
Who Do I Choose?
You and Hoya had to leave to go to the cinemas so you left Eli with the guys. It wasn't really the best plan since all of them ignored Eli before which made things really awkward now but you hoped that they all would make up.
'what movie are we seeing?' you asked Hoya
'hehe~ We're not seeing a movie...i never had tickets..'
'what?! Then where are we going?'
'i want to go to the amusement park and have fun!~'
'ehh? But...'
It was already too late. The both of you had already arrived at the amusement park and Hoya dragged you onto the roller coaster after paying for your tickets.
*it wouldn't hurt to have fun would it?*
the ride was friggin awesome! You were so scared but you couldn't scream, you just stayed mute. Hoya on the other hand was screaming like crazy! His manly voice turned into a high pitched females voice.
After the ride was over, you both couldn't stand properly. It was like you guys were drunk.
'lets go on again!' yelled out Hoya
You waited a few seconds until you could stand up straight
'okay! Lets go!'
You both went on again. Even though you already felt the thrill of going on a roller coaster, it was still scary. Hoya's voice also changed slightly, it became even more high pitched and it blasted your ears
'SUZIIIIIIII!!' he screamed
You still seemed to be mute and he thought you had fainted or something.
'yep...' you weakly replied.
The ride was over and you both stepped off dizzily.
'can we get something to eat?' you asked Hoya while holding onto his sleeve
'of course! I'm hungry myself!~'
Hoya went to buy hot dogs while you sat on a bench sipping on a cold strawberry smoothie.
Some muscular gangsters passed by with some ty looking girls. One of the guys whistled when they saw you and walked towards you
'hey pretty~ did you come here alone?'
You looked at him
'ani, i came here with an oppa'
He smirked at you, thinking that his looks were good enough to win you over
'wanna be my girl?'
His friends sniggered and he turned red in the face. One of the girls stepped in front of him and stood looking at you like you were a piece of rubbish.
'no one rejects Dari, if you wanna keep that pretty face of yours you better change your answer'
You shook your head
'but i don't want to go out with Dari'
The girl got ready to slap you so you shut your eyes waiting for it. But nothing happened. You opened your eyes to see Hoya gripping the girls wrist tightly and glaring at all of them.
'what the hell are you guys doing?'
They all looked at Hoya
'ah, so this girl is with you aye?'
'just back off' Hoya sneered.
You had never seen Hoya like this before, it was like the wolf side of him was unleashed.
Dari pulled you close to him
'and if i don't want to?'
Hoya glared at Dari and tightened his grip on the girls wrist making her whimper
'if you don't want to...then you wouldn't mind if i were to maybe make your little sister, Ji Eun, hurt would you?'
Dari growled
'you win this time Hoya but next time, you won't be so lucky.'
Hoya let got of Ji Eun's wrist and they all walked away.
'are you okay Suzi?'
You nodded
'they didn't hurt me~ but do you know them oppa?'
Hoya's face turned cold.
'that guy before, Dari and his group of friends are kingkas from MS High. They are called Dalmatian. The girl who nearly slapped you, shes Dari's sister, Ji Eun and shes one of the queenkas at MS High thats called Secret. They don't like SM High and despise us a lot'
'mm....their school name is just like ours...just switched around~' you giggled
Hoya ruffled your hair
'lets get going..otherwise the others might get worried about you'
You both got onto the bus and traveled back to Eli's house
'it was a short visit to the amusement park but did you have fun?'
'yep~ today was really fun~ gomawo Hoya oppa'
After you guys walked through the door, all the guys crowded around you
'HII SUZII' said Jaehyo excitedly
'how was the movie?'
You coughed
'umm, it was great!'
Zin touched your forehead
'nope, your not sick. Thats okay then'
Hoya came behind you and whispered into your ear
'lets keep the what happened today a secret.'
You smiled at him
'sure thing~'
The guys pouted and cursed under their breath
*if only i never told her to go and ask for an explanation*
thought L, remembering the day you got locked in the shed by Hoya.
*it might have been better to make her hate him more...*
While L was thinking about the past and regretting nearly everything, you and Hoya became more closer than ever. It was like you'd known him for years because he would just tell you all his problems. That night, when everyone was sleeping in the guest room ( everyone decided to sleep over Eli's house ) Hoya woke you up and you both went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate.
'Suzi...can you please help me?'
'hmm? Help you with what?'
'i-i-i really like this girl...and i want her to notice me more..what do i do?'
'whoa! Oppa likes a girl? Tell me who it is and i'll see if i can help you'
Hoya became red at the thought of the girl

No hate towards dalmatian & secret, i love them~
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