Chapter 8

Who Do I Choose?

‘L...’ you whispered ‘L...Wake up...L, L, L, L, L~~~~ ’
you were in the middle of class and you didn’t want to get into trouble by the teacher but you couldn’t wait, you had to know how to get in contact with the Red Dragon. You poked L, at first it was just a small light poke but then it got harder and harder.
L was standing up and staring at you
the teacher stopped talking and looked at L
‘Is anything the matter L?’
‘No sir,’ replied L ‘everything’s... fine.’
L sat back down then turned to you
‘What do you want?’
‘ do you contact the Red Dragon? I need to get his help as soon as possible! Do you think that he will help me?’
L sighed
‘let’s talk about this later...I’m tired’
He then put his head back down on the table and went to sleep
*Gosh* you thought *why does he always sleep at school? And how come no teachers growl at him?*
you had to wait for about an hour until it was time to go out and eat. L must have forgotten about you because he had just gotten up and walked out of the classroom. You followed behind him quietly; he walked into a place full of pretty plants and flowers then sat down on the bench. You sat next to him then said
‘ do I get in contact with the Red Dragon?’
Your question and presence shocked him for a bit
‘Why do you want to find the Red Dragon and why did you follow me here?
You looked at him
‘you said that you wanted to talk about this later and later is now and I want to find the Red Dragon should I put this...? Zin might get his kicked...’  
‘Ohhh’ said L ‘Does it have something to do with the challenge thing?’
You nodded
‘ I see....well, there are these rumours but I’m not sure if they’re true, behind the school there’s a red shed and that’s the place where you can contact the Red Dragon. Some people have gone there because they thought it might be fun but when they came out of that place...they started acting all weird.’
‘SUZI!!!’ you suddenly heard your name being called. You turned around and saw Jaehyo and his group of friends.
‘Hey Suzi!~ whatcha doin with L? You do know that he is one of the kingkas of INFINITE right??’
You smile at Jaehyo ‘Yeah, I know... we just had to talk about something...’
L let out a big sigh ‘there goes my sleep time’ he muttered under his breath
Jaehyo ignored L and took you by the hand
‘Since you’re going to be my girlfriend in the future, I don’t want you hanging around with other guys besides me and BLOCK B’
L looked at you
‘your going to be Jaehyo’s girlfriend?’
‘I’m...err...I haven’t agreed to anything yet! Jaehyo just wanted to join in with the challenge and he gets me if he wins!’
Jaehyo looked sad
‘so... even if I win or lose you won’t accept me either way?’
You were caught in a sticky situation and you didn’t know what to do
‘no...I mean yes...I don’t know!’
Jaehyo started smiling again
‘your just uncomfortable because you don’t know me that well yet but don’t worry, I'll make your heart skip a beat for sure’
L wanted to puke but he couldn’t do anything because INFINITE weren’t there with him. It would be 1 vs. 6 and he would have been owned.
You let go of Jaehyo’s hand
‘Umm...I have to go somewhere. See you guys later’
you walked away trying to figure out where the red shed was *let’s hope the Red Dragon does help me* 



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