
Who Do I Choose?
On Monday, you couldn't go to school because you had a nasty cold.
*feels like i'm gonna die!*
You screamed for your mother but you didn't think she heard you, you were about to repeat what you just said but then your mum walked in. She had a smile on her face with her hands behind her back
'Suzi~ i got something even better than chips and orange juice'
You felt happy, *ahh, umma is the best!*
she took out what was behind her back. Medicine.
*never mind, she's evil!*
'umma~~~ i don't want medicine, it's yucky!' you whined
'oh really? I have to leave to go to work soon and if you don't take the medicine, i will never buy food for you again. NEVER!'
You gasped
'i'll take it..just, buy me food on the way home from work'
You smiled sweetly at your mother
'oh alright, but you have to swallow every last bit!'
She gave you the tablets and watched you put it in your mouth. Your first plan was to keep the tablets in there and spit them out when your mum left for work but it started getting bitter and you had no choice but to gulp it down with water.
*the tablets are so bad that i can't explain it in words* you sobbed in your mind
Your mum left for work and left you home alone
'I'M SOOOO BORED!!!' you screamed out
The doorbell suddenly rang and you went to open it.
*who could that be?*
you slowly got out of bed and went to the door, when you opened it, no one was there
*must be kids playing a prank, shouldn't they be at school anyway?*
you looked down and found a bunch of red roses on the ground. There was also a card that read;

Hope you get well soon
Red Dragon ♥

Shivers ran up your spine,
*how did he know i was sick?*
you quickly closed the door and ran to you bed
*i was only sick today and he knew?! Do i have a device on me or something?*
You felt scared but you knew the Red Dragon wouldn't hurt you
*he keeps saving me all the time so he cant hurt me....right?*
To distract yourself from the Red Dragon, you your laptop and went on asianfanfics. Then you started writing a story.

It's about a girl, she's rich but her mother died giving birth to her. Her father is very protective and she has a very cool boyfriend named Daniel [from dalmatian]. One day, she was in her fathers study looking for something but some files dropped on the floor. When she picked them up and saw her name and got curious. She found out that her father has been watching her very carefully, from the day she was born. Her boyfriend is working for her father because her father took him in when he had no where to go. Her father bought him a house and taught him everything he needed to know and all about discipline, so he could get close to the her and watch over her carefully, thats why whenever she snuck out, her father always knew. The thing that shocked her the most was that her mother was still alive, her father just hated the mother because he found out that she had been cheating on him with another man.

You stopped writing
*what else do i write?*
You felt too hungry to write more so you went into the kitchen and tried to find something to eat. While you were looking for food, the roses on the table caught your eyes. You went up to them and took a small whiff. It smelt like candy and it made you smile.
*can't wait till i'm able to go back to school..i miss the guys already!*

Aww man! It's another short chapter D:
i'll do better next time
im DYING to tell you guys who the Red Dragon is :)
and and what do you think of Suzi's fanfic? Hehe might be a bit confusing though...i was planning on writing another fanfic like that but i'm lazy
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