Revenge part 1

Who Do I Choose?
You walked back to class annoyed because they guys kept worrying about you.

"you should go home and get some more rest!"
"do you want me to carry you?"
"want to eat some food to keep your energy up?"

'EVERYONE! I'm okay! You don't have to worry about me, see?'
You rotated around in a circle to show them that you still had energy and that you were fine but you accidentally slipped on a hidden hole in the grass.
L had quick reflexes and caught you quickly before you hurt yourself.
'are you okay?'
You looked at him, he was staring straight into your eyes
'ahem! -cough cough-'
Zin started coughing and that made the both of you snap out of it. It was like L was trying to read your mind.
Since L was in the same class as you, you both walked to class awkwardly. The other guys went to their other classes. You didn't know what to say to L, you didn't even know why it became awkward between the both of you. On the way there, you bumped into Mr Vo and he was with a student. She didn't look familiar.
'oh Suzi, why aren't you in class?'
'sorry Mr Vo, i was just at the nurses office...i think i fainted...and L was there to look after me.'
Mr Vo nodded
'Suzi, this is Alexandra, shes a new student, would you please show her around?.'
L was crying on the inside,
*why did she have to be real?! my life is over!*
you found it amusing and bad for L at the same time. Finally, you had a friend thats a girl. It was sort of sad that you only hung out with guys, it made other girls think that you were a tomboy. Even though you love food and you don't mind how much you weigh, your still scared of bugs and hate most things girls hate.
Alexandra smiled at you sweetly, then looked at L and was star struck, she thought he look so cool and handsome but it made her sad that he didn't even look at her or had any interests in her. She noticed that he kept taking small glances at you but you didn't know anything.
At lunch you introduced Alexandra to all your guy friends, they didn't seem to like her much for some reason but you just ignored it. You might have found it a bit annoying when she kept flirting with most of them, acting like a small, little cute puppy but you tried to not care because she might be the only friend you have thats a girl.

The next few days were terrible! Alexandra didn't even seem like a friend anymore...she just cared about being popular and she kept showing off because she hung out with the "kingkas" ,that made all of the guys angry because she used you, just like what Kiarah did. When Zin confronted her and told her to get lost she gave him an evil glare, slapped him and walked away. Turns out, she joined Kiarah's "gang" of y snobs.
*why do all the girls i try to befriend always betray me?*
You really wanted to give up trying to make friends with girls because if you try to talk to some of them, they're too scared of you and run away or they would give you the death glare and give you the cold shoulder.
'i knew there was something suspicious about her' mumbled L
Hoya was so pissed off at Alexandra, he punched the wall and made a small hole
'her face is hideous, shes not cute and still, she keeps flirting with everyone!'
Sunggyu calmed him down
'i know!' yelled out Sungjong
'Let's play a prank on her! She deserves it so much'
'yeah!' you joined in
'she slapped Zin oppa and now it's time for payback! Hoya oppa, do you have anything in mind?'
Hoya didn't have the chance to say anything because Sunggyu butted in
'ya, why does Hoya get to be called oppa? I want to be called oppa too!'
The others joined in
"me too!" they all chimed
You laughed
'ok...Sunggyu oppa, Woohyun oppa, L oppa, Sungjong oppa, Dongwoo oppa and Sungyeol oppa, happy now?'
They all smiled brightly and nodded in unison
*whoa...are they robots or something? They are always doing stuff together in sync..*
You guys made a map of the whole school and thought of what to do to Alexandra and Kiarah's gang. Kiarah's was in the prank because INFINITE thought it wasn't fair that she would get away with hurting you. It made you feel happy that they're thinking of you felt scared. What if she takes away all of the people that you love?
You felt sad and Woohyun noticed
'is the Red Goddess okay?'
You gave him a small smile
'yea, just a bit scared of Kiarah'
'no need to be scared! You got us protecting you!'
Woohyun peered at you closely
'i didn't realise this before but your skin is really nice, it looks soft and it sparkles, just like a Goddess'
You blushed
The plan was going to take place in 2 days (Wednesday) and you couldn't wait, even if you were nervous, you had people protecting you and nobody could stop you.

I wonder what they're going to do...
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Kyoya_kumo #1
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