
Who Do I Choose?
It was really hard to act normal. You kept on staring at Zin and when he caught you looking at him, you both would smile at each other awkwardly.
The other guys took it the wrong way though.
*are they dating now...?*
*my chance to be with her is gone...*
Even though you finally had female friends, your mind kept drifting off to the Red Dragon, aka Zin.
In class, L saw how spaced out you were
'Suzi' he whispered
'are you okay?'
You didn't hear him and just kept looking straight out the window
'Suzi...' he said again
You looked at L
'what did you say?'
'i said..are you okay?'
You nodded
'i'm fine, just a bit sleepy'
GD looked at you
'Suzi, you don't look fine...go home and rest'
You shook your head
'i'm okay, don't worry about it'
But GD wouldn't listen, so he put up his hand
'excuse me Mr Vo'
'yes Alexander? Do you need help with anything?'
'aniyo, Suzi just feels sick'
Mr Vo looked at you
' do look a bit pale, go home for today and get some rest'
He wrote a note for you allowing you to go home.
You dragged your body out of the classroom and went to your locker. There wasn't anything important that you needed so you just headed off for home
While walking home, You saw some guys around 20-30 walking opposite you.
They said your name and you automatically answered. It just happened and you couldn't help it. If someone called out your name, you would reply immediately right? Or maybe not..
They looked at you
'hey little girl, is your name Suzi?' said the scary man
'then why did you answer when we said you name? We were just talking about Suzi when you replied'
You took a step back
'I'm not...Suzi..'
They took a step forward moving closer and closer to you
'don't need to lie Suzi~'
You ran for it, like your life was on the line but dang it, you just had to eat all that junk food, making your breath become short. Soon enough, they caught up to you.
One man grabbed your arm and dragged you to the car
you tried to bite the man but he just carried you on his back instead
you were screaming your off, then you saw far in the distance, Haewon was watching you
You started punching the guys back but he wasn't effected at all.
*i should have taken martial arts class...i'm so stupiddddd*
you wanted to cry but kept it all in, It would just make you seem weak if you cried. Then, you see Zin running with Haewon and the others...
*Haewon must have contacted them! Thank goodness!*
'aishhh, stupid kids, hurry up and put her in the car!' said the man
The guy who was carrying you threw you in the back seat and then got in and sat next to you.
You could hear Zin screaming like crazy, when he finally ran up to the car, the cars engine had already started and zoomed off
You turned around and looked at Zin, he was really angry and was punching a pole.
The men were laughing
'don't think your so tough now, stupid Zin'
'how dare you say that about my oppa!'
You started punching him, but still, he wasn't affected
*C.A.P, i change my mind, go to the gym everyday and become more muscly than this !*
you kept screaming in the car and the man got annoyed so he took out a cloth and put it over your mouth and nose. You fainted and when you woke up, you woke up in an unusual place.

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