Red Goddess

Who Do I Choose?
'because she blackmailed me, if i didn't kiss her or i pulled away, she would have hurt you. It might not sound that bad but shes not the only one willing to hurt you...there are lots of other girls in the school that want to hurt you too...'
You were confused
'what was the blackmail about...?'
L.Joe didn't want to say it but he had to, to break down the wall between the both of you. 'back then, she had been following you and taking pictures. One day, you were with Zin and you guys were really close looking happy. It looked like you were cheating on me but i know that you would never do that and that you guys were only friends but Kiarah said that the girls at school wouldn't believe a word you say. They would tear you apart...and i had to protect i had to kiss her. I couldn't even tell you but now that the picture is burned and gone, i have the courage to tell you now'
You wanted to cry
*he did all that for me?*
the ninja kingkas who were nearby understood L.Joe's situation now but Zin, he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want you to be with L.Joe again. Even though L.Joe had done that to protect you. Zin wasn't going to back down
*so what if he saved her? I still have a chance with her, and i would have gone through a different path to protect her*
You found it hard to take in all of the new information
'c-can i please go out and clear my head for a bit? I need to think for a bit longer'
L.Joe nodded then smiled
You walked out of the library and nearly fell to the floor but Hoya caught you.
'Hoya? What are you doing here?'
'um, err, hehe, i was just passing look sick, do you need to go to the nurses office?'
You didn't hear the last words that Hoya had just said because you fainted. Hoya was panicking like crazy.
's-s-SUZI?! Omo..are you okay..?'
No response.
The guys quickly rushed out of the library. Ki Kwang lightly slapped your face a bit but still, there was no response
'We have to take her to the sick bay now!' said L,
He was scared that you would be sick again and he didn't want that to happen. He wanted to spend more time with you.
Everyone walked together through the corridors, Hoya was carrying you and the others were moving people out of the way.
Most girls were jealous but others were curious

"what happened to her?"
"hmmph, it's not fair! she gets treated like a princess"
"i wish i was her right now"
"is she okay?"

Even though there were even more nasty words being said about you, the kingkas ignored it all because they were more worried about you.
They put you down on the bed and stood there looking at you
'she was so nice to make us the lunch boxes, i loved hello kitty...' mumbled Zico
'shes not dying you know!' yelled out Ricky
L.Joe was just standing there, frozen,
*was it because of me? Did i do this to her? I must have stressed her out too much...*
Even though class had started, they all stayed by your side. When you woke up, you felt thirsty and got out of the bed. You stepped on something squishy and looked down. You had stepped on C.A.P's . Thank god he wasn't awake. Everyone was sprawled on the floor asleep.
*why are they down there? Where am i anyway?*
It took you a while but you finally realised where you were.
*what happened? I only remember being in the library listening to L.Joe...the rest is blank* you moved around all the bodies to get to the door
*i'm sooo thirsty.*
you went out of the room and went to the nearest drink machine.

Ricky was the first one to wake up, when he saw that you weren't on the bed sleeping, he was screaming like a girl
He was shaking everyone like a lunatic.
At first, everyone was still sleepy trying to figure out why they were on the floor, then after they came back to their senses, they started to freak out.
They all ran everywhere around the school looking for you. Finally they found you sitting on a bench taking small sips of your coke.
'NOOOOOOOONAAAAAAAAAA!!!!' screamed out Ricky
He ran up to you and hugged you real tight, causing you to try gulp for air
Zin ran up to the both of you and separated you both
'did you call me NOONA?!'
Ricky nodded
'yea :)'
'i'm not that old you know! Aren't i younger than you?'
Ricky shrugged
'even if i'm older than you, i like calling you noona~ what else is there to call you?'
You thought for a moment
'well, you can give a nickname?'
'what about Red Goddess? The Red Dragon is always helping you and your like a goddess!'
Ricky then started skipping around everyone Asking if it was a good name. They all liked it and thought that it would be a good name to use when they couldn't talk about you using your real name when other girls were around.
*hmmm Red Dragon and Red Goddess? Sounds like we are a couple...*

Sorry if i updated late. When i thought i finished my homework, there was actually more -.-
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Kyoya_kumo #1
Dommage que c'est fini
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