Back to Seoul

First Love

The next morning, Kwangsoo woke up in his hospital bed, he looked around for Jong Kook but was shocked to see his mother instead. 


Kwangsoo: Omma... Why are you here? When did you get here?

Kwangsoo's Mother: What do you mean why, I'm your mother! Of course I should be here when I heard my son got hurt...

Kwangsoo: How did you find out...

Kwangsoo's Mother: Its all over the news! Why did you even come to Paris, for that girl again? She did well leaving, so why are you here??

Kwangsoo: How could you say this omma... You know how important she is to me...

Kwangsoo's Mother: More important than me?? 

Kwangsoo: Omma... 


Kwangsoo got off his bed and stood up. He began to head out of his room. 


Kwangsoo's Mother: Ya Kwangsoo-ah, where are you going? You're still sick you should stay on your bed!!

Kwangsoo: I need to see Jihyo... I need to know has she woken up yet...

Kwangsoo's Mother: No! Stop! Stay where you are Lee Kwangsoo! I'm not going to let you see that girl ever again...

Kwangsoo: Omma... How can you do this to me?? She's unconcious because of me omma, she risked her own life to save me!

Kwangsoo's Mother: This would not have happened if that girl never seduced you in the first place

Kwangsoo: What? Omma!! I will never let you talk about Jihyo noona in this way... And stop calling her that girl! She has a name, a beautiful name called Cheon Sung Im, and a lovely stage name called Song Jihyo, she's my Jihyo...

Kwangsoo's Mother: Whatever... Stop with that crap, stay in your bed, I've arranged for you to be transferred back to a hospital in Seoul, you're leaving tonight

Kwangsoo: Omma... I need to stay beside noona...

Kwangsoo"s Mother: This isn't your choice... Its an order


Kwangsoo broke into tears as his mother headed out of his room. He saw Jong Kook walk in but he kept his head down and continued to sob. Jong Kook put his arm over him and began to comfort his dongsaeng. 


Jong Kook: Kwangsoo-ah... I heard it all outside... But Kwangsoo... I think maybe for now its best that you follow your mother first... After your accident, the media is already keeping a close eye and you and Jihyo... To avoid more unwanted attention, its best to prevent your mother from making a scene in the public... Its good for Jihyo too... So she can recover from the accident in peace and quiet, instead of being bothered by cameras and reporters everyday...

Kwangsoo: But hyung... I can't just leave Jihyo here... Has she woken up yet...?

Jong Kook: I went over to her room this morning, Jihyo hasn't woken up yet... but your friend Jihye is there taking care of her so you don't need to worry, Jihyo won't be alone...

Kwangsoo: What about hyung...? 

Jong Kook: If you're going back, I probably will as well, My schedules are quite pilled up after these few days here... I need to go back soon too...

Kwangsoo: Should I really go back...?

Jong Kook: For now, its probably for the best... Jihyo needs time to rest and think about this too, so do you... You know the two of you will always have our support, but maybe time is what you need right now to sort things out...

Kwangsoo: Alright... But... can I sneak one visit please...? I need to see Jihyo before I go... I must...

Jong Kook: Of course, take your time, your mother already left the hospital so no one is here to stop you...

Kwangsoo: Thanks hyung...


Kwangsoo knocked the door and slowly slid open the door of Jihyo's hospital room. Jihye turned his head to see Kwangsoo, he immediately stood up and helped Kwangsoo in the room. 


Jihye: Kwangsoo-ah... I heard the argument just now with your mother... you okay?

Kwangsoo: Yea... I'm alright

Jihye: You're really gonna leave...?

Kwangsoo: I guess... Please update me often on Jihyo noona's situation Jihye hyung...

Jihye: I will... Don't worry, hey, cheer up bro, it's all gonna be fine, it isn't healthy for you to be constantly experiencing such heave emotions, stop worrying about this, at least show Jihyo you can be a stong man too, if you aren't smiling how can you expect her to smile?

Kwangsoo: *slight nod and weakly smiles* Thanks hyung... 

Jihye: Thats it... Its a good start... No problem Kwangsoo-ah, I'll leave you with Jihyo for a while, you proabably would want to talk to her before you leave right? Take care Kwangsoo, I'm leaving now... Bye

Kwangsoo: I will, thanks, you too Jihye hyung, bye...


Kwangsoo sat next to Jihyo and held her hands. He could feel tears in his eyes seeing Jihyo lying so helplessly on the hospital bed, but he thought of Jihye's words and decided to stay strong, he let out a tiny smile and gently brushed Jihyo's face. He said a final goodbye and left the room. 

Kwangsoo arrived Incheon airport after hours of flight. He was tired from the long flight, but was shocked to see the amount of reporters that swarmed up at his entrance at the arrival gates. He parted with Jong Kook who heading to his schedules and met with his manager whom he hasn't seen for days. 


Kwangsoo: Hyung! It's been a while, sorry I didn't get to buy you any souvenirs in Paris

Kwangsoo's Manager: What's with the jokes Kwangsoo-ah, I heard you got hurt, how are you feeling? 

Kwangsoo: Im okay... don't worry hyung

Kwangsoo's Manager: Your mom told me to make sure you stay at the hospital and get proper treatment, so don't even thing about sneaking out. Just take this chance and get some proper rest Kwangsoo-ah, because you will be very busy once you leave the hospital... Your mother ordered me to keep your schedules full so you won't have time to think about Jihyo... She only told me to strictly monitor you and to keep your passport just incase you try to run away again... I was told not to let you go anywhere except for your schedule venues... I'm sorry but you know I need to listen to your mother...

Kwangsoo: Why... the contract is under my name!! Not my mom's!!


Kwangsoo slowly recovered his health at the hospital in Seoul while the Running Man members and his friends kept him company alternately. He kept in touch with Jihye, but Jihyo still showed no sign of waking up. Weeks passed and he had left the hospital for his chaotic and busy schedules. Despite how busy he is, not one day passed without him thinking about Jihyo. Each day he would pray for Jihyo to be fine and wake up, even if it meant he could never see her again.


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Misa_1412 #1
Chapter 56: And i would believe the always if gary hadnt disappeared on the members
Misa_1412 #2
Chapter 55: HA!so proud of mongji she sure showed her!
Misa_1412 #3
Chapter 51: This is what happens when a parent cares more about family status rhan theur child's happiness i hope kwang soo never talks to his egg donor again
Misa_1412 #4
Chapter 50: See???kwang soo isnt a minor and the contract is under his name so she shouldnt get a say but kwang soo is too nice to fire the manager for someone who knows that a contract signed vetween him and kwang soo is different from a contract signed between him and kwang soo's egg donor
Misa_1412 #5
Chapter 48: This is one time i wish kwang soo wasnt such a nice person, a less nice person would have shot an ultimatum back or refused to ever see their mother again or something like that but not kwang soo
Misa_1412 #6
Chapter 42: Ugh i hope kwang soo's mom sees and feels how miserable she just made her son and i hope someone leaks the info so everyone will bash her and shell know how it feels
Misa_1412 #7
Chapter 27: This chaptwr shows what i can never understand, how can they call themselbes fans by hurting someone their idol cares about?like gary in your fic(after his actions i cant really claim this anymore in real life) cates for ji hyo so hurting her would hurt him too and also how can they be fans when they dont even respect their idols choicrs instead going this far just to push what they want on their idol
Misa_1412 #8
Chapter 26: So nice to see RM family i do kinda miss this just the OG members being family
Misa_1412 #9
Chapter 22: Really good chapter kinda wish it was a real episode
This story is really good :) I love KwangMong and I'm waiting for more stories about them from you. Do you plan new story? Fighting!