Kyuhyun - How to handle a queen

The Stranger Next Door



How to handle a queen.



Previously in The Stranger Next Door: 


There was a brief moment of silence, I was standing way too close to her. I had to supress the urge to draw her nearer. I felt like we didn’t move in quite a while just locking our eyes and smiling to each other. Those eyes I would never be able to forget them. I slowly moved my hand upwards, so I could cup her cheek. Did I really have to nerve to do it before we were in there and had all cameras on us? My hand was like moving on his own, I was about to touch her. 


*FLASH* and another and another.



What just happened?


My hand dropped immediately.

“ETHAN!” I heard her yell. My eyes were still adjusting, It wasn’t easy after that flash in the dark. I took a hold of her wrist (FLASH) and pulled her back as I saw her move towards the guy..


Wait, she knew the guy? Did she plan this? Than she knew about what was going to happen in the CF too, right? She acted all the way through, didn’t she? My mood changed into anger and disappointment. So she was like the others. I should’ve listened to the manager.


I looked at her with much disbelieve. “Let me handle this” I actually wanted to say – I thought you were different, why do something like this- but it didn’t come out.


How could I even start handling this?



I dropped her hand, and tried to calm down before I spoke again. Well, that was not easy because the anger I had on every girl that had done something like this came up. I was furious. But managed to stay calm. Unbelievable, right? How could I stay so calm?

“Can I see that camera?” I tried to ask as politely and calm as I could. I didn’t grant her any glance.


“This is to good to be true, I’m not giving you this camera, this is for the gossip blog.”


“Gossip blog, é?”  Is he for real? I was so dead when this would come out. Just give me that camera.

“Ethan, just give me the camera” I heard her say, why did she have to interfere? She just needed to shut . I was so mad her. This was Kim Ga Eul all over again. “The gossip blog doesn’t need this on it. Nothing’s going on here.” Nothing was going, she had nerve.

“Nothing’s going on. Tell that to yourself, I saw what I saw. You guys know each other, don’t you?” Ethan smirked. Why did that damn guy need to smirk, I almost lost it and than it would be hell on earth.

“Well, yeah we met at the concert, Suzy introduced us.” I tried saying without any emotion, staying calm and friendly was even worse. I should’ve just yelled. “Suzy introduced her to all of us.”

“Ethan, don’t make a mouse into an elephant, will ya. Nothing’s going on, just that we said hello to one another right now.” She said trying to give a smile.

“There is more to the story than that, why’d you blush all of a sudden?” Ethan looked at her, I turned my head and was looking at her to, mimicking her to stop. What in the world was wrong with her?, she was the one who wanted this, why wass she blushing then?

Her hands moved to her cheeks to hide her flushed cheeks.

“I’m not” She defended

“Yes you are” Ethan said while grimacing like he got some major story, such a queen on the gossip department.

“Just give me that camera.” She said impatiently.

“If you want this, you gotta catch me first.” Ethan ran off. Was he a little child of 4?, such an inconvient situation, but I have to get that camera, if any more photos came out, I was so dead, not that I wanted to see her again after what she’d pulled, but the manager would really prohibit me from seeing Suzy or someone else.
I sighed and ran after Ethan, slamming the door shut. I left her in that room.don’t care about her, now I had to set something straight.








While running, Ethan was doing something with his camera. Damn my stupid feet were not fast enough to catch him. I couldn’t get a good glance of the camera, so I didn’t know if it had some kind of easy way to send the pictures like with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or whatever but he was definitely doing something.

I was so drawn in my thoughts I hardly noticed Eunhyuk passing me. Where did he come from? Eunhyuk tackled Ethan. Ethan came to a stop and than I saw Donghae and Sungmin. We all surrounded him. Donghae took his camera. Deleted all the pictures.


“Phone” Sungmin said.

Ethan couldn’t really do anything about it so he gave his phone to Sungmin, who looked it through. That left me and Eunhyuk.

“You’re already to late” Ethan sniped. “It’s already on the net, and when it’s on the net, you know what happens than, right?”

“Okay, photos deleted, here” Donghae said calmly.

“I need that blog name” Sungmin said

“OO you’re not going to find it on the blog”

He was getting on my nerves so much right now, I was almost at my limit. I wanted to attack him so much. Although I’m not violent, I really wanted to snap his neck.
Donghae was besides me and put a hand on my shoulder, a sign I should hold my anger in.


“Ok, on the phone there are no pictures nor on the camera. How can we find them online?” Sungmin said, he was hasty.

“What do you want? In return to get the pictures deleted.” Donghae asked.

“YAH, we're really going to give him what he wants?” (Eunhyuk)

“oo Illiana would love this, wouldn’t she?, to see the beloved Super Junior go down.” Ethan smirked, and then pointed all his attention to me. “OO Kyuhyun, how you’ve been deceived, AGAIN. Illiana, put this scheme all in to action”

I didn’t want to believe him, although I thought the same. Illiana betrayed me by leading him there and she knew him. Illiana was Kim Ga Eul all over again.

“Kyu” (Sungmin) “Get Illiana’s story first”

“YOU HEARD WHAT HE SAID” I yelled at him. The only thing I could think of right now was Illiana equals Kim Ga Eul and I didn't need anymore sides to this story, I knew how it was going to end.

“And you believe him more rather than to get Illiana’s side?” Was he taking Illiana’s side?, He should be taking mine! Out of everybody Sungmin is the one I trusted the most and now he was taking her side. It felt like he betrayed me to some how, this made me even more mad.

“So there is something going on between you two?” Ethan gave an evil smile

“There is nothing going on between them” (Donghae)

“But clearly he is hurt by the whole situation” Ethan still with that stupid from an evil smile on his face. Please let me hit so I can wipe that smile of his face. Sungmin was trying to hold me.

“Okay, so I presume you’re the same age as Suzy?” (Eunhyuk)

“Nope, I’m like way younger haha”

“Sure you are, what year are you in?” Why was Eunhyuk questioning this guy?

“First” Ethan said and was so pride of it.

“So you’re like 17, 18 years old, this is good” Eunhyuk looked at Donghae, who got the same idea. What was going on here?

“So you want some gossip right?” Donghae continued, Ethan nodded wildly.

“I love gossip, gimme gimme” Ethan was too excited over this, was he obsessed?

“Eunhyuk and I have lots of gossip for you, Can you come with us?” Donghae said calmly.
What was with those two, are they crazy? Sungmin was still holding me, clearly he knew what was going on too.





We were walking through the hallways. Eunhyuk and Donghae had Ethan in between them and Sungmin and I were behind him. Sungmin took his phone.

“Suzy-ya, we have Ethan, do you have access to the blog or wherever Ethan posted the pictures….uhu….right…ok…..Where?......Fantastic, message it to me… we will be back soon, but Kyu (He gave me a glance) will not be happy I think….bye”

I wanna know what was going on.

“Hyung, what’s going on?” Sungmin just smiled at me.

“It’s all going according to the plan, if we are fast enough”

“What plan?”

“You’ll find out about it soon”






Not much later we arrived at a room full of… wait teachers?
Sungmin went to one of them. Eunhyuk and Donghae were holding Ethan by his arms. Apparently he began to understand what was going on.
No way? This is good. I was beginning to understand what they were trying to do.


“it’s through there” Sungmin said. So we were in front of an office. The principal.


“Come in” he called with a dominant voice.

“What’ the problem gentleman?”

Eunhyuk started.

“We asked if we could shoot in private, no disturbance, no distractions.” Eunhyuk now looked at Ethan.

“We caught this one, taking some photos, and he posted them online. We want them gone.” Donghae continued.

“Mr Jacobs, how many times do I have to forbid you to go anywhere near the gossip? Was the last time not a lesson for you?” the principal said directly to Ethan.

“We want these pictures of the net as soon as possible, sir”

“I understand, I have all the codes to Ethans accounts and blogs, I will delete them right now”

And so we waited.

“Now that that is done, let’s call your parents, shall we”

“Sir, no, no not my parents, I will be good next time I promise.” Ethan sounded scared.

“Mr. Jacobs, I have your son with me at the moment, could you maybe spear a minute and come over here. There are a few things I need to discuss with you and your son, and it won’t be pretty.” The principal put the phone down and we got his fullest attention again.

“Mr Cho, Mr Lee, Mr Lee and Mr Lee, this is a very unfortunate matter and there will be consequences for Mr Jacobs over here. I truly apologize for the inconvenience and will gave him a great punishment, he’s been warned before and not only by me. As I can see it’s not only you who were involved but our newest student to. Do apologize to Miss Parker for me too. I already can tell you that. Ethan will not be attending this University anymore or any in this district as matter affect.”

“Isn’t that a bit a harsh, sir?” Eunhyuk said

“It’s not up to me Mr Lee, Mr Jacobs’ father has just told me that. School is a dangerous place for his son.”
Mr Jacob arrived not much later.


“I think that’s our cue to leave, we will give Illiana your regards and we will leave first, sir” We bowed and went outside.


We could hear his voice bellowing through the hallway.
So now that was done, I still had one other problem. Illiana. My hyungs were trying to make me forget what happened, by telling me it wasn’t Illiana, but by the looks of it this was all her fault. I didn’t even want to do the CF anymore.
We strolled in the Graphic Design room where the CF would be recorded. I went to the producer. I was trying to coax him to take someone else as the girl; Suzy was a better option now. Then again Kibum would be mad. But he wasn’t going to be persuaded.
I wasn’t happy, I would rather be Ethan right now, than be in this position.




I was walking up to her. I came closer and closer and she did exactly what she was told to do. She looked so nervous and unsure, I think I was beginning to forget my anger towards her.
I was so close to her now, I was waiting for a miracle to happen. I didn't want to kiss her right now, a miracle should happen so I didn't have to kiss her.


And it did, but yet again the words came in my head that she was the cause of all this, she acted like she cared, it made me angry all over again, the only thing playing in my mind that she was the same as that Kim Ga Eul. Why in the world would she be friends with some one like this Ethan guy? I know Sungmin told me to get her side too, but it really felt like she betrayed me.


The wind blew the curtain in front of us. I put my thumb on her soft lips and said

“This is what you wanted, right? I thought you were different.”

I kissed my thumb and I immediately regretted what I said. How could I know if I hadn’t heard her side of the story, Sungmin was right, I’m so stupid. I was stupid to make conclusions right away, maybe she wasn't like Kim Ga Eul after all.


“Very romantic” I heard the producer say. I walked back to the others without looking back. And so we left that room.

I now wanted to know her side, but it was too late, I shouldn’t have said those words either. Her face was so full of hurt, we both could start crying.

It made me think that I really made a mistake, maybe she didn’t betray me at all with the look on her face. Or was she such a good actress that she faked it all? I realised I didn’t know anything about her, I only knew how she looked at the outside, I didn’t know anything about her character or how she felt, what she felt. Maybe she had an ugly inside? But than again we connected, didn’t we? She looked so caring with her little brother the other day, so why would I even begin to think she had an ugly character. Why couldn’t I get my mind straight and I really needed to get her side of the story.

But would I ever know that?




Hello my beloved readers


Haha I'm sorry I've tricked you all, it was so funny when I got the first story comment today. I was like - I didn't post it, I just posted coming later today - So now comes the explanation : So I would've posted the update but my internet in my bedroom so after trying to upload and re-upload the story I gave up and said to myself, well let's post just "Coming later today".


So when I came back from school, I just had to pick up some stuff for my presentation next week (it takes my 2 hours by bus and train to get there for a mere hour to be at school). I was trying to upload it at school, but I saw my friend and we started talking it's been weeks since I've seen her. But yeah now I'm back home and finally got to the update part.


I didn't really like this chapter though, I don't know why but something doesn't feel right :s. haha OMG While i was writing this I didn't even notice I picked all the Lee's from Suju it was kinda funny when I let the principal say the triple Lee


Ooh yeah, my sister is like pushing me to start a new story, I made this poster with Lee (again lee ;o) ) Jeongmin of Boyfriend  (you can see it here) and she really wanted me to write the story, my mind is a mess, I have two presentation next week, two stories to update and she wants me to do a third. I have some ideas for the story but I can't start a new one, I don't have the time :(


Oo I need to stop typing messages that are almost like chapters long.
Well than I will say a short goodbye


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Long time right? Okay so I'm hoping to update tonight. I'm busy finishing and redoing the layout of the story so that it is semi-responsive :D -- Love WF


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Chapter 73: Oh I love this story sooooo much!!!!! *throws hearts* <3
I'm so proud of you, author-nim~~ Hwaiting!!!!
I'm a big fan of Kyu too~~ keke ^^
Btw, be sure t rest well too..I don't want you to get unhealthy..So please take a rest, sis.
And I'll always support this story & your other stories as well! Daebak!
Ps. Have a nice day!
Chapter 20: This story is awesome!!! ^^
I love it soo far..but this chapter was sad though..TT
Btw, Hwaiting~
Ps. Kyu & Li is a great couple!! <3
lulu88 #3
Chapter 73: Great this brings back the feelings of this story :)
Welcome back ^^
lulu88 #4
Chapter 71: Awwww already the end , I really reallyyyyyyyy love this story <3
It's been really nice to read how their relationship went on through the chapters , the problems , the love , every thing
That surprise was really something , good job Li , and finally those lovely couple are back together :D
Thank you for writing this story and hope you will write a story about kyu once again soon
deemee96 #5
Chapter 13: wow! love it
lulu88 #6
Chapter 72: I thought it's an update but it's ok , I'm really excited for the new story , FIGHTING :)
lulu88 #7
Hiii, how are you doing there ????
lulu88 #8
Chapter 67: I thought that it's bad at the beginning that she couldn't stay and tell him that she got her memory back but it turns out that it's good thing , at the end she got her mother back to be a good mother that loves her children and show them some emotions and also got the chance to understand her mother and bring some sense back to her
lulu88 #9
Chapter 69: Why my previous comments for the previous chapters are not there , ahh , ok then anyway , I'm glad they finally got the group still as one and got a better company for all of them :)
but what's in the letter that he didn't get !!!!
I'm waiting for it , but of course after your exams end :D
lulu88 #10
Chapter 70: SO are you going to finish it first , then do the rewrite ???
It's OK finish your exams first , all the luck and best wishes for your exams , study hard , but don't tire yourself as well
Good luck friend ^_^