A getaway

Souls of the Damned



"Look I´m telling you.. you guys are totally dreaming. It´ll hit you soon. Hard!" I heard Kibum say

Yumi stopped in her tracks and sighed as she stared at the mansion. I spun around halfway to look at her while holding her hand

"He´s talking about me isn´t he?" She asked and looked at me

I nodded slowly

"Why does he has such trust issues? I know I´m different. A lot different. I´m incredibly strong, I like blood and I need blood to survive, I kill without blinking and I love.."

"Beyond limits" I said and took her into my arms

She chuckled

"You really trust me that much Jae?`" She asked a bit unsure

"I don´t trust that this is going to be easy. And I know how hard it is. Yumi I´ve been there. I taught everyone of them. What makes you think that I won´t be able to help you?" I asked

"I just might be a little more different than the other guys" She chuckled as she leaned in for a kiss

"Do not get too full of yourself. Are you doubting this old man?" I chuckled

"One hot old man that is" She smiled

I hugged her tightly as she hugged me back

"Don´t worry .. It´ll take you time. I was thinking about it. Or I have been thinking about a trip for a very long time but I haven´t done it yet. And I´d like to go back" I mumbled

"Go where?"

"Let´s get inside first"

We ran and in a split of a second we were in the living room along with the rest of them, Yoochun playing chess with Changmin, Yunho videogames as Junsu were listening to music. Kibum was drinking as usual

"So a trip?" Yoochun asked as he made his move against Changmin

"Yeah Kind of. I want to go back. It´ll be easier for Yumi to get a hold of herself and she´ll be able to roam freely" I said

"You make me sound like an animal" She muttered as she squeezed my hand. I chuckled

"And where would this paradise be?" Kibum asked

"London. Countryside. My castle" I smiled

"NO WAY!!" Junsu flew up from the couch

"Really?" Yunho asked

Yumi looked around a bit awkwardly

"London? As in UK London? In Europe?" She stuttered

"Shakespeare" Yoochun said

"Jude Law, Orlando bloom" Changmin said

"Big Ben.. the might queen and prince William and his beloved" Kibum said

"We´re going? Hyung, you´re not joking are you?" Junsu asked

"Why .. all the way there?" She stuttered

"You don´t want to go?" I asked and looked at her

"No NO! I´d love to.. but.."

"Look, first of all, you can see this as a getaway. Because of everything is happening here, it might just be good for you to get out of this town"

"But my..."

"We´ll fix that" Changmin assured as he was into his chess game with Yoochun

"How will you fix that? You will not turn them into vampires are you?!" She said, panicking

"No no.. We´ll just figure something out. Let them go on a vacation or pretend that they won a trip somewhere. Or go visit your grandmother or something" I said

Yumi´s eyes changed and I knew I was starting to get to her. I smiled

"Wouldnt you looove to see the play Romeo and Juliet?" I asked

"Go and see Big Ben?" Yunho asked

"Visit Hyung´s amazing castle?" Junsu asked

"Go to the top of London eye and hear me whisper that I love you?" I whispered

A shy smile appeared and I heard Kibum groan out of disgust. I couldn´t care less

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked

"It´ll be good for you. One week" I smiled

"What is so special about that castle anyways?" She asked

"Oh you have no idea Yumi... No idea" Yunho grinned which caused everyone to chuckle



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Dr_Silver #1
loveydovey #2
Chapter 84: juat realised u updated months ago.
yay!! gomawoyoo......
i'll keep waiting for ur update coz i like this fic so much. :)
Chapter 83: Happy you updated :) Jaejoong opens up more about the castle and his life especially his family and relatives :) So sweet of Jaejoong to say those words :) Will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen next! Update soon :)
CassieIndo #4
Chapter 82: still no update..and this is my thirteenth times re-read this story..authornim,,pleaseee if u have a time.. just update 2 or 3 chaps will be enough for half year..pleasseee im begging you T_____T
CassieIndo #5
Chapter 82: Reread again and still not update T____T maybe this is my tenth times reread this story...i love this story so much...please update thia authornim....pleaaaseeee T___T
CassieIndo #6
Chapter 82: Authornim,, when will u continue this story..im totally in love with this story..please update authornim... pretty pleaaaasseee π_π
loveydovey #7
U wrote a very incredible vampire story. Please update more~~
joeybelle #8
Chapter 82: Ahhh! I need to know what happened in Jaejoong's past! Update soon! <333
Chapter 82: really curious on Jaejoong's past & also about the castle so will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)