Boring chapter

Who Do I Choose?
It was home time and you were packing your things away into your locker. Out of nowhere, Woohyun appeared by your side.
'aish..OPPA! You scared me!'
Woohyun chuckled, then slung an arm around your shoulder
'what are you doing?!' you hissed
'what if the others see and misunderstand even more!'
'thats good then' said Woohyun calmly
'i want to see Hyejin's reaction~ do you think she'll be jealous?'
You punched Woohyun in the arm making him wince in pain
'don't do it that way! something romantic for her!'
Woohyun nodded
'yes sir!'
He walked through the hallway marching like an idiot.
At home, you got a text from Woohyun
"Suzi, i bought a cute dog card and pink i just put it in her locker?"
You texted back
"yea..but what did u write on the card?"
Woohyun didn't text back for about half an hour. You decided to stop waiting and just the tv instead.
When he finally texted back you looked at the poem

"It might be a little weird but i gave it a try!
Everyday you make my heart race and flutter
It feels so weird.. like.. i'm sliding on soft butter
Your beautiful brown eyes, large and cute
It just takes my breath away, making me mute
Your all that a guy wants; caring and kind
I love you.. Please be mine? "

It was funny, weird and cute. You couldn't help but smile when he wrote 'sliding on soft butter'
"oppa! ur gonna get her for sure!" you texted
"thanks Suzi~"
that was the end of the conversation because you had to look after Tee-Tee ( your hamster TEEN TOP got you for your birthday )
You washed the lettuce and whacked it around a bit to try dry all the water.
As you were feeding Tee-Tee, you got a phone call
'yeboseyo? L.Joe?'
'hey Suzi..i just called to see how you were doing...'
'umm...i'm doing fine'
' what are you doing right now?'
'i'm feeding Tee-Tee~'
'oh really? Did you know that if you feed hamsters wet lettuce, they die.'
You looked at the lettuce that you were holding, it was a little bit wet and your hamster was already chewing on it
'r-really? i-i i'm feeding him wet lettuce r-right n-now'
L.Joe seemed shocked on the other line
'don't worry Suzi! It was just something i heard! Just a rumour! So don't worry. But if he has problems breathing or something..take him to the vet'
'it's a she'
'okay, take "her" to the vet'
You said goodbye to L.Joe and then hung up
*why am i having weird conversations with people today?*

After you finished feeding Tee-Tee, you checked your phone to see if there were any messages. There were none so you got ready and went to sleep.

The next morning at school, you came a bit late and when you arrived, Kiera was bouncing up to you excitedly.
'SUZI! Guess what?!'
'HYEJIN HAS A SECRET ADMIRER!' Kiera then started giggling
'thats nice~' you said, smiling
'but i'm curious who the person is...' whined Kiera
'couldn't he atleast give a tiny clue?'
You groaned loudly
'that idiot!'
Kiera looked at you
'i-idiot? Did you call me an idiot?'
'no no no no! I just remembered something that Zin had to do for me but he forgot~' you lied
Kiera smiled
On the way to class, you texted Woohyun
"YAH! Did you forget to write your name on the card?!"
Woohyun texted back in an instant
"omg, i forgot...WHAT DO I DO?!"
You quickly whipped up a plan in your head and texted him back
"get some pretty roses or something and confess to her face to face"
Woohyun never texted back
*he must be getting some roses in the school garden..* you thought
You sat in your seat quietly, Kiera didn't accompany you because Hoya had called her out to give her something.
You stared into space but snapped out of it when someones face was just about a centimetre away from your.
'L! You scared me!'
L chuckled
'Aww dang it, if i moved a bit closer, then i would have stolen a kiss from you~' he joked
Your face flushed bright pink and you turned the other way, not meeting his gaze
The teacher came in and saved you. It was weird how he looked at you and it just make your heart go crazy. But it was too bad you sat next to him and you couldn't run away..

Didnt update yesterday...sorry..
Just went back to school TT-TT
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