


As their Humanoids performance drew to a close, Yunho and Changmin retired to their waiting rooms, exhausted.

Yunho didn't change out of his performance attire and he played with his fingers distractedly, wondering how he was supposed to confess his feelings to Seohyun. Would he startle her? And what if Yonghwa was right and she already had someone she liked?


Yunho blinked and snapped his gaze to Changmin. Changmin smiled and shrugged. "You're U-know Yunho, fearless and strong." he grinned. "Just do it. Three words."

Yunho was slightly startled by how Changmin knew about how he felt, but he figured after so many years of living together, he shouldn't be surprised. Yunho raked his fingers through his hair. "You think I should?"

"U-know, you should." Changmin put on a serious face before he broke into laughter. "Haha caught the pun? U-Know Yunho, you know you should. HAHAHAHA!!!"

Yunho rolled his eyes and got out of the room, wondering why he thought the maknae was a genius. He got to SNSD's waiting room and pushed the door open since there was a slight gap. He saw Seohyun inside and he gripped the thermal flask in his hands.

Seohyun was standing in front of a mirror with a nervous expression.

"Yunho oppa, actually I..." she faltered and shook her head. "No, again."

Yunho blinked in surprise, initially assuming that she knew of his presence but realizing that she was actually practicing a speech.

"Yunho oppa, I.." Seohyun swallowed. "We've known each other for a long time and I know this comes as a surprise. But I like you." she stared at her reflection for a few moments and shook her head. "Ah no."

Yunho found himself smiling as he opened the door.

"I like you too."




I just realized that this is supposed to be a Christmas gift to you guys and I've got the "Disallow Text Selection" checked. I've unchecked it and you guys can save the oneshots as you want, it's a gift after all. :)

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please come back author-nim! T-T I love these xD
jiminisbae123 #2
soooo cuuuuuteeeee
A12345 #3
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeee
Chapter 24: Now Kris know how his girlfriend was feeling when he only cuddle with ace ^^
Chapter 18: Jealous Jae is so cute!
Chapter 5: Such a bunch of y boys! I wouldn't mind having them as my best friends ^^
Chapter 89: Will you do this again this year? :)
exoramen #8
Is it open or close now ? I really wanna reqest a fic
sehunomg #9
Chapter 37: I love all Baekhyun and IU's story~~~
sehunomg #10
Chapter 36: I really love Baekhyun's Tutor story. Well, Baek and IU is my bias after all and I found this story is too cute for a god's sake personally I want period fic about it. nononono