Am I Hurting?

Story Reviews

»Am I Hurting? Review«

Am I Hurting? - main story image



Title (3/5)

It isn't bad but given your calibre of writing and level of sophistication of the story, I expected a title more fitting. With this i can barely make out what this story might be about, which is a pity.
Foreward/Description (9.5/10)
Perfect description which drew me into the story instantly. The slight penalty lies in the lack of introducing a slight element of surprise with regards to Kyuhyun and the twisted relationship the characters share.
Appearance (5/5)
They look gorgeous and there was thought put into producing the fitting background. Also good choice in colour scheme which adds a touch of past dwellings.
Plot (13/15)
Your storyline is incredible and I applaud you for your creativity.
I believe a lot of thought have been put in for the story development and I can see it.
Just a slight comment, the front part might feel a bit rushed especially in terms of Hyukjae agreeing to Heechul to help Donghae. I understand you intentionally kept the answers to be revealed later but do drop some "reasons" as to why Hyukjae so readily agreed eg that special feeling towards Donghae, a chance to redeem himself after losing his own loved one etc etc
Also alternating between London and Seoul can be a bit tricky. I believe they were brought up in Seoul, escaped to London before meeting with the accident in Seoul. However there is no strong attachment to their life in London; how long did they stay there so much so the people they interact with know them so well and can still remember them after a long absence of 3 years. 
Giving you this score so you have room for improvement for upcoming chapters. Hwaiting!
Originality (15/15)
It isn't something out of this world but I recognize the effort in this intricate web of relationships. 
Grammer & Spelling (20/20)
Nothing to penalize here.
Flow (9/10)
Very well-written; well-paced with chapters of a comfortable length. You leave your readers with a lot of questions and answer them at a good pace. Impressive. 
Only comment as per above on the opening chapters.
Characterization (7/10)
I feel that this is where you're lacking the most. 
There is a lot of emotional and psychological aspect to this story so there's much room for development.
On their physical aspect, I believe more background needs to be given for Eunhyuk and Donghae. Is Donghae working? Eunyuk is only a newpaper boy. I understand that Donghae is from a rich family so perhaps more emphasis on the way he spends? If he is truly as good as a money printing machine. The Bentley is one example; why would he drive it around as a jobless guy etc. Also how was their education level like? Was Eunhyuk just a boy from the streets which is why Donghae's family disapproves; which explains his inability to get a proper job in London.
Moving onto Hyukjae; how easy is it for him to drop everything just to help Donghae? What exactly is his job scope?
Overall Enjoyment (10/10)
I have to give you a perfect score for this. I clicked the subscribe button!
Reviewed by: eunhyuksgal
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Chapter 85: Thank you for the review dear! I was relly shocked with the language part OTL, I'm gonna go fix it right now! By the way, do you think it will be better if I write a simple prologue to explain the life of a demon and what's the benefit to have a mate??

I don't know if you remember me, but I was just wondering where you're currently working this year as a reviewer?
I'd love to request from you again.

Chapter 72: Okay.. Thanks for the review ^^

Now to clarify XD
Title: As you said, the highlight/ of the story has not yet come. So yeahh..
Plot: This is my first chaptered story after my long hiatus from writing. After the hiatus, I wrote a two shot. So, I kinda forgot how to write a chaptered story XD The present time of the story is at the end of Summer (hence, their summer break). Oh, and I plan on making this fic a 40 chaptered fic.
- I guess I haven't mentioned the type of phone she is using. Samsung phones are quite cheap in Korea but are also expensive for people with financial probs. So, back to her phone. The phone she is using is a Samsung Galaxy Win Pro G3812. And she is using pre-paid which you'll have to top-up each time the credit finishes or it expires, whichever comes first.
- The cafe's delivery system works like this: A person will order through phone, and they jot down the name and address of the person. One of the workers will be asked to deliver the drink/food. If the house is near enough, they deliver by foot. If it is rather far, they ride a bike.
-I am not a dancer and... OTL I really need a dancer to help me whenever dancing scenes come up TT.TT
- About Mr. and Mrs. Kim, it will be known in the next chapter that I'm writing now.
Characterization: I am really bad at this XD Jongin's feelings at first was just merely interested. It's not a crush. He just simply feels interested by the girl. Hana & Sehun... We'll know more once we're more into the story XD

So.. yeah.. Thanks ^^ Sorry for the English mistakes. English is not my first language
Chapter 62: Thank you for the review! Glad you liked it! ^^ it's a bit fast paced coz I had a deadline to follow and finished it in 2 days xD I was planning on making a special chapter for the part before jongdae confessed to get to know Hye Sun better and how Jongdae came to like her. I was in a rush, so yeah. I was thinking that a LIFETIME to forget was that, he WOULD eventually fall in love with another girl but he would never forget Hye Sun since she was his first love. About the part where she died: I wanted her to die in an accifent rather than in the surgery was because Jongdae's parents died in an accident too which would somehow, idk, increase the pain (whut)
hanajoe #5
Chapter 32: Thanks for the review^^
I know my i'm not good enough in English T-T but i will try my best to write it!