Emergency Room

First Love

It was Jihyo's day off today, and so was Kwangsoo's, they decided to go out for a mini holiday to relax, they planned to prepare a picnic in a park and enjoy the ocean for the day. It was an early morning, Kwangsoo was already at Jihyo's house, along with her favorite foods for breakfast. Kwangsoo rung the doorbell. There was no answer. 


Kwangsoo: Noona isn't still asleep is she? Did she forget our plans for today?


Kwangsoo repetitively rung the doorbell but there was still no answer. Then he typed in the password in the door and went it. 


Kwangsoo: Noona? 


Kwangsoo walked towards Jihyo's room, he slowly opened the door, finding Jihyo sleeping sweetly in her bed. 


Kwangsoo: How can someone look a messy and cute at the same time?


Kwangsoo felt himself blushing, it was the same feeling he felt when he saw Jihyo drifting off to sleep during class years ago. His heart raced as he walked towards his noona, he gulped nervously as he gently caressed her face. As Jihyo is being awakened by Kwangsoo's touch, he sprangup and ran to the door of Jihyo's room. Jihyo' sat up and frowned at Kwangsoo. 


Jihyo: Oh you're here already? Why did you run away? Why didn't you wake me up?

Kwangsoo: What? um... no I uh... I just got here...

Jihyo: Its that late already? Oh I'm sorry Kwangsoo ah, I'll go get ready right away

Kwangsoo: Okay noona, I'll heat up the breakfast...


The two enjoyed their breakfast and was about to leave. Just then, Jihyo recieved a text message from her manager:


Jihyo-ah, I'm sorry, I'm feeling really sick today... I'm supposed to pick up your sponsorship earings for your filming tomorrow, but I don't think I can go... Can you go pick them up yourself...?


Jihyo replied her manager saying she will pick it up herself since it was her day off, and told her manager to get well soon. Then she felt sorry to Kwangsoo as he really looked forward to enjoying the day today. 


Jihyo: Kwangsoo-ah... I'm so sorry, but I don't think we can go today... My manager just texted me, she is too sick so I have to go pick up my sponsorship earrings for tomorrow's filming... Sorry... 

Kwangsoo: Oh... Its alright noona, where is it? I'll take you there then we can go out for lunch?

Jihyo: Sure! Thanks nae kirin (my giraffe)~~


Kwangsoo and Jihyo headed into the jewelry shop. The manager took them into the VIP room and served them coffee, then left the room to prepare the sponsored earrings. Suddenly, they heard screams from the outside, the continuous screaming startled them. Kwangsoo slowly headed out of the VIP room to see what was going on. Kwangsoo's eyes widened at the sight of two men holding guns, both with black masks on covering their faces, demanding money from the manager. The staff and customers all cuddled into a corner. Seeing Kwangsoo sneaking his head out of the VIP room to take a peek, one of the robbers immediately aimed his gun at Kwangsoo before he could hide. The robber slowly moved towards Kwangsoo, forcing him to leave the room. 


Robber 1: Well well well, what do we have here? What luck I am in today, a famous actor! You shall become my hostage dear. 


Jihyo was horrified as she heard everything inside the VIP room. She was in such conflict of whether to leave the room to save Kwangsoo, or stay in the room. She took a deep breath and headed out f the VIP room just as the manager was avout to hand the money over to the robbers. 


Jihyo: Wait! Don't give it to him yet.

Kwangsoo: Noona! Why did you come out? Go back in!!

Robber 1: You shut up! Well, looks like my luck is over flowing today, a famous actress as well! Get out of here if you wanna live, this is none of your business! Now hand me the money!

Jihyo: No!! Don't give it to him. Who are you? What do you want? Why do you need that money??

Robber 1: What does that have anything to do with you? Stop being nosy and get out of the way!!

Jihyo: What does it have to do with me? You're pointing a gun towards my best friend and you're asking me what does this have to do with me??

Kwangsoo: Noona, stop! You'll get hurt if you continue!

Robber 1: That's enough!


The robber shot his gun towards the celling, the sound of a gun shot made everyone jump, Jihyo was also frightened as she jumped into Kwangsoo's arms. Kwangsoo wrapped his arms over Jihyo trying to comfort her, but he was also shaking from fear. Breaking away from the embrace, the robber pulled Kwangsoo away from Jihyo and pointed his gun towards Kwangsoo. 


Robber 1: Give me the money now or else I will shoot him!

Jihyo: Let him go! Let him go or this money is going into the fire!


Jihyo grabbed the bag of money and held it towards the fireplace in the jewelry shop. 


Robber 2: What do you want? Are you trying to get yourself killed??

Jihyo: No, I'm trying to get you realize what you're doing is wrong! Let him go right now!


The robber lowered his gun and let Kwangsoo go. Jihyo still held the bag of money near the fireplace. 


Jihyo: Now tell me, why do you need this money so badly?

Robber 2: You're a celebrity, you're being treated as the queen wherever you go, how would you ever understand our situation. 

Robber 1: My wife... My wife... She's dying... If she doesn't get surgery soon she'll die... But how am I supposed to find such a huge amount of money in such a short peroid of time? What choice do I have...


Jihyo's gaze softened at the robber's confession. She lowered the bag of money. 


Jihyo: Do you think your wife will be happy knowing you did this? Do you think your wife can accept the fact that the money used to save her is taken from such a crime? Have you ever thought what she would feel?

Robber 1: That... she doesnt have to know! I just need to save her!

Jihyo: You think you can lie to your wife forever? Who are you trying to fool, if you really love her, then don't do this. Your wife will feel awful to know you got in jail because of her, leaving her all alone, it wouldn't even help her. If you want her to live, if you love her, you should be using your time wisely, trying to earn as much as you can, borrow from relatives or friends, take a loan from the bank, but not ever to involve yourself into such a crime... How ashamed your wife would be if she knew what you are doing right now... Do you even realize what you're doing?

Robber 2: Don't listen to her hyung... We have to finish this... 

Robber 1: No... she's right... Who am I trying to kid... But... what am I supposed to do now...? 


At this moment, sounds of police sirens grew closer, the robbers began to feel anxious. 


Robber 2: This is all because of you! This is all your fault!! Why did you have to in and ruin everything??


The robber quickly flung Kwangsoo who was the nearest to him onto the floor, pointed his gun at him, and shouted at Jihyo. 


Robber 2: You killed my brother's wife... It is because of you, now we have no hope in saving her... So I shall make you pay, make you equally feel the pain to lose someone you love!!


The robber was about to pull his trigger, at the moment he shot the bullet, without a slight sense of heasitation, Jihyo ran towards Kwangsoo and hurled herself towards him, ended up taking the bullet for Kwangsoo. Kwangsoo gasped in terror as his noona collapsed in front of him. 




The robber 2 was surprised at Jihyo's action, and the robber 1 ran over to his brother. 


Robber 1: What have you done?? Why did you shoot it?

Robber 2: I... I dunno what got over me... I was too angry about unable to save sister-in-law... I... 


Kwangsoo bursted his anger and walked over the robber 2 and threw a punch at him. 




Jihyo lay on the floor, weakly calling out to Kwangsoo, Kwangsoo immediately rushed over holding her in his arms, hugging her tightly. 


Jihyo: Kwangsoo-ah... Nae kirin (my giraffe)... Don't be like this... Calm down... Are you okay Kwangsoo-ah...? Are you hurt anywhere...?

Kwangsoo: Noona... How could you still worry about others when you're the one who got shot?? You should've just let the bullet hit me... Why did you save me and get shot instead...

Jihyo: Of course I had too... You are nae kirin (my giraffe)... How can I let you get hurt... I'm sorry Kwangsoo-ah... Its a relief to know that you're fine...


Kwangsoo's tears were flowing out uncontrollably. His heart ached so much as his noona was speaking weakly. 


Jihyo: Nae kirin-ah (my giraffe)... Promise me you'll stay strong no matter what happens... Even if I die... Don't blame yourself... It's not your fault... I was willing to save you... I know my decision is worth it, and I will never regret my decision... 

Kwangsoo: Noona... Noona don't say that... You'll live... You must live...

Jihyo: If anything happens to me... Take good care of my parents for me... Tell them... I've always felt lucky to be their daughter... 

Kwangsoo: Noona... Andwae (no)... 


Jihyo was desperately trying to breathe. She is getting weaker with every word she speak. She could barely keep her eyes open. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she pleaded.


Jihyo: I have one last wish... Kun Yang oppa... I wanna see him for the last time... 

Kwangsoo: Kun Yang hyung...? Okay I'll find him right now...


Kwangsoo fumbled to take out his phone and called Kun Yang telling him to goto the hospital as the police entered to bring Jihyo on the ambulance. Kwangsoo spoke like a mad man, scaring Kun Yang who had no idea what has happened. Kwangsoo followed Jihyo on the ambulance and begged the paramedics to save her. Jihyo had no more strength, she could no longer resist the pain and began to lose conscious. 


Kwangsoo: Noona... Noona! Andwaeee (noooo)...!!


Jihyo was given an oxygen mask, she breathed deeply, fighting to stay awake. 


Jihyo: Kwangsoo-ah... 

Kwangsoo: Ye... Yes noona...? Wh... What is it...? Is there... something you need...?

Jihyo: Can you sing me a song...? To distract me from the pain...

Kwangsoo: Of course... Stay strong noona...


Kwangsoo held Jihyo's hands tightly... With his shaky voice from the crying, he sang one of his favorite songs - Because I Love You. Jihyo gained comfort from Kwangsoo's voice, she closed her eyes as tears were falling, Eventrually Jihyo became exhausted and fell unconscious. Kwangsoo cried hard but continue to sing, hoping his noona will be fine, praying for his noona to live. Soon they arrived the hospital and Jihyo was pushed into the emergency room. Weary from all the crying, Kwangsoo began to contact Jihyo's family and the Running Man members. He could not stay still as he walked back and forth in front of the emergency room, desperately praying for Jihyo. Soon Jihyo's family, the Running Man members and Kun Yang arrived the hospital. As they all urgently asked Kwangsoo what has happened, Kwangsoo fell onto his knees. He told them what had happened and begged for forgiveness. They all tried to comfort him and tell him that it was not his fault, but Kwangsoo couldn't help but feel guilty for causing his noona to get hurt. He blamed himself for being unable to protect his noona, Kun Yang pulled him into a tight hug, stopping him from shaking due to him crying. They all silently sat in front of the emergency room, shedding tears in grief, and impatiently waited for news. 

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Misa_1412 #1
Chapter 56: And i would believe the always if gary hadnt disappeared on the members
Misa_1412 #2
Chapter 55: HA!so proud of mongji she sure showed her!
Misa_1412 #3
Chapter 51: This is what happens when a parent cares more about family status rhan theur child's happiness i hope kwang soo never talks to his egg donor again
Misa_1412 #4
Chapter 50: See???kwang soo isnt a minor and the contract is under his name so she shouldnt get a say but kwang soo is too nice to fire the manager for someone who knows that a contract signed vetween him and kwang soo is different from a contract signed between him and kwang soo's egg donor
Misa_1412 #5
Chapter 48: This is one time i wish kwang soo wasnt such a nice person, a less nice person would have shot an ultimatum back or refused to ever see their mother again or something like that but not kwang soo
Misa_1412 #6
Chapter 42: Ugh i hope kwang soo's mom sees and feels how miserable she just made her son and i hope someone leaks the info so everyone will bash her and shell know how it feels
Misa_1412 #7
Chapter 27: This chaptwr shows what i can never understand, how can they call themselbes fans by hurting someone their idol cares about?like gary in your fic(after his actions i cant really claim this anymore in real life) cates for ji hyo so hurting her would hurt him too and also how can they be fans when they dont even respect their idols choicrs instead going this far just to push what they want on their idol
Misa_1412 #8
Chapter 26: So nice to see RM family i do kinda miss this just the OG members being family
Misa_1412 #9
Chapter 22: Really good chapter kinda wish it was a real episode
This story is really good :) I love KwangMong and I'm waiting for more stories about them from you. Do you plan new story? Fighting!