Raindrops, Sprinklers - Water!

The Little Blond Boy
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Taemin was lying in his bed, glancing at the alarm clock that sat on his nightstand. The red LED numbers stared back at him, reading 9:23 AM. He smiled sleepily to himself, realizing that it was Saturday morning, and he had no obligations like school or piano. The fourteen year old buried himself underneath the covers, dreaming about sleeping in for the rest of his life.

Fifteen minutes later, he suddenly had to pee. Bad. But it was just so warm under the covers, did he really have to get up?

No, he decided to just stay there. His bladder could wait. His pillow was much more important.

But the rain suddenly grew louder, tapping on his window and splashing in puddles outside. He crossed his legs under the sheets, closing his eyes tightly.

He tried drowning out the sound by daydreaming, but that did not help either.

His thoughts revolved around swimming pools and water fountains. He could picture sprinklers and water slides, hearing the sound of running water.

He cursed to himself, putting his hands over his ears. He was just so lazy, and he really did not want to walk the ten feet to the toilet. His bed was so warm, and he just knew the porcelain throne would be cold as ice.

No, he could hold it for just a while longer.

Then he heard his umma making breakfast in the kitchen, the sound of the sink filling with water catching in his ears.

"Why, umma, why?" Taemin groaned, rolling over and pulli

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Chapter 101: This was so good...Thank you author-nim!!I liked he first ending more...
sopheaV #2
Chapter 45: 2min father and son moment is my fav
sopheaV #3
Chapter 43: Hahaha i love minkey moment ... Taemin and minho appa is sooo adorable
Chapter 101: I've read this for the 2nd time now and this story still give me major baby fever. I'm adopting, no question about it!
Chapter 94: Taemin is a child after my own heart :')
Chapter 101: 3 years later and Im back again!!
tinytaem #7
Chapter 101: my fifth time reading it! i still like the first ending betterXD
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 101: I Enjoyed This Story & I Like The Second Ending Better:)
nantae #9
Chapter 102: I m new here and i love it :).
Chapter 102: This is so adorable!!! I'm definitely reading the prequel