Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back
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Another school day ended but not the school work. Just thinking of the number of things to do makes Seri go dizzy. Feeling light headed, all she wanted to do now was go back to her apartment. And just to her luck, the rain is pouring down when she got out the building.

“Why now? I don’t have an umbrella”, she asks looking up the dark skies. Seeing how the clouds covered the sky reminded her of the same skies almost eight years ago.

--- Flashback ---

The shower poured heavily. Big drops of rain splashed on to the streets as people came rushing for shelter. It wasn't the brightest day of the week as the dark clouds hid the sun from shining.

School ended early with the heavy rain pouring down all day. Just as Seri was preparing to go home, she noticed a tall boy by the entrance looking at the sky. She decides to walk pass him while getting her umbrella from her bag but unfortunately, seems like she doesn’t have one with her.

“Amazing isn’t it?”, the boy suddenly spoke.



“The rain.”

Seri looked up the sky trying to understand what he meant.

“You don’t have an umbrella, do you?”, he said smiling, snapping Seri out of her thoughts.

“Ah yes. I might have forgotten them.” , she answers him, looking down trying to avoid his smile. Who is this boy ? And why was he suddenly talking to her?

“Then how were you able to go here this morning?”, he asked curious this time.

“My dad drove me here on his way to work. I might have left it in the car.”

“Oh. Is he picking you up?”

“No. He’s probably still in the office. I’m taking the bus.”


So many questions, “I’m walking to my stop. Bye.”, she ends the conversation as quickly as she could. She had never seen this student before or may be she doesn't remember him. But it does not matter. She needed to go home as early as possible before the streets get darker when night comes.

However, as soon as she stepped out, he pulled her back by the arm.

“The bus stop is a few blocks away you can’t walk there without an umbrella, you’ll be dripping by the time you arrive.”

She didn’t speak, unable to respond from his words. It was true though but what can she do?

“Here..”. He grabbed her hand and placed a yellow umbrella on hers.

“I can’t take that.”, she handed it back to him.

“I’ll be fine. Take it.” He refuses to get the umbrella from the smaller girl.

“Thanks but no. Besides it seems like it’ll stop anytime soon. I’ll just wait.”

A sudden loud sound of the thunder followed by a heavier rain fall poured on the city. They both look up the skies, witnessing its mad sounds.

Seri let off a sigh, knowing it wouldn't stop from pouring as soon as she hoped.

“Alright come on. I’ll walk you to your stop.”, he said, taking the umbrella from her hand and opening it for her.

“Huh?” Confusion grew inside her at the boy's invitation.

“Let’s go before it gets heavier.”

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Cooking a new story for you guys! Watch out for it. I'll update soon. "Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back"


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Chapter 74: Awwww what a lovely story. I enjoy reading it so much!! Eventho it isn't completed yet, but still worth to read. Thank you, dear author. I hope you're healthy and happy wherever you are <333
NinAlice #2
I miss reading this. Even though it’s not finished, this has been the best ff I’ve read so far in my life.
Chapter 74: I miss this sooooo much ???
Chapter 74: When u want to update(。ŏ_ŏ)
Luckychicken101 #5
Chapter 74: I miss this sooo much xxo please update soon!!!~~ I was hunting this story down and I'm glad you updated!!
Chapter 74: Please update ?
ririsriandini #7
Chapter 74: OMGGGGG finally i found mari sehun and jiyaaah. Miss them for so long hehe thankyou for update authornimmm
Chapter 74: OMG!! I had my heart in my mouth while reading this chapter! I was really worried about the dream and I started reading in between the lines to find out any subtle hints of the upcoming disaster but Chan's last line put my worries to rest and made me smile. I hope Chan's crisis in the company gets settled and look at those friends! They remind me of mine when I got heartbroken. Haha...
Take care
Luckychicken101 #9
inspiritsal #10
Chapter 74: Yay u updated early this time,totally worth the wait tho !!looking forward to the next chapter authornim fighting!!