Problems with Teachers

The Little Blond Boy
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Eleven year old Taemin came running into his umma's shop, clearly upset and angry.

"Mommy!" He shouted, opening the door to his umma's office.

"What's wrong, aegi?" Key asked, taking off his reading glasses as he looked up from a stack of papers.

He was greeted with the sight of a very angry little Choi Taemin. The boy was pacing in front of his desk, his arms clasped behind his back, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he watched the floor.

"What's wrong? What's wrong! My music teacher gave me an F on my project, that's what's wrong! Me, Choi Taemin, an F, when stupid Kwon Hoya get's an A! In music!" Taemin looked at his umma, his face full of worry and frustration.

Key stood up, walking over to his son and guiding him to take a seat.

"Calm down, aegi. Tell umma what happened." Key took Taemin's book bag and set in the floor, taking the seat next to him and rubbing his shoulders.

"We had to do a project for music class. All we had to do was make up our own song, easy peasy. And I did, but she gave me an F!" Taemin pouted, wanting his umma to fix it.

"Were there any requirements for the project?" Key was confused; why would someone give his son, the piano prodigy, an F on a music assignment.

"It had to be at least one minute long, no longer than two minutes, and it had to either be on the piano, the flute, or the guitar. I followed all the requirements, umma! It was a minute and twenty three seconds long, and I played the piano!" Taemin leaned against his umma, "She just hates me."

"Oh sweetie, I doubt it's that she hates you. There was probably just a misunderstanding. Let's go talk to her, neh?" Key smiled down at his son.


Taemin crossed his arms, stomping out to his umma's car. Key grabbed his car keys and a copy of the

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Chapter 101: This was so good...Thank you author-nim!!I liked he first ending more...
sopheaV #2
Chapter 45: 2min father and son moment is my fav
sopheaV #3
Chapter 43: Hahaha i love minkey moment ... Taemin and minho appa is sooo adorable
Chapter 101: I've read this for the 2nd time now and this story still give me major baby fever. I'm adopting, no question about it!
Chapter 94: Taemin is a child after my own heart :')
Chapter 101: 3 years later and Im back again!!
tinytaem #7
Chapter 101: my fifth time reading it! i still like the first ending betterXD
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 101: I Enjoyed This Story & I Like The Second Ending Better:)
nantae #9
Chapter 102: I m new here and i love it :).
Chapter 102: This is so adorable!!! I'm definitely reading the prequel