The Best Man

First Love

Late into the night of Kwangsoo and Jihyo's engagement, they all celebrated the night and got drunk, happily talking about the two lovebird's upcoming wedding. 


Jihyo: You guys better clear your schedules on that day in advance, I'm gonna be so angry if any of you can't make it!!

Kwangsoo: That's right!! Song Ji Yok might appear XD

Jihyo: Ya!!

Jae Suk: We got it we got it, we'll be there Jihyo-ah dont worry

Suk Jin: Shouldnt you guys first decide on who your best man and main of honor should be?

Jihyo: My maid of honor...? Hmm... Can't I have our Kwangja as my maid of honor?

Kwangsoo: Eiii noona, what do you mean you want me as your maid of honor?? I'm gonna be the groom!!

Jihyo: Then... Our Kookie...?

Jong Kook: Ya!! You go look for your girl friends!! Stop making us dress up as girls

Kwangsoo: Jae Suk hyung, you'll be our wedding MC and wedding officiant right...?

Suk Jin: Why him?? Can't it be me?

Jae Suk: Why is it always me?? I don't wanna be the MC again, I wanna be the best man for once!!!!

Kwangsoo: Eii hyung pleaseeee...

Jae Suk: Aish alright alright... It's always like this, I MC too well and no one ever lets me be the best man...

Suk Jin: Aish its always like this, because theres Jae Suk here I never get to be the MC...

HaHa: Kwangsoo-ah, you'll pick me to be your best man right? Afterall you know, we're all close but we always had a special bond between the two of us...

Gary: What special bond are you talking about, forget it Donghoon-ah, your sneaky lies won't work on Kwangsoo, of course he should choose me!! We even kissed last time on broadcast remember??

Kwangsoo: This is so much harder than I thought... Who should I choose...

Jihyo: Good luck kwangsoo, can't help you with this one~ 

Kwangsoo: Noona... Let's just not invinte any of these troublemakers, so I won't have to choose XD

Jong Kook: Troublemakers?? Do you wanna die?? Ya!! Let's not be his best man even if he asks us to

HaHa: That's right! Just go on without a best man!!

Kwangsoo: Fine!! Then I'll just ask In Sung hyung!! Or Joongki, or Kyungsoo, I've got plenty of friends!! I don't need you guys!!

Jae Suk: If that's the case then I won't be the MC as well!!

Kwangsoo: Aish I'm just kiddingggggg calm down you guys... How should I pick one from you guys...

Jae Suk: Ya since I won't get to be the best man anyways, then let's make this more interesting and competitive, use this as the theme for the next Running Man episode and the winner will be your best man

Kwangsoo: But what if I win?

HaHa: Do you think you even have a chance of winning??

Kwangsoo: What are you talking about?? Of course I do!!

Gary: Then what about me???

Jihyo: Come guest on the show if you wanna be the best man oppa

Gary: No can do Jihyo-ah, I'd love to but my schedule is fully packed...

Suk Jin: Then if Jihyo wins Gary will be the best man

Gary: Ohh good idea, I'm putting all my faith in you Mongji!!

Jong Kook: It's useless, I'm gonna win and you all know it XD

HaHa: This is just completely unfair!! Look at his arms, its as thick as my head!!

Kwangsoo: Does this mean I'll get to MC the episode?

Jae Suk: If you wanna MC so much then MC your own wedding!!!


After a night of bickering Kwangsoo finally decided to talk to the PD about this idea, and they filmed the race a week later. With no surprise, Jo In Sung, Song Joongki and Exo's DO also guested on the episode as candidates along with the other Running Man members to fight for the spot of Kwangsoo's best man. Kwangsoo enjoyed the attention of being the main character of the episode, causing the members to make fun of him as usual. After a series of missions, the race ends of course with a final round of nametag tearing to determine the final winner. At last, Jong Kook wins the race and takes the spot as Kwangsoo's best man. That night, Kwangsoo and Jihyo went down to the park for a midnight stroll. The breeze was cool but comfy. They walked together holding hands, enjoying the peace and quiet, having their first date as an engaged couple. 


Jihyo: This is really really nice Kwangsoo-ah...Thank you, for loving me, and not giving up on me even though I left you like that...

Kwangsoo: Don't be silly noona, of course I can never give up on you, you're the love of my life, you're the one for me... and thank you too, for loving me...

Jihyo: Until when will you keep calling me noona...?? We're about to get married already, call me something else already... it makes me feel so old

Kwangsoo: Then... yeobo (honey)? jagiya (darling)? sung im?

Jihyo: Sung Im?? Do you wanna die... Yeobo, I like it, call me yeobong ("honey" in agyeo tone)~

Kwangsoo: Aww our yeobongggg~ yeobong~

Jihyo: *smiles and blush in embarassment*

Kwangsoo: Wow our yeobong is blushing sooooo hard, you must really like this XD Your cheeks are so red!! Your face is flaming hot, its like ur having a fever!! Hahaha our yeobong is soooo adorable~

Jihyo: Ya!!! Stop itttt *Grabs Kwangsoo's hair*


The two then went home to rest after the long day. Jihyo watched as Kwangsoo fell asleep next to her. She gently brushed his hair and landed a kiss softly on his forehead. She quietly whispered the words "I love you Nae Kirin (My Giraffe), goodnight~" in his ears, and went to sleep. 




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Misa_1412 #1
Chapter 56: And i would believe the always if gary hadnt disappeared on the members
Misa_1412 #2
Chapter 55: HA!so proud of mongji she sure showed her!
Misa_1412 #3
Chapter 51: This is what happens when a parent cares more about family status rhan theur child's happiness i hope kwang soo never talks to his egg donor again
Misa_1412 #4
Chapter 50: See???kwang soo isnt a minor and the contract is under his name so she shouldnt get a say but kwang soo is too nice to fire the manager for someone who knows that a contract signed vetween him and kwang soo is different from a contract signed between him and kwang soo's egg donor
Misa_1412 #5
Chapter 48: This is one time i wish kwang soo wasnt such a nice person, a less nice person would have shot an ultimatum back or refused to ever see their mother again or something like that but not kwang soo
Misa_1412 #6
Chapter 42: Ugh i hope kwang soo's mom sees and feels how miserable she just made her son and i hope someone leaks the info so everyone will bash her and shell know how it feels
Misa_1412 #7
Chapter 27: This chaptwr shows what i can never understand, how can they call themselbes fans by hurting someone their idol cares about?like gary in your fic(after his actions i cant really claim this anymore in real life) cates for ji hyo so hurting her would hurt him too and also how can they be fans when they dont even respect their idols choicrs instead going this far just to push what they want on their idol
Misa_1412 #8
Chapter 26: So nice to see RM family i do kinda miss this just the OG members being family
Misa_1412 #9
Chapter 22: Really good chapter kinda wish it was a real episode
This story is really good :) I love KwangMong and I'm waiting for more stories about them from you. Do you plan new story? Fighting!