Chapter 15

Who Do I Choose?
You sat next to L, he tried to wipe away his tears so that you wouldn't see but it was already too late, you already saw it.
'what's wrong?are you okay...did I make you cry?'
L just sat there saying nothing, you didn't know what to do to make him feel better. The only thing you could think of was to hug him. You Wrapped your arms around him and told him that everything was okay ( T_T)\(^-^ )
'when my dad died, I couldn't stop crying, my mums hugs would be the best cure for it.' You then held onto his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes
'are you okay now?'
L nodded slowly
'Yay! My hugs are so magical'
L smiled at your cuteness
You were shocked, it was the first time you had seen L smile, and it was at you! Your heart fluttered, his smile was very charming.
'you should smile more often you know, you look more handsome like that '
L became embarrassed and turned red.
'I don't need you to tell me that! I already know.' said L looking all superior
'yeah, but do you know that you look like a monkey when you cry?'
L glared at you
'kidding, I was just kidding :p'
You looked down and noticed that L hadn't opened his lunchbox yet,
'are you going to eat that or what?'
'i'll eat it!'
L opened the lunch box and saw how awesome the transformer looked, he wanted to tear up again
'hey monkey, don't cry on the food or you'll make it salty'
*god, L is such a softie, he looks so strong on the outside but his like a puppy on the inside*
L took one of the sushi and put it near your mouth,
'try it first so I know you didn't poison this to try kill me'
Secretly though, L wanted to feed you, it was his thanks to you, in a weird way.
You opened your mouth and was about to take a bite but then out of nowhere a red arrow just shoots between you and L and hits the tree. It was the Red Dragon and that made you pissed off
L tried to calm you down, 'just leave it, nothing you say will make him reveal himself' You got up and stormed into the direction of the new dance studio, L followed you and looked back one last time before he went.


I went to look for Suzi, I wanted to make sure that she was safe. I hated people who bullied her and tried my best to save her when shes in trouble but I can't always be there for her. When I found Suzi, she was with L (*`へ´*) I couldn't stand those two being together, when L wanted to feed her, I had to shoot...I had to shoot the arrow. I know that I might not have a chance with her but still, I'm jealous. I really want Suzi to know that I'm the Red Dragon but I can't...I have to keep my identity hidden so she can be safe and I could protect her..if she knows I'm the Red Dragon, she'll be in danger..Mianhe Suzi.. Even if you hate me, I'll keep trying to protect you, no matter what.


I wrote a bit about the red dragon in here because I forgot all about him! :O
Well....this should make up for it...I hope :3
Sorry if it's too short!
AND THANKS FOR COMMENTING! it gets me soo excited that I want to keep writing more and more (^-^)/
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