Choose Eli?

Who Do I Choose?
A few weeks later, everything was fine. Your INFINITE oppa's were playing around as always but L wasn't talking to you. It seemed like he was avoiding you. The same with Zin, Jaehyo and Ki Kwang. Even L.joe was avoiding you with no apparent reason.
You felt hurt but you hide your feelings.
*just smile and pretend that everything's okay*
it was harder than you thought.
Everyday seemed more difficult to hide your hurt feelings.
Eli noticed that you were sad when you went over to his house. Yes, Bob made you stop cleaning and stuff but you only went there to clean whenever you felt depressed. Eli figured that out pretty quick.
'hey Suzi, whats wrong?'
'hmm? Oh nothing...'
'doesn't look like nothing to me. Spill'
So, you told him how you were being ignored by L.Joe, Zin, L, Ki Kwang and Jaehyo. He seemed confused.
'why are they ignoring you?'
'i don't know...i don't remember doing anything wrong...'
You smashed the wet towel you were using on the ground and started stomping on it.
You took out your anger on the wet towel and when you had calmed down, you turned to Eli. He seemed pretty shocked by your anger. It was a side of you that you never showed anyone.
'uhmm, want me to go ask them?'
You shook your head
'it's okay..just leave leave them..'
Even if you said it was okay not to ask them, Eli went ahead and asked them directly. Eli didn't have any feelings for you as in like [does that make sense?] but he did love you as a younger sibling. Besides, your parents might get married and the both of you would become half brother/sister.
Anyway, Eli walked up to L and asked him
'why are you avoiding Suzi?'
L was taken back,
'did Suzi talk to you about it?'
'so what if she did? Why are you avoiding her?'
L didn't answer and just walk away
*what the heck! How dare he just ignore me!!*
Eli then went to talk to Zin
'why are you avoiding Suzi?'
Zin asked the same thing as L and then walked away like L too! The same with Jaehyo, Ki Kwang and L.Joe.
Eli's anger was boiling through the roof. He walked into a deserted park and screamed to the whole entire world
He walked home super depressed, just like you. When you saw him sulking in the corner, you went up to him and patted his back.
'Eli oppa, are you okay?'
He smiled weakly at you
'you know how you said you were being ignored by them? Well...i went to go and ask them but they ignored me too!'
You giggled
'let's order jajangmyeon/ black bean noodles and eat till we explode. That should make us feel better right?'
Eli laughed
'thats a good idea!'
So, Eli ordered a lot of black bean noodles and you both ate till your stomachs felt like exploding.
L, Ki Kwang, Jaehyo, L.Joe and Zin were stalking Eli and when they saw you and Eli eating happily and laughing, their hearts shattered into tiny pieces.
From the corner of your eyes, you saw them leave. Eli looked out the window and saw them too.
You ran outside and screamed 'STOP!'
They all stopped and turned to face you.
'why are you guys ignoring me?' you asked sadly
Zin smiled at you
'it was a test..but now..we know who you choose..'
'what? Choose? Choose who?'
'Eli..' mumbled L
'yea, well, since all of us wanted you, we decided to do a test. If we all ignore you, you would go up to the one you love and ask them' explained Ki Kwang
'are you guys stupid? Is that how you know if a girl likes a guy?'
They all nodded
'if works most of the time..i think' said Jaehyo unsure
'well anyway, you chose Eli and we support your decision'
'WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?! Eli might be my future brother!'
They all stared at you blankly
'brother?' they all said at the same time
'Zin, your the ninja here,shouldn't you atleast know that piece of information?'
Zin blushed
'i haven't been training lately!'
'anyway, my mum and Eli's dad fell in love and stuff..'
Hoya was passing by, eating ice-cream. He saw you guys having small mini arguments with lots of confused looks.
'HEY SUZI!~' Hoya screamed out
He ran up to you and put an arm around your shoulder, then offered you some of his ice-cream.
'umm, no thanks..i'm a bit full..'
Everyone except Eli who was sniggering behind you was glaring at Hoya. Since they knew that you didn't choose Eli and that you guys might be just siblings, they knew that they still had a chance with you.
'why do i suddenly feel cold?' said Hoya, confused
'it's really hot today but i feel i sick?'
You felt Hoya's forehead, which made the jealousy even worse
'nope, your not sick..'
Hoya smiled brightly
'Suzi~ i just remembered that i got an extra movie ticket. Wanna come with me?'
Not good. You and Hoya didn't realise it but Eli did. L, Zin, Jaehyo, Ki Kwang, L.Joe and Zin were boiling with fury. They all imagined his being stabbed with millions of daggers and fortunately, one did reach him.
You looked at Hoya
'whats wrong?'
'i..just felt something stab my arm..'
'thats weird...let me see'
Hoya took off his jacket. He was wearing a purple t-shirt which said "HOYA ♥'s PURPLE"
You examined his arm but there was nothing there.
Inside, the guys were were laughing like crazy because Hoya was hurt but when you checked his arm, their smiles faded and their faces turned into stone.
*is he god or something? Why won't he suffer?!* they all thought

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