The Days Back Then

So Similar Yet so Different

rated m because there are some disgusting scenes in this chapter


"Hey tiff and mr. Hwang" she winked in a sassy manner at me.

"H-hi T-T-Taeyeon" I sat down next to my father.

"You sound nervous, is everything alright miyoung?"

"Yes, everything is alright, appa." I couldn't think straight. I looked into the menu but my mind was elsewhere. Suddenly I felt that someone watched me so I let my gaze wander from the menu to the direction where I felt the vibe. It was Taeyeon who looked at me but she shot her head down when she realized that I noticed her little staring session.

"Omma I need to go to the restroom." 'Omma?'

"Just go, it's there" the middle aged woman pointed at a doorway where a sign showed 'women', as if she was visiting this place often. Taeyeon then shifted backwards and briefly left the table.

"You know miyoung, Mrs. Kim and I used to come here when our parents were fighting. We ate and chatted here to distract ourselves from our argueing parents. It somehow brings me back to the past."

"Why didn't you bring me here earlier? I like the atmosphere." It really was, when I came in a scent of the different dishes that were made in the kitchen invaded my nose and I became instantly hungry although I already ate at my place. On the walls were paintings of various artists. I recognized paintings of Picasso, Van Gogh even Frida Carlo. A piano and a violin played in the background. Overall the whole restaurant gave off a very artistic vibe. I felt comfortable.

"Yesterday, after 17 years, she came back."

"Came back?"

"Mrs. Kim and me spend a lot of time back then because we were inseparable, our parents got tired of us being together all the time so they decided to separate us on other ways, Mrs Kim told me earlier she was in Hong Kong. Both of us didn't know where the other one lived. And now that her parents are not with us anymore and my parents who are to old to care, she found me with the help of the police...and Taeyeon. I'm so happy that she is back now."

"I'm happy too." Mrs Kim responded with a reassuring smile. The atmosphere became awkward as I tried to process what he just told me. It made click in my head. All the and head patting even the hugs. It made all sense to me and I suddenly remembered that my father cried a lot back then. Back then I didn't care to ask since I was too young to understand it. I even remember how I played with Taeyeon... 'Wait what?' And if Mrs Kim could hear what's in my mind she interrupted my thinking and asked:

"We asked myself why you and Taeyeon are acting like you don't know each other." I looked at my dad to search for an answer but he, too, seemed oblivious about the situation and didn't bother to look at her or me instead he was busy with the menu.

"Oh well ahem actually, I-" in the right moment Taeyeon came back and rescued me out of the embarrassing situation and took a sip of the water that the waiter poured in for all of us. Right then I noticed how pretty she actually looked with the ribbon on the head of hers and a tight cocktail dress that emphasized every curve she had, it was different from her usual cloth she had on work on or at the night club but sure it was pleasant to see her in such attire. I broke out off the daydreaming when she asked if we ordered already, my father nodded and the both elders were expectantly looking at me, waiting for an answer to the question they asked before Taeyeon came.

I acted like I forgot the question, looked in the menu again and waved to the waiter for the order.


"This is yummy, try this" cold, mad and impatient. That were the perfect words to describe her face as she said that. I watched her cutting some pieces off her steak, placing it on my father's and Mrs Kim's plate, leaving mine out. 'I want too.' I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts because who was I to think like that, I was sure she just wanted to pay some respect to the elders, maybe because I already had a steak even if it's a different kind, steak was steak, wasn't it? Another reason I thought of was that she was mad since I forgot about her and acted almighty in front of her? that would also answer the question why she always looked cold and not interest when I spoke with her, was it her time to payback for what I've done even though I didn't even remember at that time?

"Can I have a piece too? Here you can taste mine too." I already began cut before saying that, anticipating that she will do the same.

"No and I don't want to taste yours either. It's just steak. They probably taste the same." I frowned, I didn't expect such an answer. She was even more mad because of something, I didn't do something to her that made her like this. Remembering back, she was for a quite long time in the restroom, maybe she had to but why now and not at home? It has to do with something else. Acting like I didn't care I went back eating the piece I actually cut for her.


Flashback [TAEYEON]

"Why does he have to call me now. I said that I'm busy today." I mumbled to myself as I rushed to the restroom with my phone in the hand, looking at the display.

"What is it? I'm busy and you know it. I'm at the restroom therefore make it quick."

"I know but I also knew that you will be bored in whatever you have to do, so I gave you a call, to distract you...moreover do I miss you."

"Baekhyun, I miss you too but-" he cut me off and said:

"I'm so lonely these days, we haven't done it for awhile, you know, and I'm really needy right now, you were so busy the last few days, can't you come home for a quickie Taeyeon-ie." He sounded needy and desperate, I didn't like this side of him because he just ed me until he came and that's it. There was no love, I felt like he didn't love me at all but at the same time he cared for me, asked if I already ate and what I did at work and so forth, not just interested in my body but in my daily life and wellbeing, too.

"No I'm with my mum right know, later, alright babe?" I was so annoyed at his attitude, I wasn't quite sure if I still loved him but then I remembered that I couldn't imagine my life without him because he took a big part of it after I've lost contact with Tiffany.

"That sounds good baby, I get a just thinking of you." He really thinks that I was enjoying it but it's a good way to let out my frustration and stress. It's a good thing that he liked it when I was being rough. We were a good match.

"Don't anticipate it to much, it is indeed unlikely but I might disappoint you." I loved to , his expectations wander to 0 and when I pleasured him he's going nuts since I developed my skills throughout the years being together with him.

"Oooh taeyeon-ie, I'm already disappointed that you are not here for me, please don't say that, you are the iest girlfriend I've ever had, I'm lucky and honored to call me your boyfriend. I will see you later I'm going to eat now and you go back to your mother. Bye I love you."

"love you too hyunie. See you later."


"Thanks for inviting us, happy birthday again Mr. Hwang." While bowing to him, she showed of her cleavage. I shook my head and thought about my grandma who's sitting in the bathtub to get rid of those dirty thoughts.

"No problem Taeyeon, it was really nice to spend time again together like before. Is everything okay Miyoung-ah? you look pale."
*ahem ahem* I began to hysterically cough because of what I thought of. It was ridiculous to think of her that way.

"Y-yeah yeah my-y t-throat was a little dry." He didn't respond... Obviously, I didn't cough just because my throat was dry but fortunately, he didn't ask further.

"How will you two go home?"

"We will just call a cab."

"No need for that, we can drive you." My father said.

"But Taeyeon and me don't live together, her home is a different direction than mine. We don't want to be a burden." I witnessed how Mrs Kim wanted us to bring her home - probably to safe money - but she looked uncomfortable to admit it.

"You are not a burden to us and you know it, I said it back then already, you weren't , aren't and won't be a burden. Tiffany got her car here too so she can drive Taeyeon home and I'm going to drive you. How about that?" I looked at him doubtful 'is he serious?' Didn't he noticed the awkwardness between me and her? Now that Mrs Kim agreed to that, I was obligated to drive her home since I didn't want to be rude.

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 54: Beautiful story
1214 streak #2
Chapter 54: Damn why did I only learn of this fic now that it is long finished.... what happen to Jiyeon and Chanyeol's gang? What if they ruin Taeny's married life? They are still out there... definitely going to read that story of yours now
Rita #3
Chapter 54: Just finished reading it. We'll done ! I could say your story is a true success ! Since you gained a lot of subscribers and you managed to finished a 50 chapter story. I'm impress indeed. And lastly , just by reading this you brought out all the feels a readers kept in. I'm beyond happy to be able to read this. Thank u and I hope you won't stop making taeny stories
Chapter 54: I love how you end the story with the maze thingy!!
Chapter 54: Wow! The ending was good and glad that Taeny got married!! :)
My heart is in joy right now. Hahahahaha

I'm anticipating for your next story!! ;)
kimtaeny1110 #6
Chapter 54: Aaaaakk... its the end. Hiks.. the hot n cold modt emotional taeny couple in fanfic keke..

Congrats for the completed fanfic... you have done an amazing works. Aaaand those teaser looks really promising
ttblub #7
Chapter 54: Thank you authorsshi! This is a good story... ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
whinning #8
Chapter 54: i wiil wait for your new fanfics....fighting!!!!!!
Chapter 53: Aww
Chapter 53: Woohooo!!? They are finally going to get marry! I thought that I was going to have to kill you author-ssi! Hahahbaha