
First Love

Jihyo woke up with a bad headache in the morning, her head hurts trying to recall what happened the night before. She got off the bed to see a note from Kwangsoo: 

Good morning Noona, I'm sorry for last night, but you must be having a headache right now, so I made you some hangover soup, it's in your fridge, I stayed over for the night to make sure you don't go anywhere drunk, but since you probably wouldn't want to see me, I will leave before you wake up... Have a good day Noona 

Jihyo picked up the note and smiled at how thoughtful her giraffe was, but when her mind flashed back to last night, her smile faded. She couldn't understand what those photos meant, was Kwangsoo cheating on her with another girl? She wanted to believe Kwangsoo, but when she was miserably waiting for him in the cold, he was with another girl, taking photos happily. She couldn't get her mind straight, she decided to drive off to Jong Kook's house for help. 

Jong Kook: Oh Jihyo-ah? What's up?
Jihyo: Oppa, I'm so confused, please help me...
Jong Kook: Why? What happened?
Jihyo: It's like that... Yesterday I was with Kwangsoo for the whole day, at night we were going to go out to a restaurant for dinner, but then after he dropped me off to park the car, he disappeared, I waited for hours until the restaurant closed, then he called me using someone else's phone, saying he lost his phone and took someone who fainted on the streets to the hospital, after that we kind of argued and I went home, but later that night... I received a message from the number he used to call me, inside were these photos... But, I don't think Kwangsoo knows that someone sent me these photos...
Jong Kook: Hmm... This is a little weird, first of all, even if he took someone to the hospital, he could just leave after the patient is in the doctors hands right? Let's say he stayed to make sure the girl is fine, that still wouldn't take hours would it? Then he couldn't call you to inform you because he lost his phone? So if I can him now, no one should be able to answer?
Jihyo: I don't know, but last night he did find me afterwards using his own number, I don't even know what to believe either...

Jihyo and Jong Kook continued to discuss about the matter, although it hasn't been resolved, Jihyo felt better after sharing the incident with someone. Kwangsoo on the other hand was waiting for Jihyo's call all day, hoping she would forgive him. Kwangsoo was about to fall asleep when his phone suddenly rang, he sprung up to answer the call. 

-----Phone Call-----

Kwangsoo: Noona? 
Jae Suk: What Noona, I'm your hyung! If you miss Jihyo so much then why did you screw up?
Kwangsoo: Oh...? Jae Suk hyung...
Jae Suk: Come over Kwangsoo, I wanna ask you something
Kwangsoo: Okay, I'll be there 

-----Phone Call-----

Kwangsoo entered HaHa's restaurant to find everyone but Jihyo, he was hoping she'd be with them, but she wasn't. 

Kwangsoo: Annyeonghaseyo hyungs
Suk Jin: Here, take a seat
Kwangsoo: What's the matter? Why is everyone here?
Jong Kook: Jihyo came to find me this morning, and talked about what happened to you two yesterday, at first I was just listening to her so she could feel better, but then something about the story seems weird, so I wanna know more about the full story
HaHa: So far from Jong Kook we've heard Jihyo's side of the story and we've also heard about how Jihyo crashed into Gary's house, but the story still doesn't seem to fit

Kwangsoo told them his side of the story, explaining how he found his phone on the girl's hospital bed. 

Jong Kook: Wait a minute, you said you called Jihyo with the girl's phone? Jihyo said the number that sent her those photos was the same number you used to call her. So the girl was indeed the one to send Jihyo those photos, she was the one who requested to take them right?
Kwangsoo: Yea, she said she's a fan and asked to take some photos together
Suk Jin: Doesn't seem like a regular fan to me
Gary: It's almost like the whole thing was planned...
Jae Suk: Bingo, not almost, it IS planned, makes sense doesn't it? The girl fainted in front of Kwangsoo, knowing he will help her, she could easily take his phone without him knowing when he is piggybacking her, she took it on purpose so he would have to use her phone to call Jihyo, this way she will get Jihyo's number, so she can message her those photos afterwards, the she has no need to keep Kwangsoo's phone as that will just make her a thief, so she just left it there and let the hospital find it, the pieces all fall together 
Kwangsoo: How is this possible...
HaHa: But what is her motive...? Why would she want to do something like this?
Jong Kook: To break them apart? It kind of worked, since the two are arguing right now...
Kwangsoo: I can't believe this... I fell for it... And made Jihyo Noona so upset...
Gary: Wait... The weird stalker who threatened you guys months ago, couldn't it have been done by the same person?

Suk Jin: Its quite possible actually, there's no way that person will creat so much chaos and just disappear once you announce your relationship in the public
Kwangsoo: So that girl was the one who threatened us?
Jong Kook: Of course not, the girl was probably hired to do this, the stalker isn't that stupid to show you their face 
Jae Suk: Jihyo has the girl's number in her record right? Can't we trace it back to find the girl?

The Running Man members called Jihyo over and explained what they have deduced, they tried to call the number but the number was not registered. Disappointed, the members say back to think what they should do next. 

Kwangsoo: So now what...?
HaHa: Now we can only be careful, who knows? The stalker might be listening to us right now!
Jae Suk: Well, at least now you two have a reason to make up, Kwangsoo was framed Miss Mong, just forgive him
Jihyo: Why should I??
Kwangsoo: Pretty please Noona...? Because you're the most beautiful person in the world and I am your stupid and useless little giraffe...?

Kwangsoo showed Jihyo a shy smile, Jihyo gestured for him to come over, Kwangsoo walked over hoping for forgiveness, but Jihyo pulled his hair as he pleaded for her to let go.

Kwangsoo: Ahhhh Noona it hurts!!!
Jihyo: You fool! Don't get scammed again!! Don't just go save anyone on the street, you're not a superhero! Just save me and that's enough! And who said you're my stupid and useless giraffe?? You're the cutest and most precious giraffe I can ever have! 

The couple broke into a hug at Jihyo's words, known for loving to create chaos, the Running Man family ran over and joined the hug, the group hug may seem silly, but to them, it meant the world, knowing they will always be there for each other, and will always overcome these challenges together. 

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Misa_1412 #1
Chapter 56: And i would believe the always if gary hadnt disappeared on the members
Misa_1412 #2
Chapter 55: HA!so proud of mongji she sure showed her!
Misa_1412 #3
Chapter 51: This is what happens when a parent cares more about family status rhan theur child's happiness i hope kwang soo never talks to his egg donor again
Misa_1412 #4
Chapter 50: See???kwang soo isnt a minor and the contract is under his name so she shouldnt get a say but kwang soo is too nice to fire the manager for someone who knows that a contract signed vetween him and kwang soo is different from a contract signed between him and kwang soo's egg donor
Misa_1412 #5
Chapter 48: This is one time i wish kwang soo wasnt such a nice person, a less nice person would have shot an ultimatum back or refused to ever see their mother again or something like that but not kwang soo
Misa_1412 #6
Chapter 42: Ugh i hope kwang soo's mom sees and feels how miserable she just made her son and i hope someone leaks the info so everyone will bash her and shell know how it feels
Misa_1412 #7
Chapter 27: This chaptwr shows what i can never understand, how can they call themselbes fans by hurting someone their idol cares about?like gary in your fic(after his actions i cant really claim this anymore in real life) cates for ji hyo so hurting her would hurt him too and also how can they be fans when they dont even respect their idols choicrs instead going this far just to push what they want on their idol
Misa_1412 #8
Chapter 26: So nice to see RM family i do kinda miss this just the OG members being family
Misa_1412 #9
Chapter 22: Really good chapter kinda wish it was a real episode
This story is really good :) I love KwangMong and I'm waiting for more stories about them from you. Do you plan new story? Fighting!