
First Love

A few days after Christmas, Jihye came to visit Jihyo again. He gently tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears and genlty brushed her face. Even tho Christmas was over, he started humming christmas songs, knowing Christmas is one of Jihyo's favorite holidays. 


Jihye: Jihyo-ah, I'm here again... How are you feeling today? Can you feel the Christmas spirit? It's boring talking to myself everyday Jihyo-ah... please wake up soon... I miss you so much...


As Jihye stood up as to go buy a drink, he felt someone weakly tugging his shirt. He turned around to see Jihyo's fingers weakly hanging onto his shirt, her face pale, but her dark eyes were locked on his. She looked tired as her eyes could barely open up, but all that matters was that she's finally awake. Jihye stared at Jihyo, the good friend who had peacefully slept at the hospital for a long time, the good friend he had feared he would lose, the good friend he missed so much, she was finally back. He turned away as he teared up. 


Jihye: Jihyo-ah... You're finally up... How are you feeling... Should I go get the doctor? Do you remember me?

Jihyo: Oppa... Jihye oppa...

Jihye: *lets out a smile of relief* Jihyo-ah... *hugs her tightly as tears began to roll down his cheeks* You bad girl... Do you know how worried we are are?? How could you keep us waiting for so long... I was really afraid that you wouldn't... wake up... 

Jihyo: Oppa... why are you crying...? Eii... *teasingly* You were really worried about me huh?

Jihye: What? No... of course not, why would I be worried... *jokingly* If you're up I'll just get going...

Jihyo: Don't... Jihye oppa! Don't go please... Can you stay with me...? *pleads with puppy eyes*

Jihye: Look the playful Jihyo I knew is back... Of course I won't go, Oppa isn't going anywhere ok? Well, I think I should go get the doctor though, to make sure you are okay, just wait a moment kay?

Jihyo: Ne oppa, but Jihye oppa...

Jihye: Yea?

Jihyo: About that... Kwangsoo... how is he...?

Jihye: He's alright, don't worry, he's completely fine compared to you... since you took the crash for him, he only had minor injuries and recovered quickly, he's back in Korea doing well like you wanted him to, it must be really hard for him, but for you he managed to stay strong, you should be proud of him

Jihyo: Oh... really...? Thats great...


Jihye sensed a slight sadness in Jihyo's response, he knew she must have been disappointed that he didn't stay by her side until she woke up. He Jihyo's hair as if she was a little kid. Jihyo smiled and thanked Jihye for being with her the whole time. Jihye returned her smile and wiped his tears. He was so happy that Jihyo is alright. After letting the doctor know, he flipped out his phone and messsaged Kwangsoo for the good news. 


Back in Korea, Kwangsoo was in the middle of a fansign event when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out to see the message from Jihye telling him that Jihyo has woke up. He stood up and jumped in joy while his fans and staffs who were unaware of the news stared at him weirdly wondering what has happened. Realizing that, he quickly sat down and put away his phone. As much as he would like to share the great news to others, what Jihyo needed now was rest and recovery, it would be best if no one bothered her. So he silently continued the event. As soon as the event was over, he messaged the Running Man family to inform them of the news. They all replied in excietment and planned to ditch their schedules for the weekened for a trip to Paris so they could visit Jihyo. They all did not have important schedules for the weekend and decided to head to the airport that very night. Kwangsoo went home and packed a light luggage. He looked all over his house but his passport was nowhere to be found. Then he remembered, his mom forced his manager to keep his passport away from him. He quickly called his manager over to his house. 


Manager: Kwangsoo-ah... as much as I understand your situation, you know I can't do that, its your mother's orders...

Kwangsoo: Hyung... Please... I have to go visit her... 

Manager: You know there's nothing I can do unless you get approval from your mother... I'm sorry Kwangsoo-ah...


Kwangsoo barely managed to hold back his tears. He missed his noons so much, every day he worked hard while thinking of her. He wanted to go see Jihyo so badly, he started to weep but stopped himself. He told himself he promised Jihyo to stay strong, so he will not cry. He finally took a deep breath and let out a little smile. At least Jihyo is now okay, she's safe, and that's all that matters, knowing Jihyo is alright is all he needs. 

A few hours later, the Running Man family except for Kwangsoo gathered at Incheon airport and boarded the plane to Paris. They were all tired from their schedules, but the most important thing to them now is their ace Jihyo, without Mongji for the past months were dull and lifeless, it just wasn't the same no matter how much they tried to bring up the mood. Everyone was really worried for her and blamed theirself for not being able to protect Mongji. They can never imagine what it would be like if they really lost her. They all slept and took a long rest on the long flight. The next afternoon, they arrived Paris. Immediately, the five men rushed over to the hospital. 

Jihyo was surprised to see them in Paris but she was happy as she missed her family so much. 


Jihyo: Oppa... Everyone... Did you guys really come here just for me...?

Jae Suk: Of course Miss Mong, what do you take us for? We're family!! Do you even know how worried we were?

HaHa: I guess we had no reason to worry since she was just sleeping, only she took a really long nap this time

Jihyo: Ya Ha dong hoon! Do you wanna die?

Jong Kook: Ya calm down Jihyo-ah, you just woke up, don't get so excieted, you'll get hurt easily

Suk Jin: But seeing how energized she is, it definitely is a good thing, I mean, we haven't seen her this lively in ages

Gary: Mongji... We miss you so much, when will you come back?


Suddenly, Jihyo's facial expression darkened, she avoided the gaze of her oppas and looked away. She started down to the floor and muttered.


Jihyo: Oppa... I'm sorry... As much as I would love to come back and join you guys... I don't think I can... I've made such a huge scene before I left... And I promised eomonim I will stay away from Kwangsoo...

HaHa: But Jihyo... Everyone is waiting for you... Us, the PDs, the staff, your fans... and Kwangsoo... 

Jihyo: I know... I'm really sorry... But oppa, where is Kwangsoo...? He didn't come with you guys...?

Jong Kook: He wanted to, he tried so hard to get out but his mother ordered his manager to hide his passport, he has no way in leaving Korea and coming here...

Jihyo: Oh... 

Jae Suk: I know you're disappointed Jihyo, you don't have to hide that from us... But hey, if you came back to Korea you can see your giraffe every week again, whether or not you start up your relationship again is your decision, but at least don't lose the friendship, because friendship like this is more precious than ever, you'll regret it...

Jong Kook: He's right Jihyo-ah... At least make up and stay as a noona-dongsaeng relationship first before its too late, that strong bond you guys have built for so many years, it should break off just like this, you miss him too don't you? 

Jihyo: sigh... I don't know what I should do either... 

Gary: Afterall its up to you Mongji, you know we will support you whatever your decision is...

Suk Jin: Yea, whatever makes you comfortable and happy is the most important Jihyo-ah, don't care so much about what others think, as long as its something you want, you should follow you heart to make such choices

Jae suk: Rest for a few more days first, your health always comes first. So don't trouble yourself with so much thoughts yet. But just remember we will always be here beside you, okay?

Jihyo: Okay oppa, thanks so much...


The Running Man members stayed with Jihyo until the visiting hours were over. They checked-in to a hotel and updated Kwangsoo about Jihyo. Kwangsoo was relieved to know his noona was back to her usual self. 

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Misa_1412 #1
Chapter 56: And i would believe the always if gary hadnt disappeared on the members
Misa_1412 #2
Chapter 55: HA!so proud of mongji she sure showed her!
Misa_1412 #3
Chapter 51: This is what happens when a parent cares more about family status rhan theur child's happiness i hope kwang soo never talks to his egg donor again
Misa_1412 #4
Chapter 50: See???kwang soo isnt a minor and the contract is under his name so she shouldnt get a say but kwang soo is too nice to fire the manager for someone who knows that a contract signed vetween him and kwang soo is different from a contract signed between him and kwang soo's egg donor
Misa_1412 #5
Chapter 48: This is one time i wish kwang soo wasnt such a nice person, a less nice person would have shot an ultimatum back or refused to ever see their mother again or something like that but not kwang soo
Misa_1412 #6
Chapter 42: Ugh i hope kwang soo's mom sees and feels how miserable she just made her son and i hope someone leaks the info so everyone will bash her and shell know how it feels
Misa_1412 #7
Chapter 27: This chaptwr shows what i can never understand, how can they call themselbes fans by hurting someone their idol cares about?like gary in your fic(after his actions i cant really claim this anymore in real life) cates for ji hyo so hurting her would hurt him too and also how can they be fans when they dont even respect their idols choicrs instead going this far just to push what they want on their idol
Misa_1412 #8
Chapter 26: So nice to see RM family i do kinda miss this just the OG members being family
Misa_1412 #9
Chapter 22: Really good chapter kinda wish it was a real episode
This story is really good :) I love KwangMong and I'm waiting for more stories about them from you. Do you plan new story? Fighting!