You Need Me

The Little Blond Boy
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Minho smiled as he closed the door to his five year old son's room. Taemin just fell asleep for a nap, and Minho went to sit on the couch with Key. He wrapped his arm across the shorter man's shoulders, Key resting his head in the crook of Minho's neck as they watched television. Minho smirked, leaning down slightly to kiss Key's cheek.

Key smirked back, tilting his head up to kiss Minho on the lips. The two closed their eyes, Key wrapping his arms around Minho's neck as Minho put his hands on Key's waist.

They pulled apart after a minute or so, Minho smiling sadly, "Why did we ever stop going out?"

Key looked away, biting his lip, "I don't know. I started my own business, you started teaching; we stopped having time for each other."

Minho sighed, "I wish we had made time."

"Me too." Key laid his head on Minho's shoulder.

Silence lapsed over the two, the sound from the television like white noise.

"What does this make us now, then?" Minho looked down at Key, who scoffed.

"Your son calls me umma, I'm pretty sure you know what this makes us."

"Husband and wife?" Minho grinned.

Key hit his arm, "Yah! I am not a girl!"

Minho pouted and whined, "I know, I know! I'm only kidding."

"It makes us..a couple, I guess." Key sighed.

"A couple that has se-"

"Don't talk like that with a child in the house!" Key scolded him, hitting his arm again.

"He's sleeping! How is he gonna hear us?" Minho pouted, rubbing his abused arm.

Key rolled his eyes, "How you ever

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Chapter 101: This was so good...Thank you author-nim!!I liked he first ending more...
sopheaV #2
Chapter 45: 2min father and son moment is my fav
sopheaV #3
Chapter 43: Hahaha i love minkey moment ... Taemin and minho appa is sooo adorable
Chapter 101: I've read this for the 2nd time now and this story still give me major baby fever. I'm adopting, no question about it!
Chapter 94: Taemin is a child after my own heart :')
Chapter 101: 3 years later and Im back again!!
tinytaem #7
Chapter 101: my fifth time reading it! i still like the first ending betterXD
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 101: I Enjoyed This Story & I Like The Second Ending Better:)
nantae #9
Chapter 102: I m new here and i love it :).
Chapter 102: This is so adorable!!! I'm definitely reading the prequel