
The Little Blond Boy
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Taemin was five, and he had just arrived at school. He had to walk to school, like the other children at the orphanage, but they would always leave without him. Sometimes it was scary, walking all the way to school alone. Some of the people looked at him funny, and sometimes the homeless guys freaked him out and followed him a little.

The one homeless guy that scares him the most is the big one that sits on one of the bus benches. He used to sit at a different one, but now he sits on the side of the street that Taemin walks on. He’s scary because he chases the other homeless people away, and he even scares away some of the other people. No one else is allowed to sit on his bench.

Sometimes he yells at Taemin as he passes by, and Taemin came to the conclusion long ago that he’s probably always drunk. He always calls Taemin the ‘Angel of Death,’ and he honestly has no idea where that came from. Taemin just keeps his head down, not looking at the scary man while he walks to school.

But anyways, he arrived at school, early. Like always. He would walk into class first, and sometimes Choi songsaenim wouldn’t even be there. But when he was, he would always smile at Taemin and ask him how he is.

He really likes Choi songsaenim, because he’s the only adult that’s ever been nice to Taemin. But today, Taemin came to school with a bruise on his arm. Minho could tell instantly that someone had grabbed the boy rather roughly, because it was shaped like a hand.

“Taemin-ah, what happened to your arm?” He knelt down next to the little boy, and Taemin fidgeted with

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Chapter 101: This was so good...Thank you author-nim!!I liked he first ending more...
sopheaV #2
Chapter 45: 2min father and son moment is my fav
sopheaV #3
Chapter 43: Hahaha i love minkey moment ... Taemin and minho appa is sooo adorable
Chapter 101: I've read this for the 2nd time now and this story still give me major baby fever. I'm adopting, no question about it!
Chapter 94: Taemin is a child after my own heart :')
Chapter 101: 3 years later and Im back again!!
tinytaem #7
Chapter 101: my fifth time reading it! i still like the first ending betterXD
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 101: I Enjoyed This Story & I Like The Second Ending Better:)
nantae #9
Chapter 102: I m new here and i love it :).
Chapter 102: This is so adorable!!! I'm definitely reading the prequel