Revenge part 1 and a half

Who Do I Choose?
It was Wednesday, the day that Alexandra and Kiarah's gang would've wished they were never born.
You pack all the things that you needed in your bag and headed off for school but before you could leave, you mother stopped you
'Suzi...what's in your bag? It looks big and heavy..'
'oh, it's just some assignment i'm doing at school..'
'alright then..'
She nodded but kept looking at your bag, like something didn't feel right.
*thank god she didn't check my bag!*
On the way to school, there was a car that passed you and they were speeding, then they threw something out of the window that hit your head
*stupid people these days*
You walked through the school gate full of confidence but you realised that everyone wasn't in their uniform...they were in their team clothes.
Jaehyo ran up to you
'Suzi, why are you in school uniform? Didn't you remember? Todays athletics day'
You felt stupid, _| ̄|○
*how could i have forgotten?! Arghhh!*
Jaehyo smiled at you brightly
'i had a feeling you might have forgotten so i bought extra BLOCK B clothing!'
'omg, really?! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!'
Jaehyo took out the clothing from his bag and when you saw it, you were delighted. You hugged Jaehyo and then took the clothes and ran to the toilets.
Jaehyo just stood there in shock
Some girls who were just passing by saw it too, they jumped to conclusions and took out their mobiles and texted to everyone;
~hey, guess wat? Jaehyo n Suzi r dating! I just saw them hugging b4~

You got out of the toilets dressed in BLOCK B's team uniform. You noticed a crowd of girls waiting outside and tried to walk through them but one girl stopped you.
'hey you! You dating my oppa?!'
'what....? I'm dating who....?'
Some girls just rolled their eyes at you
'don't try to act innocent! People saw you hugging my oppa!'
'ahh, Jaehyo oppa? Pfft, as if, his just an oppa to me, why would we be dating?'
The girl sighed relief
'and i thought Jaehyo oppa was cheating on me!'
'what?! Your his girlfriend?'
The girl Glared at you
'of course!!'
Other girls nodded telling you it was the truth but you didn't believe them.
'funny, i've been hanging out with him for a while and he has never mentioned you. Not once. Don't go around the making up bull.'
The girl slapped you on the face, really really hard.
'what the hell was that for?! I was telling the truth!'
'shut up you loner! Jaehyo will be mine and no one can get in the way of that. Who do you even have to protect you?'
She looked behind you
'you have no one on your side, so just back off before i make you more uglier than you are'
You wanted to slap her soooo bad but before you could do anything, you heard C.A.P's voice. He was with TEEN TOP and they were walking behind him, looking very angry.
'what are you doing to Suzi?' said Ricky
He looked at your face and saw the slap mark
'did you do this to my noona?!'
Ricky wanted to hit the girl but he stopped himself
*damn it, if only i was a bit more taller....*
Chunji came up to you and took your hand, then the rest of TEEN TOP and you went away from the group of girls
'are you okay Suzi?' said L.Joe
'did they do anything else to you?'
You shook your head
'i'm okay..'
When you saw INFINITE, you excused yourself from TEEN TOP and ran towards them.
'hey guys~ i'm ready!'
L looked at you
'what happened to your face?'
'oh, um, somebody accidentally elbowed me when they didn't know i was behind them..'
The guys just nodded. Woohyun was scanning the oval when he saw Kiarah and her gang. He ran up to her and started talking to her. Kiarah looked over to your direction and saw your shocked expression. She smirked, then held his hand intertwining their fingers. Kiarah might have been happy to see you shocked from the few seconds but it all disappeared when Woohyun egged her head, then he started egging her gang. Woohyun ran back to you guys high fiving everyone. Kiarah saw that you guys were smiling and was furious
*wait till i get my hands on you Suzi*
*hah, how did you like that Kiarah, this is just the beginning, wait till you see what i've got installed for you*
'hey Suzi, did you bring it?' said Sunggyu
'yep~' you said excitedly
'i can't even believe you actually went to look for them..i wouldn't have even touched it and i'm a guy!'
You laughed at him
'i just find it interesting'
You took out the container and everyone looked at it
'ewwww' said Sungjong
'it's soooo slimy!'
You took one of the worms and looked at it really really closely
'i'm sorry Mr/Mrs Worm but you have to deal with Kiarah, just for a day..okay?'
You plopped it back into the container and then put it in your bag
'i find it weird how you are scared of spiders but your not scared of other bugs' said Hoya
'yes, i know, i'm weird'

Since it was athletics day, there were no classes so you were free to do whatever you wanted.
Everyone watched Kiarah and the gang really carefully. When they were occupied with something, Hoya and Dongwoo made quick movements towards them and would throw worms into each and every one of their bags, lunch or whatever they found. The stupid ones wouldn't even feel it on their head!
Alexandra was the first one to notice the worms
The other girls started to panic and looked at their stuff, worms were everywhere!
One of the girls shrieked when her head was itchy and when she scratched it, a worm was on her hand.
You and INFINITE were laughing hardcore, it was so funny seeing them suffer but the laughter died when Kiarah ran towards you and punched you in the face.
INFINITE was shocked and made a wall between you and Kiarah.
'you stupid b-----'
'let it go Hoya, shes not worth it' said Sunggyu calmly
Sungyeol was mending your bleeding nose but you kept on smiling
'what the hell are you smiling for? I just punched you, you idiot'
You kept on smiling
'you haven't even experienced the extreme prank yet.'
INFINITE and Kiarah were confused. INFINITE didn't know about this 'extreme' prank because you planned it last minute
'i hope you don't suffer from it'
You smirked, then walked away.

The extreme revenge was a last minute decision by Suzi and by me because the pranks weren't evil enough. Muahahahhaha xD
Happy Reading!~
Omg, just realised that this chapter is long...sorry...
and do you guys want me to slow down on updating...? Because i might be a bit fast, even though i think i'm pretty slow..
ps: does anyone want me to read their fanfic? I wouldn't mind o(^▽^)o
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Kyoya_kumo #1
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