Chapter 16

Who Do I Choose?
when your anger had finally gone away, the INFINITE guys were finally able to ask you 'what happened?'
When they saw you stomping angrily to the dance studio they knew not to ask you anything because they were scared. You looked scary when you were angry.
'it's just....this Red Dragon guy keeps rescuing me or what ever but he doesn't want to show his face! Just before, when L tried to feed me sushi, he shot an arrow that landed between us, hitting a tree!'
The guys weren't even listening about the arrow bit, they were more interested in L
'L! Did you try feed Suzi?? you like her?! :O' said a suprised Hoya
L turned red
'no guys, he was just testing the sushi to see if it was poisened or not'
The others just laughed
'did he tell you that?' said Woohyun
'yep. Arghhh back to the point! Who is the Red Dragon?! I hate him soo badly right now -____-'
'but Suzi, shouldn't you be at least a bit happy that his helping you? He might have a good reason to not show himself.'
You thought for a moment, Hoya was right, if you find out who he is, will something bad happen or something?
The bell rang for class
On the way to class, you met someone you never wanted to meet again, it was Kiarah,
'well,well,well, if it isn't the little miss popular, Suzi.'
You didn't know what to do, you wanted to punch her in the face but you stopped yourself. Kiarah smirked
'I see that you've become pretty popular with the guys, mind if I take some of them away from you again?'
You wanted to cry
'why are you doing this to me? I thought we were best friends!'
Kiarah laughed
'Hah, did you really think that we were best friends? I just used you to get close to L.Joe.'
Tears started streaming out of your eyes, then you felt an arm go around your shoulder
'well, if you hurt Suzi again, your dead, arasso?'
Jaehyo was glaring at Kiarah, she looked at him then at you and started walking away, muttering under her breath that she was going to take everyone that you loved away from you.

[note; Ever since you were young, Kiarah had always been jealous of you because you always had everything, the looks, a perfect boyfriend (l.Joe ), lots of friends and a nice loving family (but then your dad passed away). When she found out you were going out with a really popular guy at school, l.Joe, she was very angry because she loved l.Joe, he was her first love and now he was taken. Kiarah decided to befriend you and steal him away from you.]

'gomawo Jaehyo,'
Jaehyo wiped your tears away from your face
'don't let that evil b*tch hurt you, your too beautiful for that'
He then smiled and led you to the your classroom, you were happy that you had such good friends around you.
'see you later Jaehyo'
You were about to walk into the classroom but then he grabbed you wrist and stopped you.
'cant you call me oppa? I'm really envious of Zin because you always call him oppa.'
'okay..bye Jaehyo oppa, see you later'
Satisfied, Jaehyo let go of your wrist and watched you go inside
'if anyone bullies you, tell me arasso?'
Girls in the class glared at you but when they saw Jaehyo looking at them, they turned the other way.
When you sat down, L was looking at you, he noticed that your eyes were red
'did something happen?'
'no..nothing happened'
You got out a drink (soda) from your pocket and drank it,
Then suddenly, out of the blue, he asked
'are you going out with Jaehyo?'
You spat out the drink all over L
'what the hell?! Where did you get that idea?'
L thought for a moment
'well, he is acting like a boyfriend'
You laugh
'his just happy because I called him oppa. He was getting a little bit jealous of Zin'
L wanted to say something but stopped himself. You got out a tissue and started wiping the soda off L's face. While you were cleaning his face, you realised that he was staring at you.
'is anything wrong?'
L looked away shyly
'nothing...its just that your really pretty...'
'huh? What did you say? I didn't hear you, talk louder'
But L wouldn't tell you what he just said
'don't worry'

Sorry if some things don't make sense; I'm getting distracted by the tv xD
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