Chapter 10

Who Do I Choose?
After a day or two, you were soon able to go back to school. 
You decided to walk to school (you know the way now) and when you get there, you see Zin waiting for you. But he wasn't the only one...Jaehyo and Ki Kwang were also there *what do I do now?* 
You walked towards them and Zin waved at you but you just ignore him, he looked hurt but still managed to keep smiling at you. You walked past him and stand face to face with Ki Kwang  
'Please let go of me, I don't want to be your maid because I haven't done anything wrong'  
But then Zin butted in, 'Suzi, don't worry, didn't I fix everything already?' But you turned and stared at him  
'oppa, what if you lose and Ki Kwang or Jaehyo gets me? I don't want to be a maid or someone's girlfriend when I didn't accept anything.'  
Zin was quiet for a moment 
'I'm sorry Suzi, I was being too greedy' he then walked up to you and whispered into your ear 'if one of them gets you, I'll fix things but I'll make it right this time and i'll also think about your feelings.' 
You smiled at Zin, 'gomawo oppa' 
Jaehyo on the other hand was getting full on jealous *I want to be close with Suzi too, what should I do to make her like me?* 
while Jaehyo was thinking, everybody left to go to class and he just stood there like a loner *what the heck, where did everyone go? My image as a kingka...* 
You sat in class glaring at L 
'ok class, I need to go out and photocopy some sheets so be quiet and work while I'm out' said Mr Vo 
You poked L really hard when Mr Vo was gone 
'owww! What's with you and poking?!' L rubbed his waist as he looked at you and he saw that you were very angry 
'Whats the matter now?' 
'well, first of all, did you lie to me? I went to find the red shed but all that was inside was basically nothing and this a**hole named Hoya for some reason came out of that place and locked me in there when I went inside. He said that it would only be for a little while but he left me there till night! DO YOU KNOW HOW HUNGRY I WAS?!' 
L blinked, then wiped the saliva off his face 
'please talk more slowly next time...your spit is going everywhere and I told you I wasn't sure, it was all just rumors. I think it's been 4 years since I've heard about it.'  
You looked at L and just wanted to slap him 
  'why didn't you tell me that it's been that long!' 
L just shrugged 'you didn't ask' 
There was no point in asking L anymore, he just slept all day, why did you ask him in the first place? Aishhh. But still, you had to ask him a few more question. 
'do you know who Hoya is?' 
'what class is he in?' 
'his right next door' 
'what the hell! That bastard is right next door?! -___- and how do you know all this?' 
'well, he is one of the kingkas of INFINITE and his a friend' 
That made things even worse, his a kingka and you wanted to kick his .  
'does he have and weaknesses?' 
L looked at you 'what are you going to do?' 
'I'm going to get revenge and anyway, why did he do that to me?' 
L tried thinking, 'oh! He loves playing pranks on people and having fun...maybe he couldn't let you out because he was busy or something...try ask for an explanation' 
You didn't understand L, sometimes his nice and helpful but other times...his mean and and grumpy. Agh, who cares, there's more problems to worry about. 
You stuck your head out of the classroom door to check if Mr Vo was walking back to class 
*his not here, nows my chance!* 
you ran next door and barged into the classroom, all eyes were on you and the teacher who was teaching stopped what she was doing and asked 'yes? Do you need anything?' 
You had to think up of something  
'oh yes, the principle wants to see Hoya,' 
The whole class went 'Hoya's in trouble~' 
Hoya just walked out of the classroom not caring about anything, you closed the door after he had walked out and went up to him.  
'quick!' you said 'we need to hide' 
Hoya was confused 'didn't my da--, I mean the principle ask for me?'  
You stuck out your tongue and did peace sign, 'isn't my acting just too awesome?' 
You drag Hoya into a room that had nothing in it...a dance room? You then started asking Hoya questions 
'why did you do that to me? You locked me up and said it was only going to be for a little while,but I ended up staying there until night time!' 
Hoya just yawned 
'I was just cleaning that place up coz I need it for something and you were just standing out there, I just thought that it might be a bit fun to bully you a bit.' 
'but you never came back! I thought I was going to die in there!' 
You started to tear up, 'i thought I was going to be with dad in heaven and mum would be all alone...' 
Hoya started to feel sorry for you and tried to cheer you up 
'Mianhe...I was busy and forgot about you...let me show you something that would cheer you up :)' 
Hoya walked across the room and music [nothings over♪], then he started to dance. He was soooo cool and handsome! When he was done, you clapped and cheered 
'that was so cool! Your an awesome dancer \(^o^)/'  
Hoya smiled 'I know right? That's why I was cleaning the shed, I wanted to make my own dance studio' 
'but...are you allowed? The school won't punish you or anything?' 
Hoya just laughed 'of course not! I'm allowed to do anything I want' 
This school is not strict one bit... 
'Anyway' you said 'I forgive you~ and I'm now your #1 fan! Does it matter if I'm a BBC though...?' 
'nah,' said Hoya 'it's just teams and did you know your the first person I've performed to?' 
You laugh '! I feel very honored!'  
'at lunch, do you want to help me clean out the shed? I promise I wont lock you in again' 
Your eyes sparkle 'of course! Are you going to show me other dances in the future?' 
Hoya thought for a moment 'well, Im still working on some but we'll see'  
Sorry if its too long or short or boring... ( ̄ー ̄)  
I'll try make it better.. (^-^)  
And don't forget to comment, I don't really care if its mean :3
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