Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back
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"This is just day one."


There was not a doubt in Chanyeol's tone. He had his full determination set on. However, he could still see the anxiety through her eyes. It could only make sense. She wasn't going to open up to him easy. But just like he said, he will work for it.


"So its 1-1. What's our deciding game?"


There was a light in Chanyeol's every smile today. Seri could notice it clearer, now that he's just a few breathes away. She felt how he was trying to make things less difficult for them. His talking, his actions.. it was all natural not because he wasn't affected but rather, it was all because he was truly happy. A feeling Seri couldn't admit out of her confusion. But now she knew.


"Hhmm.. something we can be both good at." Her sweet smile was witnessed again on her pale face. Chanyeol fought the feeling of just coming right at her to his arms from there. It will just have to wait.


"Okay. What's on your mind?"


"Ahh.. I saw ping pong tables at the other side?"


"Ping pong? Hhmm.. Sounds good to me. Let's go?"


He offers his palms to her for support so she could hop off the high stool. Seri gives him a smile before taking his hand. The feeling of their palms together sent a smile to both their faces. They walked out the bowling alley side by side as they marched to play table tennis.


"Whoever wins this round gets a wish. Deal?"




With that said, Chanyeol and Seri begins their ping pong game. One hit after another, they'd laugh at every score either of them would get. Chanyeol would do silly exhibitions during the game. Most of those he'd miss, giving Seri an automatic point.


His continued failure just made Seri laugh even harder. She felt how her stomach contracted with every move he attempted yet completely missed the ball. The game ended with never ending laughter's. Eventually, Seri won as Chanyeol failed to return the last hit.


Despite his losing state, there was not a hint of depression in him. His laughs even made him look like he won. Seri saw his pure happiness through his laughs.


"What happened to playing serious?"


"You were too good." He earned an eye roll from her. She knew that if only he had played seriously, he would have won. But he choose to act silly and goof around.


"This is  too depressing for me. But.. a deal is a deal. You're wish is my command." He gives a prince like bow to her. An arm across his stomach, the other to his back.


His actions gathered attention from the other people playing inside. Girls giggled at the gentleman like gesture he gave. Seri, however, felt a strike of embarrassment at the attention they suddenly gained.


She quickly held his shoulders, urging him to stand back up. Chanyeol followed and noticed the stares of others. A smirk followed his face after. He bows politely to them before putting his arm over Seri's shoulder, leading them both out the place.


Seri was surprised at what he did. It got people squirming at his actions. She didn't notice herself blushing out of embarrassment as they both walked away.


For a moment Chanyeol's hand stayed in place over her even after they were out already. Her heart did it again and that is when she realized the weight on her shoulders.


"Yah!", she brushed his hand off, glaring at him.


"Eo? Made up your mind with your wish?", he asks casually.


"My wish?"


"Yeah. Think about it. But let's find somewhere to eat first. I'm starving." His eyes wondered around for any nearby restaurant.


"Ahh.. there is somewhere.", she hesitantly spoke.




"I heard of this really good place here. It's actually why I wanted to come here too."


"Ah really? Where?"

  "It's this place called Lotto."  

"Huh? But that's uphill Seri. That means we have to go out. Are you sure?"


"You said anything I want."

    A surprised chuckle left his chest at her sulking words. He nodds his head, understanding her wish.   After making sure she was warm enough to go out, Chanyeol led them to exit the building.   Harsh cold winds blew through them as soon as they stepped out. Seri's body shivered immediately at the negative degree temperature outside. Her hands trembled under her thick jacket. All of her muscles tensed at the zero warmth it felt when a long, heavy arm draped over her, giving additional protection from the bitter cold.   "You still want to go?", he whispered caringly to her ear.   She turns to him, nodding promptly at his question. Despite her trembling lips, she was too certain of going. Chanyeol could not help the laugh coming out from him. She tends to be hard headed sometimes yet he didn't really mind it.   "Haaa.. that's a relief.", she sighed once they entered the gondola. In a slow pace it moved uphill, bringing them directly to the stores.   Under the wintry air and grey clouds lies the snow wonderland of the resort. The trees carried the weight of the thick snow as trails of skis divided the ground. Almost everything was painted in white, with only the colorful jackets of the people sliding down to break the dullness.    Chanyeol watched Seri's eyes glimmer as she watched the view. He'd hear her giggle at the sight of people failing to land, the ones who'd bottoms would meet the cold ice. Her nose almost met the glass while she watched them all slide. He became lost in gaze as he could only stare at her from a few steps away.   "How can they stand all this coldness?", she asked amused at the other tourists enjoying the snow. Her still shivering hands kept under her pocket with a hot pack in between. Her teeth automatically biting her lips not to make them numb while her body swayed lightly through the music inside the lift.   She then suddenly felt a pair of large hands gripped at the bar on either side of her. Seri stopped her movements as she felt a weight to the back of her head.   Chanyeol had his forehead leaning on hers. His eyes were closed as Seri was trapped in between his long limbs.   "Cha.."   "Don't move.", he says calmly.   Seri didn't try moving away as there was nowhere to go. Silence filled the gondola while they stayed on the same position. She tried to control the increasing heart beat, afraid that Chanyeol might feel them. The view from outside didn't register to her no longer. Her mind stayed to ask questions, why he suddenly did what he did.   "You're not scared of heights are you?"   She felt his smile when a short exhale of air brush her hair from his low laugh. Imagining his smiles were a much better picture to view rather than the white picture she saw outside.   "Aii don't move.", he irritatingly repeats when she tried to step away.    "Does your head still hurt?", she worriedly asked.   He hums in response just so she would stop on moving. But it was not the true reason behind his actions. Chanyeol just could not take it anymore. Spending the whole day with her sent him back. But he also knew that it was all different now. He could only wish that it was better.   The sweet, fragrant smell of her hair relaxed him. It was as sweet and as soft as he could remember. He could never forget it. After this day, they would be going back to their normal lives. He was unsure how'd they be again. Will he be a stranger to her after? He was unsure.   "I saw the new attraction at your mall.", she starts a conversation to break the echoing silence.   "What attraction?"   "You had a skating ring inside your Pheonix Mall."   "Ahh.. they thought it'd be a nice stop for people in the city who couldn't go in resorts like this for the winter."   "That's a really great idea. I like the design they did with the background. And the waiting area is really nice too."   "Hhmm.. I haven't really seen it in person but if you say they're good then I have no doubts. I should give those people a raise since you liked it.", he chuckles, lifting his forehead. Now, his chin rests at the top of her head, tickling Seri a bit.    "May be you should. Those designs aren't easy to do you know." She leans her back to his chest, closing the distance.   "In that case, I would. Do I need to send you a receipt when I send them the additional bonus?", he jokes, earning a light elbow from Seri. He chuckles more as she holds in the laughter.   "How's China by the way?"   "Ahh it's good. Nothing really new. Meetings, office.. you know."   "I see. Are you going to stay there longer? I mean if it's just the same then, why are you still there?", her voice sounded calm but serious.   "Well, in the meantime, I'm still trying to close some deals. Yixing hyung got sick so I'm taking it over. I plan to come back home as soon as those are done and set."   "Ahh.. well you should close all those in no time."   "Haii Seri, if it was that easy, I should have been here a long time ago.", he sighs.   "Chinese people aren't that easy to please."   "You can do it. It takes patience. You just need the right ingredients, you know." He sees her smile, reflecting at the window mirror.   "Hopefully I'd get those ingredients together soon.", he bitterly chuckles. Seri laughs at the lack of determination Chanyeol's voice sounded.   "I have a question."   "What?"   "Since you stay so much in China, who takes care of your company here?"   "Still me. But the executives just send me papers for approval in China. Sehun comes here often so he looks at things in behalf."   "Why'd you ask?"   "Nothing. Just a thought."   "My turn to ask."   "We have arrived at Lotto building. Thank you for using Sky Line. Please enjoy your stay." Just when Chanyeol gets ready to do the questioning, a lady voice speaks through the speaker. The door then opens for them, revealing the platform.   He grunts as his chance passed. Seri leads them out with a giggle, excited to see the view outside.   Lotto building was filled with luxury. From its high ceiling to its big chandeliers to the classy marble tiles on the floor. It was hard to think that they were in a ski resort just now.   Seri's eyes looked around, taking in the details of each side. The more she looked, the more her eyes got amazed.   Chanyeol's eyes wondered around as well. His fingers gave signals along his slig
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Cooking a new story for you guys! Watch out for it. I'll update soon. "Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back"


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Chapter 74: Awwww what a lovely story. I enjoy reading it so much!! Eventho it isn't completed yet, but still worth to read. Thank you, dear author. I hope you're healthy and happy wherever you are <333
NinAlice #2
I miss reading this. Even though it’s not finished, this has been the best ff I’ve read so far in my life.
Chapter 74: I miss this sooooo much ???
Chapter 74: When u want to update(。ŏ_ŏ)
Luckychicken101 #5
Chapter 74: I miss this sooo much xxo please update soon!!!~~ I was hunting this story down and I'm glad you updated!!
Chapter 74: Please update ?
ririsriandini #7
Chapter 74: OMGGGGG finally i found mari sehun and jiyaaah. Miss them for so long hehe thankyou for update authornimmm
Chapter 74: OMG!! I had my heart in my mouth while reading this chapter! I was really worried about the dream and I started reading in between the lines to find out any subtle hints of the upcoming disaster but Chan's last line put my worries to rest and made me smile. I hope Chan's crisis in the company gets settled and look at those friends! They remind me of mine when I got heartbroken. Haha...
Take care
Luckychicken101 #9
inspiritsal #10
Chapter 74: Yay u updated early this time,totally worth the wait tho !!looking forward to the next chapter authornim fighting!!