Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back
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A loud growl was suddenly heard from the sky which startled Seri with a loud squeal stopping their kiss. They both look up to see quick lightnings signaling a nearing downpour to come. Seri shifted her eyes to Chanyeol feeling worried of him.


His facial expression changed. He was definitely not happy actually, he looked mad.


Why do you always ruin things? He referred to the heavens. 


"Chan?", she held his hands to buy his attention.


"We should go back before it rains."


"Let's get the photos first.", she told him pointing at the hanging photos on the trees.


She walked grabbing each picture she could reach. Taking a quick glance back at Chanyeol, she saw him on the same spot. His eyes fixed above.




He turned to her pointing at a photo her arms failed to grab. Seri continued to gather every picture within her grasps while Chanyeol took care of the ones she can't.


Right when they were almost done, the sky decides to pour out its water. Seri hasten her work making sure they had all the photos before leaving the venue. Chanyeol wrapped his jacket around her while they ran off the car.


"Aish! We shouldn't have got the photos.", he complained while driving them home.


"We can't just leave these there.", she rebuts checking if all the pictures weren't destroyed.


"Just put those inside the box at the back seat and wipe yourself first." Chanyeol tells her in an irritated one.


She does what she's told placing the photos inside a box then she dried herself with a tissue.


Seri ogled at him focused on driving. However, he still wore that serious and annoyed look on his face. The rain can really click his mood whatever the situation may be. She reached to pat the side of his face drying the droplets from his hair. Chanyeol felt what she's doing but he was just not in the mood. The rain had ruin the rest of their night.




He instructs Seri to take a warm bath while the household helpers cook dinner for them since they didn't get the chance to eat at the garden.


The feeling of his lips still lingered on hers as Seri stood under the shower reminiscing what just happened. Her heart wouldn't calm down but she also knew that he was not in the best mood after the rain poured, and it was still pouring, heavily. She decides to quickly end her wash determined to cheer him up.


After she was done with her shower, she marched straight to the kitchen checking what she could do to help with the cooking. The staff tried to stop her but she insisted on giving a hand.


Chanyeol walks to Seri arranging the table for dinner. He was now in his pajamas, a black shirt and jogging pants. His hair down and half dried. The way he simply looked still managed to make her stare unknowingly at him.


"Why are you the one doing that?"


She snapps and greets him with a happy smile before telling him to sit down.


Seri saw how nervous the house helpers became after he questioned what she was doing. He was grumpy again. She only smiled approaching him to take his hand and pull him to the chair.


"I wanted to help. Let's eat. They cooked your favorite."


Seri kept on talking while they ate dinner. She tried to bring his mood back not wanting to end the special night with an unhappy Chanyeol.


She brought him to the library after they ate, excited to inform him of what she had been too busy about the whole afternoon. The rain still poured and he was still displeased. Hopefully this will lighten him up.


We're not saying goodnight until you're smiling again., she told herself.


"I did some research.", she said with a smile while they sat beside each other, a lap top on the table in front of them.


"What kind of research?"


"I think we have a chance to build the Channie Amusement Park in time with the opening of the mall."


He looked at her confused from what she's talking about.


"Don't take this the wrong way. I talked to halmeoni about the mall info and the problem you're having."


"Okay. But you can just ask me that."


"I know. But you weren't here and I just had this feeling. Anyway, here it goes."


"The land the company has for this project covers about 42 hectares right? And only 20 hectares was used for the mall and the condo building. The remaining land was left out because of some difficulties and miscommunication the company had. Halmeoni said that the board is now thinking of reselling the part due to that if the project partner refuses to compromise. But I thought may be the company could buy the whole of that land for your own and build the park there."


"You're thinking of having the amusement park beside the mall, which is also in the middle of the city?"


"Why not? I actually think it's a good idea. This can be the perfect escape from the stress of the city plus it's also good for tourism. People from all over the country could visit it for vacation. Families and friends would come for a short trip during weekends. A perfect destination for school trips.."


"Okay, I get that Seri. But the board consists of the whole Galaxy corp., they'll ask for how their companies would also benefit from this. Even if our company is the sole holder of the project they'll still ask for it."


"Chanyeol, your company endorses the whole of Galaxy Corp. Think about it, your malls hold every restaurants, the cafes, jewelry shops and everything else. Which we can also do in the theme park. We can even build a hotel which Galaxy Corp also has. We can have that inside this park for international tourists. It's just unrightful to ask how they would benefit from you when you've been building malls where they could put their shops in."


"The approach would just be different this time. More exciting, brighter, friendlier, louder, a new environment to promote their business."


"The funding.."


"Shouldn't be a problem. I saw the budget  for the latter project. It should be enough or we'll only need to add a little to that. And besides, I don't think spending should be such a problem when we have a big market once it's done."


Chanyeol read the research Seri has done. She had tried to collect as much information they could use in proposing the amusement park to the board as the next project.


"Chanyeol, I know it's a bit messy right now. But I really feel and I just know how big the potential is for this project."


Everything Seri told him including all the research she had done made sense. However, he also knew how laborious the process would be, not to mention the uneasy means of convincing the board for it at this moment. Chanyeol leaned back on his chair, closing his eyes and massaging his forehead.


Seri took a deep breath reaching for his arm with both hands.


"With the right preparation I think the board will approve."


"Seri I appreciate what you're doing. I also want it to happen but I also need to think about it. Let me go through with this before I decide."


He said looking at her. She only nodded with a small smile.


Chanyeol kisses her forehead resting his lips there for a few seconds. She closed her eyes still holding his arm.


"I'm sorry, it's just that when you told me about the theme park, I got excited. I don't think I could wait for a few more years."


He chuckled bringing their foreheads together.


"You want to ride that roller coaster soon?"


She pouted nodding at him which made both of them laugh.


"We'll never know unless we try."


"Thank you."


"Come on, let's go sleep. We got something big tomorrow." Chanyeol stood dragging her up with him.


"Wait. I never got the chance to thank you. For tonight.", she stood in front of him lacing their fingers together.


"I don't know how you got the pictures but it was beautiful. Everything was so beautiful. Thank you."


"Your unnie and friends helped me with some. I'm glad you liked it. Despite the rough start."


She gave a shy smile while he admired her face again.


"Of all the days, it had to rain tonight.", he suddenly said after a heavy sigh.


"Don't blame the rain, I actually owe it one."




She giggled but ignored his question walking passed him to head outside the library. He followed silently, watching from behind.


Everything flashed back in her mind that her heart started to jump around again. He wasn't anywhere near to stop that kiss. If it did not rain, he might still be kissing her now.


She span around to face him as they arrived in front of his bedroom door. They stood in front of each other waiting who would say 'goodnight' first.


"Don't think that the rain ruined our night."


"Just think of it as the sky's way of blessing us. It stands as witness for the promises we made."


"What?" His eye brow raised thinking of what she meant.


She stepped closer encircling his neck for a tight hug. He gently placed his hand on her back and hips surprised by what she did.


"Can you make one more promise for me tonight?"


"What's that?"


"Let me hug you."




"Let me hug you whenever it rains, or whenever you feel distressed or when you feel what the rain makes you feel? Don't go missing. If you want to walk away from the rain and go somewhere else, take me with you. If you don't want to talk about it, then I won't ask. Just let me stay with you. Let me hug'til you feel better."


Chanyeol closed his eyes burying his face to her hair embracing her tightly. How thankful he is for having her. He never expected for anyone to ever be with him yet here she is, saying all these words to him, doing all of these for him.


"Promise me?"


"I promise." he whispered kissing her cheek still holding her close.


"Good." She broke the hug smiling at him.


"Good night." she greeted before turning around to enter the room. He swiftly stopped her though. They both held for the door knob preventing Seri from going inside. She glanced at him from her shoulders, his face peeking close to hers.


"Shouldn't we seal that too? I'm not taking it valid unless we do.", a cheeky grin on his face as he used her words to his advantage.


She turned her face away from him thinking of what she'd do. She doesn't exactly want to escape it however, she's still on a high from the first kiss. Her heart, mind and body won't be able to deal with the second one now.


Chanyeol rested his chin on her shoulders waiting for it.


"How long do you think it'll keep on raining?"




She turned around pouting at him. He smiled lowering his face to

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Cooking a new story for you guys! Watch out for it. I'll update soon. "Love the Rain so You Can Love Me Back"


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Chapter 74: Awwww what a lovely story. I enjoy reading it so much!! Eventho it isn't completed yet, but still worth to read. Thank you, dear author. I hope you're healthy and happy wherever you are <333
NinAlice #2
I miss reading this. Even though it’s not finished, this has been the best ff I’ve read so far in my life.
Chapter 74: I miss this sooooo much ???
Chapter 74: When u want to update(。ŏ_ŏ)
Luckychicken101 #5
Chapter 74: I miss this sooo much xxo please update soon!!!~~ I was hunting this story down and I'm glad you updated!!
Chapter 74: Please update ?
ririsriandini #7
Chapter 74: OMGGGGG finally i found mari sehun and jiyaaah. Miss them for so long hehe thankyou for update authornimmm
Chapter 74: OMG!! I had my heart in my mouth while reading this chapter! I was really worried about the dream and I started reading in between the lines to find out any subtle hints of the upcoming disaster but Chan's last line put my worries to rest and made me smile. I hope Chan's crisis in the company gets settled and look at those friends! They remind me of mine when I got heartbroken. Haha...
Take care
Luckychicken101 #9
inspiritsal #10
Chapter 74: Yay u updated early this time,totally worth the wait tho !!looking forward to the next chapter authornim fighting!!