Chapter 4

Who Do I Choose?

After running around for a while, you see Zin hanging around some friends near a shed. You call out to him but he doesn’t hear you so you walk closer towards him. As you get closer to Zin and his group of friends, you realize that they all stopped talking to each other and they were staring straight at you.
‘What’s a BBC doing here aye?’ said one guy with big muscles
Another guy with reddish hair said ‘let’s have some fun’ but Zin stopped him
‘Don’t you dare touch Suzi!!’ he said
For a brief moment, his friends were speechless
‘She’s ‘the’ Suzi?!’ said the muscular guy ‘OMO!’
Zin just nodded slowly
you didn’t have any time to waste and pulled Zin’s sleeve
‘Oppa! I’m in a lot of trouble and i need you help!  You know that guy who fell off the motorbike...was it Ki Kwang... Anyway, he came barging into my classroom and he made me be the one responsible for his hurt waist! Now i have to look after him till he heals! WHAT DO I DO?!! Arghh!’ you stomped the ground thinking * i should have just left him there to die, i didn’t even do anything wrong!*
You looked up at Zin and he was very very angry. His friends also looked pissed off but hid their anger when they saw you staring at them.
‘Don’t worry Suzi, i will protect you, i was the one who was driving anyway. We will not let B2ST go.’
Zin then walked over to a guy with brownish hair and whispered into his ear. The guy nodded and walked towards the school building.
‘What’s going on Oppa? What are you going to do?’ you ask uneasily
‘Don’t worry Suzi, it’s nothing important and anyway, i still haven’t introduced you to my group’ said Zin with a smile. He pointed to the guy with big muscles then said ‘That guy over there is Ghun, the guy with red hair is Taefung, the one who left before is the youngest and his name is Sulhu.’ Then Zin stopped and looked at the guy who was standing next to Taefung, you didn’t even notice him there because he was so silent, like a ninja assassin. ‘the quiet one over there is Haewon, he only talks when he wants to so don’t bother making a conversation with him.’
You then thought for a moment then remembered what Nicole had said
‘But Oppa! The office lady, Nicole said that i can’t be around anyone besides Team BLOCK B because other teams would backstab me and all that.'
Zin looked sad and said ‘ i wish i could’ve at least told you to choose X-5 and become an X-TREME but that stupid Ki Kwang got in the way!’ Zin looked like he was going to pull out the tree from the ground and throw it at the school building
‘You don’t really have to worry about that nonsense anyway. The school teams might be competitive but X-5 will always welcome you , i know that you wouldn’t betray us anyway’
Suddenly, you had an urge to go to the toilet
‘umm..Oppa, where are the toilets? I need to go’
Zin pointed towards a small building ‘it’s over there, should i tell Ghun to go with you?’
‘That’s okay oppa!’ you say quickly ‘I’m not a kid anymore’
You ran towards the building as fast as you can and when you get there you see a group of girls applying makeup. You recognized some of the girls because they were in your class. One of them stood out the most, she was the one that asked you all these questions about Zin
‘Well, Well, Well, aren't you  the new student?’ One of her friends giggled then said ‘Jessica, you should teach her a few rules around here, especially regarding X-5’ * thought, that girls name is Jessica?*
The girl, Jessica took a step forward towards you, then held a bunch of you r hair in her hand
‘If you don’t want your hair all ugly and ruined, why don’t you stay away from Zin and X-5? As an X-TREME i don’t want---‘Jessica never finished her sentence because a red arrow shot out of nowhere and just missed Jessica by a hair. Jessica screamed, her friends were scared too and they all ran out screaming that the ‘RED DRAGON’ was back.
You saw that there was a note on the arrow and read it, it said ‘I AM THE RED DRAGON; IF YOU DONT’ WANT TO BE HURT, DON’T MESS WITH SUZI’
You were confused, who is the Red Dragon and why is he protecting you...?


DUN DUN DUN! who's the 'RED DRAGON?!' :3

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