Chapter 17

Who Do I Choose?
The next morning, when you went to school, you realised that there was a large group of actually, the whole school was huddled up around something trying to see what was happening. It turned out to be Ki Kwang, Zin and Jaehyo battling it out to have you. You pushed and shoved your way through until you got closer to them. All three of them were sitting of the floor staring at each other
'what are you guys doing?'
'we are having a staring contest' said Jaehyo not blinking
'what? I thought there would be a massive battle that would would be more...challenging...'
Ki Kwang and Jaehyo looked at you, trying not to blink
'YAHH! KI KWANG! I saw you blink, your out!' said Zin
'what! Did not'
'you totally did! I kept my eyes on you, you noob'
Ki Kwang pouted
'fine! I'm out,'
Ki Kwang then started blinking at a super fast pace
'JELLY? I know you are'
It was now a battle between Zin and Jaehyo, their eyes were getting red and watery but they ignored it,
*what am I going to do?! Of Jaehyo loses, then He has to stay away from me but if Jaehyo wins, I have to be his girlfriend!*
You didn't want both of these things happening so you did what you had to do, you went up to them and nearly whacked them in the eyes, both of them blinked at the same time and no one knew who won.
'end of game, let's get back to class already, all this is just silly'
You heard Zin and Jaehyo sigh a relief and they were glad they were able to blink again.
'thank god you saved me Suzi, I thought my eyes were going to wrinkle up and turn into sultanas' said Jaehyo
You laughed at him
'I don't think that would happen'

In class, some girls came up to you and gave you chocolates, your eyes were sparkling at the amount they gave you
'thanks for stoping the challenge' said one girl
'if you became Jaehyo's girlfriend, it would have been like world war 2.'
Another girl smiled at you
'yeah! And if you became Zin's girlfriend, you might not even exist on this earth anymore...but anyway, you stopped everything and everything's gonna be normal again'
You gave an awkward smile to the girls *not exist on the earth anymore..? O___O*
'umm.okay..? Thanks for the chocolates :D'
You went to your desk and sat down. L was looking at you then was staring at the chocolates
'want some chocolate?' you said as you plopped a chocolate in your mouth
'd-did you get those from guys?'
'nope..didn't you see before? These girls gave it to me thanking me for stopping the challenge.'
'oh..okay, can I have that chocolate?' L pointed to the white chocolate
You pass the chocolate to him, when you accidentally touched his hand, he immediately pulled his hand away in shock *her..her hand is so soft...* thought L
'is there something wrong? I don't have that much germs on my hand you know...'
L shook his head
'it's not that...before, it felt like electricity was running through my felt weird..'
'hmm..' you thought 'you should get some rest'
L nodded, 'yeah, I should go to the nurses office and rest a bit'
L got up and walked out of class
*I hope his gonna be okay..*
You kept eating the chocolates until it was all finished
*ughh, I feel sick..*
Class had already started so you put your hand up
'yes Suzi? Do you have a question?' said Mr Vo
'I...feel really really sick...can I please go to the nurses office?'
'yes, you do look a little pale there, you can go.'
'thank you sir'
You left the the classroom to go to the nurses office, when you got there, all the beds were occupied.
'oh Suzi, what are you doing here..?'
'glad we meet again L, I kinda ate too much chocolate and now I feel sick..and there's no more beds!'
'oh, I don't need this bed anymore, I can't sleep. Wanna use it?'
Thank god L was there, if there were no beds, you would've just slept on the floor
'yes please!' you say happily
You jumped into the bed and looked at L,
'are you going back to class?'
'nahh, Mr Vo is too boring, I'll just sit here until you go to sleep'
You just nodded and in a few minutes, you fell asleep. L looked at your sleeping face, then the electricity in his body came back *is there something wrong with me? I have....cancer or something o____O*
L soon became tired after watching you for a while and fell asleep by your side. When you woke up, you saw L sleeping beside you..and his hand was gripping your hand

Yay, the challenge is over, now the story is gonna get more interesting ..THE RED DRAGON IS COMING SOON!~ woohoo
is it too long? O___O
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