Chapter 11

Who Do I Choose?
At lunch, you zoomed out of the classroom and ran to the red shed to meet Hoya. He was already inside cleaning and taking out large boxes to chuck away.
'hey Suzi, just in time, can you get that box over there and throw it away?' In the corner there was a small brown box, you walked across the room to pick it up but then you saw was black and furry,
Hoya was standing there with his arms wide open, you ran screaming into Hoya's arms
'there there,' said Hoya ' it's okay'
After just a few seconds, you felt Hoya's body start to shake. He was laughing. You looked up at him then at the box then back at him.
'was this a prank?!( ̄ー ̄)'
Hoya just kept laughing
'you should've seen the look on your face when you were screaming! It was soooo funny!'
You pushed Hoya away from you
'I'm not your #1 fan anymore! Your evil!'
'awww, I was just having some fun,'
Hoya was smiling brightly, you couldn't stay angry at him and smiled too. You then made a fake angry face
'I'll give you one more chance but if you do that again, I'll kill you and feed you to the birds!'
Hoya had his eyebrows raised
'like you could kill me, I would have to kill you...FIRST!!'
Hoya then started chasing after you, just like playing tag. You were running around outside screaming your head off, having fun but then you heard your name being called out
Zin and Haewon ran up to you, well, actually, Zin ran up to you and Haewon just walked.
'Hey Suzi, is everything okay?'
Zin gave Hoya a mean look
'his not bothering you or anything?'
You looked at Zin oppa and wanted to say that everything was fine but Hoya butted in
'what! Why would, I, Hoya, the awesome, hurt my #1 fan? That's just ridiculous!'
Hoya then messed up your hair with two of his hands
'I think you look good like this, it suits you'
You glare at Hoya
'yah! I'm going to get so much knots thanks to you!'
'well, your welcome'
Hoya then smiled again, then went back to cleaning the shed and you were trying to re-do your hair.
Zin looked at you for a moment
'Suzi...there isn't anything that I should be worrying about right?'
You look at Zin
'like...why are you here in the first place?'
'oh! I was just looking for the Red Dragon--' you blurted out, then covered your mouth with your hands.
'the Red Dragon? Why do you want to find him? He could be dangerous you know...'
You didn't know what to say
'ummm...I was just curious, I wanted to know what he looks like or who he is...and don't worry oppa, I know how to look after myself'
'but..but you couldn't even defend yourself in front of a dog.'
Memories of you and Jaehyo came back to your mind *no matter what, I must keep the secret safe!*
'Oppa, that dog had the most sharpest teeth I have ever seen, it was like...a shark a..a..and it was huge too!'
'oh ok, you win but you have to be careful. Arghh, I'm thirsty, wait here with Haewon and I'll go get us some drinks'
While waiting for Zin to come back, it was awkward between you and Haewon.
'ninja assasi---no, I mean Haewon, how come you don't talk that much?' Haewon looked at you with a blank face and opened his mouth, he was about to say something but all that came out was...a weird noise, like flem stuck in your throat. He turned red and turned the other way.
*is he sick?*
you called out his name and he slowly turned around, you put your hand on his forehead which made him go even more red,like a tomato.
'hmm, I think you have a fever, you should go to the nurses office'
Zin came back with the drinks and saw that Haewon was really red
'Haewon, you okay? You look sick!'
'he has a small fever' you say 'he should go to the nurses office'
'oh, how do you know he has a fever?'
You looked at Zin
'uh, I touched his forehead? Duh'
Zin started to panic
'you..t-t-t-touched his forehead?! Oh my god! Haewon,'
Haewon just stood there like a stick
'oh no! I sort of forgot to tell you that Haewon isn't good around's okay if you talk to him or stand/sit beside him but if you touch him....he sorta freezes and stops breathing so you have to do something to make him snap out of it'
You walk up to Haewon then cup his face into your hands. You could see that his face had gone a bit purple. You then looked at him carefully and went to get a long piece of grass from the ground, then you stuck it up his nose. Haewon immediately reacted to this and sneezed, he looked at you and managed to make a squeaking sound and ran to hide behind Zin.
'whoa Suzi, amazing, you did that just by looking at him. It took me and the rest of X-5 a couple of minutes to figure out how to make him come out of the hypnotism. Sadly looks like Haewon is scared of you now'
You smile at Haewon
'don't worry oppa, I know he will warm up to me soon.'
You looked at your watch and realized that you had spent too much time talking.
'oppa, I have to go and help Hoya do some stuff'
You didn't wait for Zin to protest against it and just ran into the shed.
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