
First Love

One week has passed by with Jihyo still feeling down and Kwangsoo trying to comfort her from time to time. Jihyo was grateful to meet her friend again, but thinking she wouldn't see him after her guest time on Running Man anyways, she decided to pretend not to know Kwangsoo in front of the Running Man members and avoid Kwangsoo so she wouldn't overly rely on him.

Filming day for the next episode of Running Man has arrived. Jihyo filmed with enthusiasm while trying to avoid Kwangsoo. Kwangsoo on the other hand kept peeking at Jihyo to check on her condition during the filming, he tried to take care of her, but was confused of why did Jihyo suddenly act so cold towards him.

The Running Man members have also noticed the awkward atmosphere between them. After filming ended, they all went out for dinner, including Jihyo as she felt bad for turning down Jae Suk last time.

Feeling suspicious of Kwangsoo crushing on the guest, the Running Man members brought up the topic, discussing about who their ideal types are.

Jae Suk: Jihyo-ssi, if you had to choose one amongst us, who would you choose?

Jihyo: What? I um... I dunno...

Haha: Please be my last love!!

Suk Jin: What do you think about our Kwangsoo?


Kwangsoo choked on his drink at this question, blushing hard.


Kwangsoo: Eii hyung, why suddenly ask noona something like that

Gary: Noona? You guys are close?

Jong Kook: You know each other?


Kwangsoo was about to answer while Jihyo urgently cut in.


Jihyo: No! No we don't... Running Man was the first time I've met Kwangsoo-ssi

Kwangsoo: Noona, what are you talking about?!


Jihyo tried to signal to Kwangsoo to play along, but he didn't understand and just said.


Kwangsoo: Didn't you say you missed me that day?

Jihyo: What? When did I??

Joongki: Yah Kwangsoo, stop making things up

Kwangsoo: It's true!! Noona, tell them!!

Jae Suk: Jihyo-ssi, do you really know Kwangsoo before Running Man?

Jihyo: ...

Kwangsoo: Hyung, believe me!! Noona!! Why aren't you saying anything...

Haha: You really knew him? Daebak! Details please? When? Where? How?

Gary: Yah Dong hoon, stop asking questions, you're scaring her

Kwangsoo: We were classmates in secondary school!! We were good friends, isn't that right Noona?

Jihyo: Yes...

Jong Kook: Really?? Wow!

Suk Jin: So you knew each other for years?

Joongki: Why did you say you didn't know him then?

Jihyo: It's complicated... We drifted apart after graduation... On purpose

Kwangsoo: Hyung!! Stop asking will you? Noona, it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, let's talk about something else


At this time, Jihyo received a message from her manager:

Jihyo, congratulations!! The Running Man PD asked for you to become part of the cast!! You'll accept the offer right?

Jihyo stared at her screen in silence, "so much for trying to avoid him, how am I supposed to avoid him if I'm going to see him every week now..."


Secretly, Jihyo felt happy as she really enjoyed the show and felt comfortable with the Running Man members. The Running Man cast peered at the text to see what made her so shocked.


Haha: Wahh Daebak!!!

Gary: Why? What is it?

Jong Kook: You'll accept the offer, right?


Jihyo thought for a while, leaving the room in complete silence, she then slightly nodded after making her decision


Suk Jin: Congratulations Song Jihyo-ssi!!

Kwangsoo: Wah Noona that's wonderful!!! Welcome to our family!!!!!

Joongki: Can I call you Noona too...?


Jihyo smiled for the first time in the entire meal

Jihyo: Of course, I'm honored to be joining the family, please just call me Jihyo


The members cheered for Jihyo and celebrated with some soju.

Jae Suk: Since we're now a family, there is still a lot we wanna know about you, why not start from your story with Kwangsoo?

Kwangsoo: Hyung, don't... Noona, are you okay with it...?

Jihyo: Yea I'm fine, thanks Kwangsoo-ah, it's nice to have someone to listen as well, don't worry

Jihyo: It was actually very complicated, so we were classmates back in secondary school, then at first we didn't really know each other, but I grew to be very close to his best friend, Kun Yang oppa. We even dated for a few months, but it didn't last long. Still Kun Yang oppa was like a big brother to me taking care of me all the time. So gradually I got to know more about Kwangsoo when hanging out with Kun Yang oppa. Then at senior year, Kun Yang oppa left to study in the US, so I became really lonely and missed him all the time, we drifted apart and chatted a lot less than we used to. It was then when I realized I still love Kun Yang oppa, but I never had the courage to tell him, I didn't tell anyone, including Kwangsoo. During that time, Kwangsoo and I got a lot closer and we enjoyed each other's company. But one day, Kun Yang oppa started ignoring me, he just stopped replying my messages, I was devastated trying to find the reason, but till now I still couldn't find out. On graduation day, Kun Yang came back to our school for a visit, so I took that chance to approach him, and ask him why did he suddenly block me out of his life. He acted like nothing happened, I just couldn't believe he would do that to me, I thought if he found me annoying, he could at least tell me, all I wanted was to know the truth...


By the time tears had rolled down Jihyo's cheeks, with the men not knowing how to comfort her. Jihyo was sobbing so hard that she could hardly speak. Kwangsoo walked over and sat next to Jihyo. He wrapped Jihyo into a tight hug and calmed her. Slowly, he her back. After calming down, Jihyo continued.

Jihyo: Thanks... Well that day, I asked him one final question, What do I mean to you. He meant everything to me, he was the most precious brother I could ever have, but I was starting to get the feeling that he doesn't care about me anymore, as if I was not his little sister anymore... I asked him whether I was still a sister to him, but he just stayed silent, with that, I knew I was no longer important to him, and that he no longer cared... At that time, I've completely lost my spirit, I was walking around like a soulless body. I tried to hold back my tears and pretend nothing happened, but I couldn't, my heart ached too much to hide it...

----- Flashback-----

Kwangsoo walked over seeing Jihyo staring into empty space.

Kwangsoo: Noona, are you okay? Why do you look so distracted?

Jihyo: Huh...? I'm fine...


Tears began to form in Jihyo's eyes, she soon couldn't stop her tears from flowing out like a waterfall. She held Kwangsoo's arm, leaned forward and cried on Kwangsoo's shoulder. Kwangsoo was shocked and he didn't know what to do, he turned around to give Jihyo a hug, gently her hair, silently standing there letting her cry.

Jihyo: I promised myself not to shed a tear even if I knew the truth... I promised myself to stay strong... But I can't... I love him... I love him so much...

Kwangsoo: Noona... Then why did u let him go?

Jihyo: I love him too much to hold him, as long as he's happy... I just want him to be happy... So if ignoring me makes him happy... I'll just live with that...

Kwangsoo: Noona but what about u?

Jihyo: Me? No one cared anyways, what's the point...

Kwangsoo: So... What will you do now...?


Jihyo swallowed her tears and said.

Jihyo: I'll don't know if it'll work, but I'll have to try... I'll try to forget him...  So please, take good care of him for me, make sure he's happy... You know sometimes when he says he's fine, he's actually not... And when he gets back to US, he'll easily get depressed from feeling nostalgic, so you must cheer him up no matter what... Please just, make sure he's safe, can you do that for me...? Treat it as my last wish...?

Kwangsoo: Okay... But... Last wish...? Noona, don't do anything crazy!!

Jihyo: Don't worry, Kwangsoo-ah, I won't do anything stupid... I'll just... Have to put him out of my life... And of course... That would have to include anything that would remind me of him... Including you...

Kwangsoo: Noona...! But... But we're good friends!

Jihyo: Sorry Kwangsoo-ah... I have no choice...

Kwangsoo: Noona...

Jihyo: Kwangsoo, you take care of yourself too... Don't always be so stubborn and listen to other people's opinions, don't get upset when things don't go your way... When people criticize you, don't take it to heart... And always know that you are a wonderful person...

Kwangsoo: Noona, don't do this, please...

Jihyo: Kwangsoo-ah... I'm sorry... Goodbye...


With a final hug, Jihyo turned around and walked away from Kwangsoo, from Kun Yang oppa, from her entire secondary school life, determined to leave all the memories in this school, and move on.


Jihyo told the members every detail of the story, speaking while her face full of tears, half hiding within Kwangsoo's embrace. The members were surprised to see the tough girl that was running with them this morning, was now helplessly hurt. They never expected to see such a sensitive and weak side of her, nor did they expect Jihyo to have such a fragile heart. Although no words were spoken, every member unanimously swore to take care their only female cast member to the very best they can, to help her get through her hard times with their warmth as a family.


Jihyo: I thought with that I could let go... But even till now, I couldn't forget him... I could lie to myself saying I don't love him anymore, but I couldn't lie to my heart, as it aches every time I think about him...

Seeing Jihyo flooded with unsolved troubles, the members pitied her and comforted her. After finishing her long story, Jihyo kept on drinking, cup after cup. The members tried to stop her, but soon she got drunk. The members felt sad Jihyo had to go though so much alone, and told Kwangsoo to take better care of her. With that, they called it a night and went home while Kwangsoo took Jihyo home.

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Misa_1412 #1
Chapter 56: And i would believe the always if gary hadnt disappeared on the members
Misa_1412 #2
Chapter 55: HA!so proud of mongji she sure showed her!
Misa_1412 #3
Chapter 51: This is what happens when a parent cares more about family status rhan theur child's happiness i hope kwang soo never talks to his egg donor again
Misa_1412 #4
Chapter 50: See???kwang soo isnt a minor and the contract is under his name so she shouldnt get a say but kwang soo is too nice to fire the manager for someone who knows that a contract signed vetween him and kwang soo is different from a contract signed between him and kwang soo's egg donor
Misa_1412 #5
Chapter 48: This is one time i wish kwang soo wasnt such a nice person, a less nice person would have shot an ultimatum back or refused to ever see their mother again or something like that but not kwang soo
Misa_1412 #6
Chapter 42: Ugh i hope kwang soo's mom sees and feels how miserable she just made her son and i hope someone leaks the info so everyone will bash her and shell know how it feels
Misa_1412 #7
Chapter 27: This chaptwr shows what i can never understand, how can they call themselbes fans by hurting someone their idol cares about?like gary in your fic(after his actions i cant really claim this anymore in real life) cates for ji hyo so hurting her would hurt him too and also how can they be fans when they dont even respect their idols choicrs instead going this far just to push what they want on their idol
Misa_1412 #8
Chapter 26: So nice to see RM family i do kinda miss this just the OG members being family
Misa_1412 #9
Chapter 22: Really good chapter kinda wish it was a real episode
This story is really good :) I love KwangMong and I'm waiting for more stories about them from you. Do you plan new story? Fighting!