Chapter 72

Who Do I Choose?

The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone. It was a text from L.
''Suzi~ meet me at the cafe close to your house''
You got ready and told your mum that you would be going out. Before you walked out the door, she gave you some coconut bread.
'gomawo umma~'
She smiled and ushered you out the door
'don't keep your boyfriend waiting'
You skipped to the closest cafe and saw L there with Myungbee
'ANNYEONG OPPA, MYUNGBEE UNNIE~' you yelled happily
L chuckled
'your in a happy mood Suzi'
'mhmm, i don't know why...'
'sit down' said Myungbee
'we want to tell you some things'
you sat down slowly next to Myungbee, opposite L
'tell me some things? tell me what?'
L coughed
'well, Myungsoo told me that he hasn't told you about our family we decided to tell you together'
You waved both your hands in the air
'ah! it's okay! you don't have to tell me!'
Myungbee smiled
'it's okay Suzi, we already talked about it and we want to tell you'
You sat in your seat quietly and just listened to Myungbee explain everything
'so..the Kim family...our lives weren't very happy. Dad was always drunk when he came home and Mum..she always brang random men home. They both would always have fights and it was very irratating. Only Myungsoo and I were the normal ones..Myungsoo would alwas stay up late cleaning up the mess they made and i would be the one trying to calm them both down but i had this great opportunity to go and study in Japan so i had to leave Myungsoo all by himself.'
Myungbee looked at L
'mianhe baby brother, you must've been soo tired after i was gone...'
L smiled
'it's okay noona..'
Myungbee sighed and continued on
'anyway, Myungsoo now lives in his own apartmentbecause his sick of all the fighting'
You looked at L with sad eyes
*no wonder..he use to always sleep in class but now he gets more sleep at home*
'L oppa...why didn't you tell me?'
'i just...didn't want to bother you..'
You smiled at him and held his hand
'you could tell me anything..anything at all'
L squeezed your hand
'gomawo Suzi..'
Myungbee cleared
'uhm..i'm gonna leave in a minute but i want to know one thing..'
Myungbee turned to face you
'why do you call Myungsoo, L? since the both of you are a couple, you should call him Myungsoo~'
L smiled

'i think it's because L suits me more'
you nodded
'i'm use to the name L......but i can try call him Myungsoo sometimes'
Myungbee smiled and got up
'well, i got to go~ i need to go meet a special someone!~ hehe'
The both of you sat there drinking coffee and hot chocolate, getting to know each other abit more.

It was Tuesday, and you lazily went to school. GD was at the gate waiting for you
'HEY SUZI!!!!~'
He gave you a big massive hug, then held your shoulders
'have you seen my debut mv yet?!'
His eyes were sparkling and his grin was wide
'' you squeaked
GD's mood dropped
'BUT..IT'S BEEN EVERYWHERE! you didn't listen to it once? not one bit?! OMG! my best friend, the one and only Suzi, didn't listen to my debut song, or even watch the MV!'
he pretended to wipe the fake tears from the corner of his eyes
'you have to watch it soon! otherwise i'll become super depressed and i won't be able to perform on stage!'
'okay okay~ when are you performing on stage?'
'hmm...tomorrow? and the day after tomorrow?'
'WHAT?! shouldn't you be praticing or something?!'
'pfft, me? practice? i'm the god when it comes to dancing so theres no need to practice~'
'but..can you sing?'
GD cleared his throat, then sang a few lines from a song called 'i am the best'
His voice was all croaky and weird so he stopped
'hahahaha, go and practice!'
'but i wanna hang out with youuuuuu~' pouted GD
'okay, fine! but after school, you have to practice'
GD nodded

I'll update again on...Friday..? or Saturday...coz of camp TT-TT i'm gonna miss ur comments );
if i die, you guys can think up of an ending xD keke

kisses for you all~


^the owner is a legend!


^it's so sad that he didn't get to be with Suzi.. TT-TT i'm sorry Zin...

^omg xD hahahahahahah

^not Korean related but....THATS AWESOME! i'll practice till i can do it~

hope you guys can be patient till Friday or Saturday~ ♥♥

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Kyoya_kumo #1
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