Chapter One

The Little Blond Boy
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Minho has been a kindergarten teacher for three years now. This was going to be his fourth class, and he was just as nervous and excited as he was for his first class. He watched as each of his new students walked into the classroom with at least one of their parents. He greeted them all and helped them to find their seats and give them their name tags.

However, he couldn’t help but notice the one little boy who walked in alone. He knelt down next to the child, and smiled at him.

“Hello there. I’m Mr. Choi, and I’m going to be your teacher this year! What’s your name, sweetie?” The little boy smiled at him nervously, playing with the hem of his shirt.

“My name is Lee Taemin. It’s nice to meet you, Choi songsaenim.”

Minho instantly grew fond of the little boy with blond hair. But, as the weeks passed, Minho would notice how the boy would wear the same few outfits everyday. The combinations would change, but it would always be one of the same four shirts and three pants. He also noticed that the child’s shoes seemed worn, and a bit small for his feet.

The one thing that worried Minho the most, however, was that he never saw the boy’s parents.

Minho always paid special attention to the boy, because he was smaller and quieter than the other children. Little Taemin did have a friend, Kim Jongin, who liked to be called Kai. The two were practically inseparable. Minho was happy that the shy boy had someone to play with.

Slowly but surely, Taemin started warming up to Minho. The little boy would always show Minho his drawings, or block towers, or even ask his beloved teacher to play with him and Kai.

Minho thought it was adorable how his favorite, no, not favorite. Teachers shouldn’t have favorites, student was coming out of his shell. But his worry increased when winter break was starting, and the boy had no jacket, scarf, or even a long-sleeved shirt, for crying out loud!

“Taemin-ah, can I talk to you real fast before you leave?” The little boy nodded and walked over to his teacher.

Minho knelt down next to him. “Taemin-ah, can you tell songsaenim why you don’t have a jacket? It’s cold outside!” He made it sound light hearted, so as not to make the boy feel bad.

Taemin fidgeted and was playing with the hem of his shirt. The same green shirt with a dinosaur on it that he wore nearly everyday.

“I don’t have one, Choi songsaenim.” He muttered, staring at his feet.

Minho frowned, “Could you go get your umma or appa for me, before you leave? I need to speak with them.”

Taemin bit his lip, staring at the floor. Just then, three boys, all at least five years older than Taemin, walked up to the door. They were holding skateboards, and dressed in old clothes like Taemin.

“Yah, Taemin! Hurry up! We don’t have all day!” The boy that appeared to be the oldest said.

Taemin’s eyes went wide, and he turned around, “Sorry, hyung!”

“Taemin-ah, are these your brothers?” Taemin was about to respond, before one of the others boys scowled.

“Not a chance in hell!”

Minho frowned, “Yah! Watch your language!”

Minho looked at Taemin, who was still staring at his shoes.

“I’ll take him home, okay, boys? I need to speak with him about his classwork.” Taemin’s eyes went wide, and he stared at his teacher.

The oldest boy scoffed. “Yeah, whatever. He’s your problem, then.” And with that, the three boys were off.

Minho looked down at his student, who was still staring at him with wide eyes.

“What did I do wrong, Choi songsaenim?”

Minho ruffled the boy’s hair. “Nothing, Taemin-ah. I just need to ask you some questions, arasso?”

“Neh.” Taemin muttered, still playing with his shirt.

Minho frowned, and then led the boy down to one of the tables. They sat down, and Minho smiled at the boy. Taemin smiled back.

“What do you need to ask me, Choi songsaenim?” Minho wanted to sigh in relief. He was so happy that the boy wasn’t scared of him.

“Now, Taemin-ah, I’m guessing your umma and appa aren’t here to pick you up if those boys were going to take you home.”

Taemin bit his lip. “Well, Choi songsaenim, I-I kind of, sorta, don’t really have an umma or appa.” Minho felt horrible when the little boy said this.

“Who takes care you of you, then, Taemin?”

The little boy scrunched up his little nose in what seemed to be disgust. “Mrs. Lim. She’s not nice to me, though. Not like you, songsaenim!” Taemin smiled at him, and it warmed Minho’s heart to know that the child was fond of him.

“Who’s Mrs. Lim? Is she your Auntie?” The little boy stuck his tongue out.

“No! She’s in charge at the orphanage. That’s where I live, songsaenim.” Minho heard the sadness in his voice.

“Do those boys live at the orphanage, too?” Taemin nodded.

“Neh, but they don’t like me, either. No one there likes me.”

“Why not, Taemin-ah? You’re such a nice boy!” Minho frowned.

“Because I’m different. I’m weird. They don’t like my hair, Choi songsaenim.” Minho’s heart hurt for the little boy.

Minho decided that he was going to make the biggest decision of his life.

“Don’t listen to them, Taemin-ah. You’re not weird. You’re hair makes you special! It makes you who you are! Now, come on. I’ll take you home, neh?” Taemin nodded.

Minho got his bag and locked his classroom. He led the boy to his car, and helped him into the backseat.


He walked the little boy up the stairs to the front door of the orphanage. He knelt down next to Taemin, putting his hands on the child’s shoulders.

“Taemin-ah, I need to ask you something very important, okay?” The child nodded, looking at him with large eyes. “Do you trust me, Taemin?”

The little boy nodded, smiling. “Neh, songsaenim!”

Minho nodded, “Okay. Let’s go inside, neh?”

The little boy led him inside the old house. Taemin’s lower lip trembled when the few other children in the front room started smirking at him. Just then, an older woman came barging in, seeming not to notice Minho.

“Taemin!” She hollered,” What could you have possibly done to get in trouble at school? You’re lucky you’re even allowed to go! We may as well keep you here, and let another child go instead!” The other children were giggling.

“B-but I didn’t-” The old woman cut him off.

“I don’t want to hear any of your lies-” Minho stepped in front of Taemin.

“I’m sorry for interrupting you, but Taemin-ah wasn’t in any trouble at all. I’m his teacher, Choi Minho.” He put his hand out to the woman, who took it with a huff.

“If he wasn’t in any trouble, then why did you keep him late, Choi-ssi?” She glared at him.

“I needed to ask him a few things, such as why he has no jacket when it’s about to snow.” He narrowed his eyes at the woman.

She glared at the little boy, who was hiding behind his teacher’s leg. “Taemin, where is your jacket? I bet you lost it, didn’t you!”

“A-aniyo! S-saejin hyung took it and-” She cut him off, again.

“I have had enough of your lies, Lee Taemin!” She made a move to grab the little boy, but Minho blocked her.

Taemin whimpered, grabbing onto his teacher’s leg and trying to disappear. Minho knelt down, running his hand through the child’s golden hair.

“Don’t worry, Taemin-ah, nothing bad is going to happen, okay?” Taemin looked at him with teary eyes.

“I-I’m not lying, s-songsaenim.” His lower lip trembled, the tears in his eyes dangerously close to falling down his plump, rosy cheeks.

“I believe you, Taemin-ah.” He gave the boy a reassuring smile, then turned back to the grouchy old woman.

“Ma’am, I would like to adopt him.” He heard many little gasps, and the woman looked at him, surprised.

“That’s a lot of paperwork to fill out for this child. Surely you would like one of the other children.” She glared at the little boy that was standing next to Minho.

“No, I think Taemin-ah would be a best.” He smiled at the boy.

“R-really, songsaenim?” He was staring at his teacher with wide eyes.

“Yes, Taemin-ah. I would like for you to become my son, if that’s okay with you.” Taemin nodded, not really sure if this was a dream or reality.

“Fine then. Come with me.” The old woman led them into an office where Minho signed multiple documents.


It took a while, but soon enough, Minho was Taemin’s official father. Taemin led his new father up to his shared bedroom to gather his belongings, but he only grabbed two things: a yellow blanket that had definitely seen better days, and a light brown teddy bear with a blue ribbon whose left button-eye was about to fall off.

“Mrs. Lim said that this is all I had with me when I was left here. This is my blankey, and this is my teddy bear, his name is Minnie.” He smiled shyly up at his new father, showing him his two treasures.

“They’re very nice, Taeminnie. Is this all you want to take with you?” He shook his head, and grabbed the backpack that had been discarded by the bedroom door. “I have to bring my school stuff, too!”

Minho smiled down at the little boy, and led him back to his car. “Would you like to meet one of my friends, Taemin? We can go shopping and get you some new clothes and toys.”

Taemin bit his lip as Minho helped him buckle his seat belt. “W-we don’t have to go shopping, I-I don’t need anything.”

Minho smiled at him, ruffling his hair. “I want to buy you things, Taemin. That’s what an appa does for his son. Besides, I’m sure Kibum hyung would love to take you shopping.”

Minho went and got into the front seat, driving towards Kibum’s condo. “Who’s Kibum hyung?” Taemin tilted his head.

“He’s one of my friends, Taeminnie. You can call him uncle, though, if you want. Actually, he’ll probably make you call him auntie.” Taemin scrunched up his nose, confused.

“Why would he want me to call him auntie?” Minho chuckled, thinking of his eccentric friend.

“Because he’s funny.” He was careful to choose his words, not wanting to upset the boy.

“C-can I ask you something?” Minho noticed how the little boy was avoiding any titles.

“Of course, Taeminnie.” He glanced at the boy through the rear view mirror.

“D-does this mean that I can call you a-appa now?” Minho smiled to himself.

“Neh, you can call me appa now, if you’d like.” Taemin grinned, playing with his little teddy bear.

“Okay..appa.” He whispered, cuddling with the toy.


“What’s up, Minwhore?” A man with black and blond hair got into the car, startling Taemin with the name that he used to refer to his new father.

“Yah! Key-” Minho was about to lecture his friend when Taemin spoke.

“I thought your name was Minho?” The little boy pouted, and Kibum turned around, staring at the child.

“Minho, did you kidnap this child?” Taemin fidgeted when the man kept staring at him, hugging his blanket and teddy bear closer.

“No, I didn’t kidnap him!” Minho looked at his friend, baffled. Kibum turned to him, narrowing his eyes.

“Then why is he in your car? Who is this kid? Oh my God, you had a kid, didn’t you? How did you keep him a secret for this long? He’s gotta be like, four!” Taemin pouted.

“Yah! I’m five, not four!” Kibum squealed.

“Ahhh! He’s so cute~” He reached out to ruffle Taemin’s hair. “Omo, is this natural? It’s so pretty~”

Taemin pouted at him, “Boy’s aren’t s’posed to be pretty.”

Kibum chuckled, “He’s the cutest little thing! What’s your name, kiddo? Is this kid over here your appa?” He pointed at Minho, who scowled a

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Chapter 101: This was so good...Thank you author-nim!!I liked he first ending more...
sopheaV #2
Chapter 45: 2min father and son moment is my fav
sopheaV #3
Chapter 43: Hahaha i love minkey moment ... Taemin and minho appa is sooo adorable
Chapter 101: I've read this for the 2nd time now and this story still give me major baby fever. I'm adopting, no question about it!
Chapter 94: Taemin is a child after my own heart :')
Chapter 101: 3 years later and Im back again!!
tinytaem #7
Chapter 101: my fifth time reading it! i still like the first ending betterXD
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 101: I Enjoyed This Story & I Like The Second Ending Better:)
nantae #9
Chapter 102: I m new here and i love it :).
Chapter 102: This is so adorable!!! I'm definitely reading the prequel