Chapter 18

Who Do I Choose?
'L....' you quietly whispered 'wake up...'
L woke up slowly and stared at you. When he realised that he was gripping your hand, he let go quickly
'oh,um mianhe..'
You smiled at him sweetly
'it's okay...did you have bad dreams or something? You kept whimpering and squeezed my hand really hard a few times..'
L grew quiet
'just family stuff...'
You knew not to ask anymore because L was getting uncomfortable
'oh, okay then, when your ready, you can tell me'
L just nodded
1 second later, you hear footsteps running in the corridor, getting closer and louder *BAMM* the door slams open,
Zin was scanning the nurses office, when he saw you, he ran towards you
'are you okay? Your not hurt? What happened?'
He was checking your face and arms making sure that they weren't bruised or hurt.
'oppa, I'm okay...I just ate too much chocolate and felt a little bit sick...'
Zin hugged you,
'thank god, I thought the some girls hurt you or something.'
'umm no...and anyway, how did you know I was here?'
Zin sweetly smiled,
'I have my ways of getting information :3'
Zin then realised that you weren't alone
'what are you doing here L?'
'oh, I came to the nurses office because I needed some rest because I have this electric feeling inside of me...I don't know what's wrong and since all the beds were occupied and I couldn't sleep, I gave my bed to Suzi..,'
'hmmm' thought Zin 'I think I might know whats happening to you'
'oppa, do you really know?'
Zin nodded, 'I always have these symptoms, every single day.'
'oh really?' said L, shocked 'wh-what's wrong with me...? Do I have cancer..?'
Zin laughed
'Pabo, your in love. You have feelings of happiness when your around that 'special' someone and you feel all tingly inside.'
Your skin prickled...
'so...who's that special person, L?' said Zin curiously
You knew who it was and L knew who it was too. While Zin was looking at L, waiting for an answer, you made hand signals behind Zin to L, not to say your name. L understood and said a random girls name..
'umm...her name is....Alexandra...'
You gave a thumbs up to L
'but...but she doesn't go to this school..'
'oh, I see, well, I hope I'll be able to meet her one day..'
Suddenly Jaehyo ran into the room
'SUZI, gwenchana?'
*sigh, sometimes it's very...disturbing when too much people worry about me, oh well, in some ways, their like appa...*
'how did you know I was here Jaehyo?'
Jaehyo pouted
'I have sources throughout the school'
*whoa..might these 'sources' give me any info on the Red Dragon?*
Jaehyo then realised that Zin and L were with you..
'oh, didn't know you had company..since you look fine now, wanna go out for lunch?'
'WHAT?! LUNCH?!, I've been sleeping for that long?!'
You hopped out of bed then walk towards the door,
'let's hurry up and eat or we'll waste time!'
L, Zin and Jaehyo followed you through the corridor. Some people were whispering because it was weird to see kingkas of different groups walk together' 'does L like that girl too?!' said one girl, 'why does she always get the good guys? She doesn't even look that pretty!'
Zin heard what the girl said, he has ears like a tiger, and told them off.
'what? Doesn't even look that pretty? You freaking serious? Do you think you look better? You dress like a , wear too much make up and talk bad about people, you can't even be compared to Suzi! No 'good' guys will EVER ask you out. Go and look at yourself in the mirror, your looks terrify me'
You were shocked at what Zin had just done
''s okay, just leave it'
But Zin was too angry, then Kiarah appeared from nowhere and started fighting back
'YAHH, why are you being so rude to my friend?! And what my friend said was true, Suzi doesn't even look that pretty'
Jaehyo got hyped up
'well, what Zin said was true too, not only does she look like a but you too and all your other ty friends! And no, Suzi is not pretty--'
Zin was shocked and Kiarah had a smile on her face
'what the---'
More and more people started to crowed around. Then Ki Kwang and his gang arrived,
'whats going on around here'
Kiarah started fake crying
'oppa! Those guys are bullying me!!'
She pointed to You, Zin, Jaehyo and L. Ki Kwang looked at you, then at Kiarah
'what did they do to you?'
*hmmm, she must be a BEAUTY and she must be close to Ki Kwang*
'they..called me and my friends s!'
Kiarah started weeping
'What the eff!!' roared Zin
'her friends started it by calling her not pretty! And I was just telling them the truth, they look like s, look at the way they dress! just sayin, they're the ones that lied.'
Jaehyo nodded
'it's true'
Ki Kwang sighed,
'Kiarah, just say sorry to them'
'but oppa.....' whined Kiarah
'just f**king say sorry! Okay?!'
Kiarah obeyed and mumbled 'sorry'
She gave you a cold icy glare then walked away with her friends
'thanks Ki Kwang' you said, smiling at him
He returned the smile and then kept walking with his gang

Is this long enough..? Or should I make it even longer...? :3 I won't mind, either way.
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