
Who Do I Choose?
You held your cheek and you looked at her.
Juliet were shocked, then they became angry
'excuse me bi-atch, what do you think your doing?' said Kiera
Kiarah glared at Kiera
'who the hell are you? And it's none of your business!'
Kiarah then turned to you and took something out of her pocket. They were photos of you and Thunder. She slammed them down on the table
'who gives you the right to mess with my oppa?!'
you were confused
'yea, his my world famous brother!'
You looked at her shocked
'are you stupid or something? Do you even have a brain? DON'T MESS WITH MY BROTHER! ARASSO?!'
Thunder came running in
'Kiarah, what the hell are you doing?'
'oppa! Don't try to protect that '
Thunder then looked at the table
'how did you get these photos?! Are you hiring someone to follow me again? Ughh, i told you so many times! I have have a life and i want privacy!'
He looked at you
'mianhe Suzi..Kiarah can be a bit...wild sometimes...'
You just stood there, still confused.
* so Kiarah has a brother..and it was Thunder? She never told me when we were friends...oh wait..we were never friends in the first place, she just used me. It's weird though, their personalities are the exact opposite*
you see Ji yong glaring at Thunder
'Ji yong..are you okay?' you whispered
He nodded
'Suzi, you know you can just call me GD or oppa right? I feel really old if you call me Ji yong'
You laughed
Kiarah was still fuming and everyone was scared that she would hit you again so they made a wall between the both of you...just like the day she punched you in the face.
'i see that you've got people to back you up. When we get back to school and i see that your alone, be prepared because you never know when i'm around the corner!'
She stormed out of the house
Thunder just looked at you guys, sorry for what his younger sister had done
'umm Thunder...'
You stopped him before he could leave
' how did she know where my house is..?'
'well..about that..our family has a lot of money so she could do anything or hire anybody she wants. She just hired this person to track you down...'
'why didn't you stop her...?'
'uhm, i didn't want to be involved in her business but since i knew you, i had to stop her but i was too late...mianhe..'
You smiled at him
'it's okay, you better leave now or she'll be really angry at you'
Thunder nodded and left.
After a few minutes of silence, Chaerin went to the freezer to get some ice to put on your cheek, then they asked you why Kiarah did that to you.
You told them everything, L.Joe and Zin would add some small information if you forgot anything and the guys who had never heard of these stories before were shocked. They wanted to hurt Kiarah so bad.
' Kiera, Chaerin, Minhee, Hyejin..gomawo, for coming. It was awesome of you guys to come, even though it wasn't really a party'
'awww, thats okay Suzi~ and you can call me unnie, same with Minhee and Hyejin. Kiera is the same age as you so..nah, just call her unnie' said Chaerin laughing
'but Chaerin unnie! I'm only older than Suzi by a month!'
Minhee giggled
'your still older than her so that makes you an unnie~ our baby maknae isn't the youngest anymore~'
Kiera pouted
'i'm still the maknae!'
Juliet and GD had to leave, so you said goodbye to them.
'bye Suzi~ i know we'll be seeing you again soon!~' said Hyejin as she walked to the van.
You smiled then waved at the van as it drove away.

You turned around and looked at the guys. It seemed like they were all planning something because they were whispering to one another. You went closer to them but as soon as they noticed your presence, they stopped talking.
'it's getting late Suzi, we should all get going' said Zin
You nodded and walked with them to the door.
'noona~ see you on Monday~'
You waved at all of them.
*what were they talking about...? arghhh, my life is...crazy*

Omg, i find it shocking that Kiarah and Thunder are siblings and i'm the one who wrote it 0.0
Is Thunder good or bad? Keke
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