Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back
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Knock Knock Knock   The knock on his door snapped Sehun out his thoughts while he stared at an envelope on his office desk.   "Hi. Ready to go?", Mari comes in, looking stunning with her red dress and black high heels. Sehun and her would spend lunch together, like they do everyday. Usually, he'd pick her up in her office, however, he was oddly late today which lead Mari in deciding to pick him up this time.   "Yeah. Just a second.", he fixed his table, piling the papers and folders neatly on the side.   "You okay?", she noticed his low energy.   "Yeah."   Mari knew he was lying. Something was definitely bothering him though, he refused to tell her.   "Who do you think you're lying to?", she sat on the sofa, waiting for his explanation.   Sehun sighed in defeat, knowing he can't really hide anything from her.   "Chanyeol's turn-over invitation just came in."   "Really? Let me see."   Sehun walked over to her, sitting on the opposite sofa. He gave her the envelope he was staring at just a few seconds ago.   "What's making you worry?"   He didn't answer.   "Don't tell me you're not coming."   He just kept silent with his signature lip playing. Mari rolled her eyes, realizing what was coming.   "Can't the two of you just make peace? I mean you were once really good friends."   Sehun face palms as his past friendship with Chanyeol flashed back into him. They practically grew up together. Their father's were best friends since college which brought their families together even before they were born. When Sehun's family got based in China, they were still able to keep their friendship. However, when Chanyeol's family got into an accident, it was the start of complication between the Oh's and the Park's.   Without his father managing their company and halmeoni's grieving, the company started to crumble down. Sehun's father intended on saving it by buying shares over their hold. This also means that he is to buy their company. He meant it out of his concern. When other business men found out that one of the biggest companies in the country was in the midst of falling down, they all gave interest in buying it which pushed Sehun's father's decision. He didn't want others to manage it, knowing how important it is to his best friend. Although his actions were misinterpreted. Like the other business men in the country, his father gained the image of taking advantage of the Park's family's grieving for his selfish interests which had hurt Chanyeol and his grand mother deeply.   "Mari you know the situation."   "That was years ago. It was all a big understanding. Both of you know that." she paused.   "If the two of you can't do it for yourselves, then do it for Seri."   Sehun stood up to look out the window, his back facing Mari as he thought of what she said.   "Okay. I'm leaving."   "Where are you going?", he looked back at Mari. She was walking to the door, leaving him alone in his office.   "Back to work.", she turned her heel, facing him.   "We haven't even had lunch."   "I'm not hungry anymore.", she crossed her arms to her chest, her eye brow raised, her eyes sending daggers at him.   "Okay. I'm sorry. It's just not that easy..... You know what, let's just go. I'm hungry."   "Promise me one thing first."   "What?"   "You'll go to Chanyeol's turn-over."   Sehun didn't know what to answer. He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly as she glared at him. Mari got impatient waiting for his answer. She turned around again, ready to leave him be.   "Okay. I promise."   She stopped, smiling to her self.   "WE.. will go to the turn-over party.", he said.   She glanced at him, wearing her cheeky smile that only made Sehun roll his eyes. He walked towards the door, opening it for her as they both left his office for lunch.     **    



Sehun called out for him once the Galaxy Corp. meeting finished. He turned around staring at him blankly.


"Can we talk? Privately.", he asked when he reached the taller man.


The two men decided to talk on the building roof top where none could hear them. They were both leaning on the rails, watching the busy city that afternoon.


Chanyeol didn't speak and just waited for Sehun to say his piece.


"My father said that him and your dad used to go up here and drink before they go home after office. That's against the company rules but.."


Chanyeol kept his lips sealed, still waiting where he's taking this conversation to.


"I can also remember coming up here to fly kites while we waited for their meetings to finish. I guess we both know where we got our heads from."


A small curve formed on both their lips reminiscing their childhood silliness. The two of them would always get scolded whenever they would come up the roof top. They used to run around the building, playing with the elevator, putting their noses on the employees work and the people whose sole job is to look after them will always end up restless running back and forth in the attempt of getting them still. But their fathers will get the most scolding among every one else from their mothers every time the two of them would fool around.


"Your father had the best intentions, we misunderstood. I apologize.", Chanyeol sincerely said.


"We had our share of faults too. I also apologize."


The air grew silent as the wind blew for them, cars honking and people walking the busy streets of the city.


"You and Seri. Do you really plan on marrying her?", Sehun started off again.


"We're not forcing anyone to believe us.". he answered without laying eyes on him.


"Your grand mother. She's forcing you to get married?"


"She has her reasons."


"Why Seri?"


"What do you mean?"


"Is this some kind of an arranged marriage? Because, I don't see why her. She's just an ordinary girl. Her family can't contribute to the company.", he said now facing him but Chanyeol kept his eyes on the buildings.


"Then that answers your question. It's not an arranged marriage. But she's no ordinary girl. Not to me."


"So you love her? You're marrying her because you love her?"


"Is that so hard to believe? That you're talking to me like I'm some kind of a person who can't."


"It's just a yes or no question"


 Chanyeol started to clench his fists.


"Why? What's Seri to you that you've been  so against this?"


"She a precious friend. I don't want to think that her feelings' being used so some one could get what they want. I can never accept that."


"What are you trying to say?"


"I'm saying, if you're just using Seri so you could get the CEO position then you should just stop. You're right, she's no ordinary girl. She's special. You know very well what she feels for you, don't take advantage of it."


Chanyeol’s lips formed a smugly smirk, getting very impatient.


"In what drama are you getting this?"


"Chanyeol, do you love her?"


"Seri asked me to try and get along with you. But we both know it wouldn't be as easy as she thought.", Chanyeol turned around to leave.


"You wronged her once. Don't do it again."


Chanyeol stopped in his tracks, hearing his last sentence.


"If you truly love her, then take care of her, make sure she smiles every day. But if I'm right, and you're only using her, let her go while she hasn't completely fallen. Don't drag her into your family's mess. If you need help with your company, then I'll help you. Take Seri away from it."


Chanyeol grinned his teeth, resuming on walking out before he completely lose his temper on the person he once called his best friend.




Chanyeol leaned on the driver's seat, his mind clouded with thoughts. Thoughts of Seri, her family, halmeoni, the company and now Sehun. The conversation he had with Sehun dug deeper into him. As much as he wanted to hate him for everything he said, he hated himself the most because he also knew Sehun was right.

My daughter is not some kind of insurance you can get so you can take care of your company.

You wronged her once. Don't do it again.

Let her go while she hasn't completely fallen.

He heard voices in his head, piercing through his heart.

"Harabeoji what do I do?", he whispered to the air, clenching his fists on the stiring wheel.

Ring Ring Ring

His phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He took it out, checking who could it be. Chanyeol closed his eyes, a sigh going through his chest. He put his phone down after putting it into a silent mode, avoiding any calls at the moment.


**     "Expect heavy rains this weekend make sure to bring your umbrellas with you before going out..."   Seri heard the weather reporter say while she cleans in the kitchen with her television . She quickly dried her hands and arm before walking to the counter where her phone lies.   Ring Ring Ring   The other line kept on ringing after she dialed for Chanyeol's number. The two of them were supposed to have dinner, together with halmeoni tonight. But he messaged her just before that, saying he had something to fix; leaving her and halmeoni to eat together. Not that she minds being with halmeoni. With Chanyeol's busier schedule lately, dinner was the only time they could see each other and yet he cancelled. She missed him.   11:15pm   She checked the time on her phone.   "He can't be still at work at this hour right?"     **  

No doubt the busy week passed so quickly for Seri. The whole seven plus days was covered with meetings regarding the turn-over and engagement party they would be having soon. Menu picking, food tasting, invitations, scheduling. It left her drained to the very last muscle. But she enjoyed it much.


She and halmeoni grew closer as they have spent everyday together. It was nice to have her around. Seri never experienced having a grand mother. Her eomma's mother and father died when she was younger and she never really got the chance to meet her grand parents from her father's side. They died even before she was born.


Halmeoni was such a great help for her. Hopefully even after she and Chanyeol decide to end their 'pretend' relationship, she'd still be close to her.


Seri was not the only one busy, Chanyeol himself doesn't have a minute to spare for himself. The meetings never stop. Despite the busy schedule though, he kept his promise of making time for Seri. They would be able to meet for dinner together with halmeoni after their separate busy day.


"Seri you're here." Halmeoni welcomes her with a hug.


Chanyeol would be leaving for China tomorrow as scheduled, and so Seri decided to drop by his place to see him.


"He's in his room. Go." Halmeoni urged her to go upstairs where Chanyeol's room could be found.


Knock Knock Knock


"Come in.", she heard him say on the other side.


She peeked inside to see some of his clothes on the bed, his luggage on the floor, some of his clothes just dumped in. He was packing in a very un-neatly manner. However, Chanyeol was not to be seen inside.


"Seri?" He stepped out the walk-in closet and looked at her confused to see Seri standing inside his room holding a paper bag with her.


"Hi.", she greets him with a smile.


"What are you doing here?"


A wave of disappointment flashed through her as she was greeted with cold words from him. In all honesty, Chanyeol has been very different lately. Seri just thought that it was his work stressing him out and she understood that. She as

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Cooking a new story for you guys! Watch out for it. I'll update soon. "Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back"


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Chapter 74: Awwww what a lovely story. I enjoy reading it so much!! Eventho it isn't completed yet, but still worth to read. Thank you, dear author. I hope you're healthy and happy wherever you are <333
NinAlice #2
I miss reading this. Even though it’s not finished, this has been the best ff I’ve read so far in my life.
Chapter 74: I miss this sooooo much ???
Chapter 74: When u want to update(。ŏ_ŏ)
Luckychicken101 #5
Chapter 74: I miss this sooo much xxo please update soon!!!~~ I was hunting this story down and I'm glad you updated!!
Chapter 74: Please update ?
ririsriandini #7
Chapter 74: OMGGGGG finally i found mari sehun and jiyaaah. Miss them for so long hehe thankyou for update authornimmm
Chapter 74: OMG!! I had my heart in my mouth while reading this chapter! I was really worried about the dream and I started reading in between the lines to find out any subtle hints of the upcoming disaster but Chan's last line put my worries to rest and made me smile. I hope Chan's crisis in the company gets settled and look at those friends! They remind me of mine when I got heartbroken. Haha...
Take care
Luckychicken101 #9
inspiritsal #10
Chapter 74: Yay u updated early this time,totally worth the wait tho !!looking forward to the next chapter authornim fighting!!