Who Do I Choose?
A month flew by really quick. You were still waiting for Eli to tell you what he needed help with. The body guard men started to become nice to you since you always made yummy food for them and you and Eli were sort of..friends. Not really that close though.
You learned that he was a kingka in another school and his gang was called U-KISS. They sounded really cool.
One day, while you were cleaning, Eli came home with U-KISS. To be honest, they were hot.
You quickly learned their names and they were;
'who's this girl?' said Dongho cutely
'hmm? Oh, just the servant' said Eli blankly
'what the...isn't she a bit young to be a servant?' Aj was frowning
'i know, but..she said something about saving lives so thats why shes working here'
They all looked at you
'are you a superhero?' asked Dongho
You laughed
'no~ my oppa's....they were nearly dying so...the only way to save them was to work here' They all nodded their heads, understandingly. Then they all walked to a room which had nothing in it, like a dance studio
*do they dance too?*
loud music thundered through the house. You were curious so you took a small peek, opening the door slightly, just enough so that you could see.
Their dance was really powerful. The song that they were dancing to kept saying the words Neverland you assumed that the title of the song was called Neverland.
From the corner of his eye, Hoon spotted you watching them so he stopped dancing
'whats wrong Hoon?' said Eli
'oh, um...'
Eli followed Hoon's eyes to what he was looking at [ TT-TT that does not make sense]
he saw you standing there
'what are you doing Suzi?'
'oh, erm..i just wanted to watch you guys..you all are so pro! And i have oppa's that can dance epic-ly like that too!~'
'but..we are better right?' said Soohyun
'ahaha...i...don't think you could be better than one of my oppas...hehe'
'whats his name? And how good is he?'
You avoided Hoon's questions and asked them questions yourself
'so, what are you practicing for?'
'we want to practice hard and get into YG ENTERTAINMENT!' said Alexander proudly.
You didnt know why, but he sort of reminded you of a monkey.
'hehe, i know some people who are in YG Entertainment~'
'really?! Can you please introduce them to us?!' said Dongho excitedly
'no can do, anyway, i need to get back to work before i get into trouble'
You left U-KISS standing there, thinking if you were telling the truth or telling a lie.
After a while, they went back to practicing.
The men outside who were guarding the place were hungry. You were nice enough to go make them food and they were over the moon
'THANKS SUZI! Your a lifesaver~'
The gobbled up the food in a few minutes and you took the bowls and plates to wash up.
U-KISS came into the kitchen hungry from practicing so you also made them food
'noona! Your cooking is the best!' said Dongho
'eh? What did you call me?'
'but...i'm younger than you..'
'yeah...but i want to be the youngest, the cute maknae..DONGHO!~'
You laugh at his cuteness
'alright, i have a oppa, or should i call him dongsaeng?, that calls me noona too. You both are older than me but you guys call me noona. Are you twins?'
'no way! I am the one, and only, Dongho! Anyway, whats his name?'
'oh um, Ricky'
'Ricky?! HIM?! Ewwwww, we can never be twins! His such a retard!'
[to readers; that is not true! It's for the sake of the fanfic.]
'you know Ricky?'
'yea, U-KISS don't like Kingkas from SM High.'
'SM High?'
'yea...the school that they go to...?'
'my school is called SM High? Whoa..'
It just hit you that you never knew what your school was called
*i really am stupid*
'you go to SM High?! And you didn't even know your school name?' Dongho laughed at you.
'i just started this year!'
Everyone finished their food and you washed up again.
That was the end of your long and tiring day, X-5 were feeling better and they gave the teacher an excuse for missing about a month of school. They had a friend who had cancer and they were all really close, one day...he passed away. Haewon's eyes got all teary and that made it more convincing.
Your mum never found out anything, you were kind of getting worried though, she kept staying back late but you just let it slide.

It was Friday, and since you had nothing to do, you wanted to make a surprise visit to where your mum worked. Since it was late and she would be staying back, you took the opportunity.
You looked through the window and saw no one there, but the lights were open So you opened the door quietly and walked in. It was quiet and you just had the urge to drink water for some reason. There was a water bottle in your bag that you were holding so you took it out and drank some.
After roaming around for a while, you walked through a hallway and ended up in one of the V.I.P lounges.
You dropped your water bottle, all the water splattered everywhere!
'u..u..umma..? b..b..boss? What are you doing...?'

Omg, shocking much?! I'm shocked at my own fanfic -____-
Whats gonna happen next~
Hooray! So much more ideas popping into my head now~
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Kyoya_kumo #1
Dommage que c'est fini
JungJeWon #3
Chapter 72: seungri...why you so cute...
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 71: who is the cute man under ricky picture/gif...he so cuuuutteee
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 68: l so handsome in the 'you!homework now!'picture...
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 66: woahhhh...i dont really like hyosung but its okay though...and i have same birthday with our kikwangie....30 march...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 65: ooohhh woodumb has come...hahaha(woohyun + dumb)
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Chapter 59: i like secret's jieun but i hate hyosung...erghhhhh....hate...and i like jieun and yongguk together...
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 57: hahahaha...poor dongwoo oppa...
JungJeWon #10
Chapter 55: hahahaha...i cant imagine it...gd with bold hair....hahahaha...i cant stop laughing...