Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back
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"Where are we going?" Her furrowed eyebrows placed on her face as she looked around. Chanyeol had a fixed smile as he drove. He didn't reply to any of her questions, making her salty pout come out.


The silence she received resolved Seri to turn her attention out the window. The street running with kids who played with the snow covering the ground. Their gleeful cries reminded her of the same naive laughs she made then. Waking up early just to see how white the place would be after snow fell overnight. She remembers asking her mom permission to come and play outside together with her sister the whole day.


"What time did you leave this morning? Mom said you left even before breakfast." she questions, remembering what had happened.


"Then that answers your question."


"No, it doesn't. I'm asking you about the time. And why did you leave so early today anyway? Did something come up?"




"Then why? Went jogging?"


A chuckle left him as she threw question after question. The frustration Seri felt grew with his reaction, making her groan.


"I went to get the ca-r"


"That early?"


"Why are you mad again?", he asked with a cheery smile.


"Why won't you answer my questions?", she responds seriously.


"I already did. I told you I went to get the car."


"But why do you have to leave so early?"


"Aigoo.. why are there so many questions? Missed me that much?" His sly smile comes across his face as he glanced at her. Seri rolled her eyes, feeling more irritated at his boosting confidence.


"At least tell me where we're going."


"We're almost there."


"To where?"


The silence came back with Chanyeol's absent answer.


"Yah! I'm driving." he protests after Seri's hard slap to his arm. After that she ignores him, putting her eyes to the window. She can hear his chuckles but still ignores any word with him.


"You're mad now aren't you?"


"Okay, I'm sorry."


"Hey, talk to me."


Seri snatched his hands off her face when he tried to pinch her cheeks to get her attention. However, her gesture didn't stop him from bothering her silent treatment. He chuckled as he did, knowing how annoyed she was.



A few more minutes of pure silence from her and Chanyeol parks the car at an empty lot. Seri's eye examined their surroundings, unfamiliar with the place he took her to.



A high stairway awaits in front of her. The top unclear with strong trees covering the view. Everything was almost white with cool winds continuing to blow.


"Why are we here?"


"You'll know soon. Come on."


Still getting cloudy answers from him, Seri walks ahead. Chanyeol followed with a smirk as he watched her bitter self taking the stairs.


No words heard from her. She didn't mind asking him anything, knowing he wouldn't answer anyways. Seri only concentrated on climbing. Step by step she could feel the wind getting colder. She tried to catch her breath with her legs starting to tire.


"Should I carry you?"


Her eyebrows met at the question he gave. Chanyeol looked all natural as he took his steps with his hands inside his pockets, all relaxed. Even his breathing seemed normal to her eyes when she glanced.


Chanyeol witnessed her slowing pace. She ignored him but laughed it off, amused by her completely. He stayed close behind, following her. He would wait for her to catch her breath before taking another step as they neared the top.


"You okay?"


The glare she gave him was strikingly fearful. If she wasn't so tired, Seri might have choked him for making her walk that far. She was out of breath when they finally reached their destination.


From the look she gave him, Chanyeol knew it was going to be a long silent treatment for him. However, he wasn't backing out.


"Aigoo look at your scarf." He approached, reaching her. It was his way of trying to soothe the enraged girl. His attempts, however, was blocked by her hands as she slapped his away with a beating glare.


"I know. I'm sorry. I just want to show you something." he explained with high hopes she'd tone down on him.


She didn't reply but instead walked to a nearby bench for a short break. Chanyeol followed, taking the space beside her.


On top of the long stairway awaits a forest sanctuary with a stone house resting in the middle. A bonfire lit on either side of the road to give warmth a midst the frozen nature.


"Does someone live here?"


"I wouldn't really say live but.. I'll introduce you to him a little later."




"Eo. When you're ready."


"Come on. Let's go inside."


"You said we'd go when I'm ready."


"It's warm inside. Don't worry we won't go to him just yet."


He stood and extended his hand for her to take. Although puzzled, Seri took his invitation set to escape the freezing temperature.


The stone cottage was warm and welcoming with a bright fireplace greeting them. The scent of freshly brewed coffee radiating through her body while they shook the snow off their boots. She felt at home the second she laid eyes on the whole place. Though it looked small from the outside, it was rather spacious once they entered.


It wasn't the typical cottage you would imagine. Simple. But the interior looked like it was cut out of a magazine. The sofas looked too comfy and inviting with a flat screen TV in front complete with stereos. When she looked to her right, the tidy equipped kitchen took her in awe. Every corner of that house was shining through her eyes.


"Who lives here?"


"Here? Zino, the care taker.", he answered while he searched the kitchen drawers. Seri watched from the living area, trying not to touch anything she might break.


"Care taker?"



"Eo. Why?"



"Why do you want to introduce me to Zino?"


"Zino? No. Not him.", he chuckled.



"We'll go to him later. Sit and rest first.", he instructs pouring two cups of coffee.


The soft sofa felt too nice to be sat on. She straightened her back, feeling unworthy of the furniture. Chanyeol arrived shortly with two cups on both hand.


"What's wrong?"




"Why are you so stiff?"


"Well.. you own this place?", she finally asked the obvious.


"Halmeoni likes this place a lot. And she wanted somewhere to stay whenever she's here so harabeoji built this house for her. Appa had it renovated before so it looks a little modern now."


"That sounds really amazing." Her comment brought a smile to Chanyeol. Her neck turned as she still eyed the whole place. Her coffee left untouched with her continues sight seeing.


"Make sure to warm yourself. We'll go outside in a little while."


"Can't you really just tell me what's going on? You've been taking me to places since yesterday. I'm having a whirlwind of emotions every now and then."


He chuckled at the use of words she gave. Both serious and confused, she looked at him ready for his answer.


"And it's still not over.", he teased with a wink before sipping on his cup.






Full geared to fight the snow. Chanyeol brought Seri out once more.


An open temple like structure caught her eye as they exit the back door. It's brick walls stood strong. Slowly they approached. Curiosity once again captured her as she caught a better view of it. Chanyeol gestures her to go ahead and enter before him.


A mixture of scented candles and fresh flowers greeted her. The blossoms accompanying a rectangular carved stone.


"Isn't this a grave?", she whispered to herself.


Seri walked closely behind Chanyeol while they neared the tomb. They stood a few steps in front and it was where her eyes widen at what she read.


"Good morning harabeoji." He greeted, squatting close.


She almost choked at the lack of air she felt, realizing where he took her to. The deep bow naturally came with her heavy breathing. Why did she suddenly feel this nervous? Chanyeol saw what she did, making a natural smirk come his face.


"I have someone to introduce to you." Chanyeol spoke, bringing his arm over her with a smile. She gulped after a deep breath to calm herself.


"Harabeoji, I want you to meet Seo Seri. You know her right?"


His introduction made her pause and think of what he meant.


"You should greet."


"He-hello sir."


"She didn't want to come but-agh!" He stopped, feeling a painful pinch to his side.


"Arraseo." He gave in to the pain before squatting again.


"Sorry I haven't been visiting lately. The company got me full. Not to worry though, everything's going great."


Seri watched him speak as if his grandfather would reply. He continued to tell him stories while the space listened. She saw him completely open his heart to his grandfather. Sharing the good news but also his deepest worries. Her admiration continues to grow for him as she witnessed the bitter-sweet conversation he was having. Tears started to form but she tried her best to hold them in. Silently, she stepped back to let him, them, be alone.


With the snow starting fall again, Seri waited for him outside. The scene never leaving her mind. She knew how close he was with his grandfather. It made her feel bad that she didn't get the chance to actually meet him. One by one, memories flashed back on her.


"Why are you here?" His voice came, shaking her out her thoughts.


"Ah.. well.."


"Oh, were you crying?"


"Huh? No."




"I'm not

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Cooking a new story for you guys! Watch out for it. I'll update soon. "Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back"


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Chapter 74: Awwww what a lovely story. I enjoy reading it so much!! Eventho it isn't completed yet, but still worth to read. Thank you, dear author. I hope you're healthy and happy wherever you are <333
NinAlice #2
I miss reading this. Even though it’s not finished, this has been the best ff I’ve read so far in my life.
Chapter 74: I miss this sooooo much ???
Chapter 74: When u want to update(。ŏ_ŏ)
Luckychicken101 #5
Chapter 74: I miss this sooo much xxo please update soon!!!~~ I was hunting this story down and I'm glad you updated!!
Chapter 74: Please update ?
ririsriandini #7
Chapter 74: OMGGGGG finally i found mari sehun and jiyaaah. Miss them for so long hehe thankyou for update authornimmm
Chapter 74: OMG!! I had my heart in my mouth while reading this chapter! I was really worried about the dream and I started reading in between the lines to find out any subtle hints of the upcoming disaster but Chan's last line put my worries to rest and made me smile. I hope Chan's crisis in the company gets settled and look at those friends! They remind me of mine when I got heartbroken. Haha...
Take care
Luckychicken101 #9
inspiritsal #10
Chapter 74: Yay u updated early this time,totally worth the wait tho !!looking forward to the next chapter authornim fighting!!