Prom part 2

Who Do I Choose?
You got bored inside the hall and decided to get some fresh air outside. You walked into the garden full of beautiful flowers, then sat down on a bench. Someone came behind you and covered your eyes with their hands then laid a red rose on your lap, when the person took away their hand, you opened your eyes to try see who it was,but they had already run off somewhere.
The red rose had a small card next to it and it read:
Come inside, it's cold out here
You smiled, then got up and walked back inside. A guy walked up to you and held your hand. You couldn't recognise his face but it seemed like he knew you. He mouthed the words 'it's me'
You were shocked.
He slowly reached for his mask and was about to take it off but then the lights turned off, your hand and the 'Red Dragons' hand separated and you could heard whisperings

"you can't reveal now! It's too dangerous"
"but i'm dying to tell her, i have too!"
"no, you can't, if you do, she'll get hurt!"

You recognised one of the guys voices...Haewon..? It sounded like Haewons voice but since you haven't heard him talk much, you weren't sure. The lights were back on and the Red Dragon was gone. You took off your mask and people started chattering,
"that was Suzi?!"
"whoaa, her transformation is epic!"
You didn't care about what people said about you but you wanted to know one thing, why would you get hurt? It's just knowing someones identity, it can't be that dangerous, right? You slowly walked to the door *i'm going home...theres no point in being here anyway* but before you could leave, L stopped you.
'where are you going Suzi?'
'oh, um, home..'
'w-what! w-why? y-you just arrived! at least have a drink before you go?'
You accepted L's offer and went to get a drink with him. You scanned the room to try find Haewon. He was standing with Zin and X-5 talking, you looked at all their masks but none of them were the same as the Red Dragon's.
*i must have been dreaming..*
Random guys started coming up to you, trying to make conversation but L became really jealous.
*the next guy that comes up to Suzi will...feel the pain.*
a pretty cute guy comes up to you
'hi, my names Jonghyun, nice to meet you'
'oh, my name is Suz--'
a slap went across Jonghyuns face, you looked at L with large eyes
'oh, sorry, there was a fly..'
L looked at you and Jonghyun innocently and smiled. Jonghyun glared at L cursing at him under his breath as he walked away. Hoya ran up to you and gave you a biggg hug
'i missed you Suzi!~~'
L looked at Hoya and got his hand ready but Hoya turned around to look at him so he had to pretend to scratch his neck
'whats wrong L? Looks like you just swallowed a fly'
You shook Hoya off of you
'w-what are you doing..?'
'huh? Im hugging you, does it make you feel uncomfortable?'
You nodded slowly
'wae? Aren't we BEST friends?~ your my #1 fan so you should be happy that you got a hug from me' Hoya had a large smile on his face
Zin, Jaehyo and Ki Kwang saw the hug far in the distance, their blood was boiling
*wait till i get my hands on you*

Yes, i know this chapter is a bit boring and it doesnt make sense... Im running out of ideas.. (>_<) and sorry if it's short..
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Kyoya_kumo #1
Dommage que c'est fini
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