Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back
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Take some time off the office and get rest first.
- Chanyeol
  But there's a lot of work to do.
- Seri


  Aish. Chanyeol expresses his frustration out after reading Seri's response. Not even a day after arriving from China, she went straight to the office for work. He doesn't mind her diligence but rest is badly needed too.     Sehun and Kai observes from the same table while their hyung's furrowed eyebrows focused on his phone.


The last conversation with Seri concluded well. He was determined to help Seri out with her project. If only he knew from the very beginning, he wouldn't let her go through so much struggle. He took action the moment he figured it out, making sure things would clear smoothly.




  With the flick of the switch, the room shone brightly as Seri arrived home from a long day's work. A warm shower followed by the cozy wrap of her blankets relaxed her whole body tenderly.


  Her eyes felt heavier and heavier with each passing second that she sank into the softness of her bed.


  Are you home?
- Chanyeol


The vibration of her phone wakes her half asleep state as she grabbed to read his message.
  She smiled through his text. Chanyeol had been checking on her from time to time since they separated. It was very caring of him, she thought.


  I am. How about you?
- Seri


Still at the office. It's getting late. Rest.
- Chanyeol


I should say the same to you. Any news with Mr. Han?
- Seri


We're arranging our proposal. I've talked to the head of the residence project. They should contact you soon. Go get some sleep.
- Chanyeol     I see. Thank you but you should really be going home now.
- Seri


  I'll go after this. Goodnight.
- Chanyeol


Okay then. Take care. Goodnight
- Seri




Ring Ring Ring


The office phone shakes Haru's table as it rang continuously.






Heels clicking, Haru walks briskly to approach one of the busiest table in their depertment. The earlier call was of great importance, she had to tell her quickly.


Piles of folders were arranged neatly on her table, though its number couldn't be counted easily. The owner of the table non other than Seo Seri.
  "Excuse me, Ms. Seo?", she calls for her attention while she was busy on her computer.


  "Yes Haru?",she answers, adjusting her glasses along.


  "We just got a call from Park Prime Development."


  "What? What did they say?"


  "CEO Park wants to schedule a meeting with you."


  Seri was taken a back by the sudden announcement Haru brought.


  He's here?


"They're asking if you're free tomorrow by 10am."


  The confusion then hit her. Why would he ask someone else to tell her that?


  "Tell them I'll be there."




  Park Prime and Development Enterprises. The most prestigious building at the heart of the city. It felt weird to be standing in front of this tower after months of being away from it.
  With an exhale of deep breath, Seri fixed her dress before coming in.     The guards easily recognized her as she need not to show any ID to be able to enter.
  "Oh Ms. Seo."


  "Hello.", surprised, she sees Chanyeol's secretary calling her.


  "Mr. Park is already waiting for you in his office."


  The slender lady lead her to the elevator directly to the floor of the CEO's office. Her heart beat anxiously not because she was going to see him, but because of the attention she was getting from the employees.


  Some greeted her with polite smiles. To those, she'd smile back. To a few, she earned whispering gossips but Seri could only ignore them.


  The heels of her shoes echoes her steps, nearing the Presidential room. Chief Executive Office. The sign read.


  "CEO Park, Ms. Seo is here."


  "Let her in."


  Within three seconds the secretary opens the door for her. She peeked in to see a serious looking Chanyeol focused on his papers. His fingers plays with his pen as his eyes stick to his sheets.


  "What are you doing there? Come here." He spares a quick glance to Seri who was standing idle by the door.
  His words shakes her out of her stare. For how long did she just watch him?
  "When did you arrive?" She asked. Unlike the first day that she left China, he didn't contact her the whole day yesterday. The only update she got was this meeting he scheduled.


  "Just this morning. Sit down."


Seri approached to take the seat in front of his table. However, Chanyeol then stood, leaving his CEO seat, going around the glass table with folders on hand.


  "What are you doing there?", he asked, seeing Seri sitted at the chair by the table.
  Seri was unable to answer due to confusion. Didn't he just tell her to sit down?


"I meant here.", he points at the sofa.


  She follows his gesture without a word, claiming the soft sofa.


  "It's a good thing you're free today. I really needed to talk to you.", he starts as they sat opposite eachother.


  "Yeah. But you can just message me that. Why have your secretary call the office?


  "I thought you wanted this to be formal."


  She couldn't answer him as she knew she asked for it.


  "Anyway, I'll make this quick because I have another meeting coming up."


  "I understand."


  "I have some bad news Seri. The residence project was already finalized. I have signed all its papers before I found out about your situation." His expression was all serious as he spoke.


Seri felt disappointed but she also understood. It's only natural. Her mind goes into deep thinking now that Chanyeol wouldn't be able to help her.


  He saw the sadness in her eyes while his insides shattered.     "I do have another project on hand. It's not as big as the other one but hopefully it'll sustain for the meanwhile."


Seri lifted her head to him, waiting for the next words.


  "We're preparing to remodel a few units down south. Proposal for designs are still open. This will all be the information you'll need for that. I've checked it myself."


He slides the folder to her while he spoke off added details over the project. Seri listened intently with hope growing within her.


  "Your team will go through the standard procedure as promised. The head is Mr. Kang. His contact details are right there."


Seri browsed the folder while she tried to absorb what Chanyeol was saying.


"Okay. I'll meet my team right after this. Thank you."
  "There's more I need to tell you. The last board meeting Minseok hyung mentioned about wanting to renovate one of his hotels. I told him about you and he gladly wanted to talk to you about it. I gave him your number so he should contact you anytime soon."


  Minseok? She remembers his name. The chain of hotels that his family own is widely known through out the continent. Another Galaxy Group Corp. product.


  "I see. I'll tell my boss about that too. Thank you."


  In a swift, Chanyeol had brought light to Seri's concerns. She took the time to grasp his words, silently plotting what she needed to do.


  Chanyeol waits patiently for any clarifications she might ask. However, her only reaction was silence.


  "Excuse me, Mr. Park? 15 minutes.", his secretary informs.


  Seri wakes from her daze, glancing at him. He gives his secretary a go signal before she left again.


  With her clear eyes, she observes him. His wide table only carried piles after piles of paper. Even his secretaries looked restless at the amount of work to do.


  "Is everything alright?" He heard the concern in her tone along with the worry in her eyes.     "Yes it is. I'm just packed with meetings today.", he reassures her with a smile.
  "I'll get going then. So you can prepare."


  "But did you understand everything I told you? Mr. Kang is in a meeting right now. You can talk to him after if you want. You can wait here."
  Her lips curve up at the care he's giving. But she didn't want to bother him longer.


  "Ahh I'll just schedule a meeting with him. Thank you for this again." She stood, slowly heading to the door. Chanyeol followed beside her still hoping she'd stay a while.


  "Okay then. Take care." He gives up, knowing there's also a lot of work for her to do as well.


"Good luck on your meeting." With her fists, she whispers 'Fighting' to wish him good luck.
  Chanyeol chuckles at her cute gesture. His smile not leaving his face even after she left.  


  Days passed that Seri, Seola and the whole team prepared their proposal for the new project Chanyeol gave. Another great opportunity arises for KLM Designs. They were determined to get accepted this time around. Every one did their part with extra effort for a chance to work with the prestigious Park Prime.


  With their both busy schedules, Chanyeol and Seri didn't see each other since the meeting at his office. Once in a while they'd message one another with simple 'how are you's. But it was still enough to brighten their days.
  The day of the proposal presentation finally came. Seola, Haru together with three more members of their team came prepared and ready. All that was missing is the panel to present to.
  Within a few minutes, they showed themselves one by one. Mr. Kang, the project head, greeted them politely alongside his team members.


  "Whenever you're ready Ms. Lee." Mr. Kang speaks.


  "Ah excuse me sir but we might have to wait a little while."


  Seola was already prepared to start off when a lady halts her.


  "CEO Park will be joining us today.", she continues.


  Seola was shocked to hear such
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Cooking a new story for you guys! Watch out for it. I'll update soon. "Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back"


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Chapter 74: Awwww what a lovely story. I enjoy reading it so much!! Eventho it isn't completed yet, but still worth to read. Thank you, dear author. I hope you're healthy and happy wherever you are <333
NinAlice #2
I miss reading this. Even though it’s not finished, this has been the best ff I’ve read so far in my life.
Chapter 74: I miss this sooooo much ???
Chapter 74: When u want to update(。ŏ_ŏ)
Luckychicken101 #5
Chapter 74: I miss this sooo much xxo please update soon!!!~~ I was hunting this story down and I'm glad you updated!!
Chapter 74: Please update ?
ririsriandini #7
Chapter 74: OMGGGGG finally i found mari sehun and jiyaaah. Miss them for so long hehe thankyou for update authornimmm
Chapter 74: OMG!! I had my heart in my mouth while reading this chapter! I was really worried about the dream and I started reading in between the lines to find out any subtle hints of the upcoming disaster but Chan's last line put my worries to rest and made me smile. I hope Chan's crisis in the company gets settled and look at those friends! They remind me of mine when I got heartbroken. Haha...
Take care
Luckychicken101 #9
inspiritsal #10
Chapter 74: Yay u updated early this time,totally worth the wait tho !!looking forward to the next chapter authornim fighting!!