Worth It

From ... With Love



"Do we really need to lie to her?" Yoona asked as I was pushing her to Yumi's room

"We have to. Just for a few days.. You can do that for me can you?" I asked her

"But.. she will realize you know"

"I know.. she's not dumb. the truth will come out sooner or later.."

"I know.. But I don't know if she will talk about him. I mean, I don't want to bring this subject up since it's hurting her.. I don't like seeing her sad" Yoona mumbled

"I know that.. But it hurts me seeing Hyung in pain as well" I said and stopped, bended down to her height..

I suddenly felt her hand approach my cheek and her touch was just like I remembered, Warm, smooth and soft..

I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath..

"WHy didn't he chase after her?" Yoona asked

"I think.. it was because.. he had no idea where to start and he was so taken by surprise that he just lost his way.. He needs to find the balance again.."

Yoona sighed

"Look.. My work hours are almost over. You think you can manage to get yourself back to your room later or do you want me to stay?"

Yoona shook her head

"Go home and take care of JaeJoong. I'll try to talk to Yumi Unni. You said to her that your name was Jin Woo right?"

I nodded

"I'm really sorry for making you lie for me.."

Yoona sighed

"Well.. it's for her and JaeJoong.. You're not doing this out of hate or anything.. and I think I can live with that" Yoona chuckled

She placed her hand back on her lap and I felt my Cheek follow her a bit since I wanted her hand to stay there, caressing me softly..

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked a bit dazed

She nodded

I don't know what got into me but I soon saw my hand, my index finger caressing her right cheek..




"Hyung is it you?"

I took off my shoes, too tired to even say that it was me who was coming through the front door. I saw Yunho and Junsu sitting on the couch looking at the graduation clothes that we were suppose to wear

"How did the exams go? did you make it?" Junsu asked happily

I gave him a nod and went to the kitchen. Actually.. I made it top 5. Lack of freetime right? Well.. I had so much time over that I even made it to top 5. Man, mom and dad are going to be so thrilled with me. .

"Hyung.. are you moving back to your parents after the graduation?" Junsu asked

I sighed

"Mol la yo.."

To tell you the truth, I was living home but for some reason I had.. moved to the dorm with the guys after my trip with Yumi .
I felt my heart stinging as the memory, the painful memory of her leaving me..
I looked at the calendar..

"2 months has already passed but why does it feel like it was yesterday you left me?" I whispered to myself..

I looked around in the kitchen, it was really clean for some reason. Great, they had cleaned it for me and now I had to find something else to do in order to keep myself busy..
I went to the livingroom, shining clean there as well. I went to the bathroom.. It was clean there as well..

Are they trying to do something with me?!

I went to the kitchen again to see if there was any supper prepared for the evening and of course it was..

"Don't worry. We've cleaned and cooked today.. It's time fr you to give yourself a break" Yoochun said and entered the kitchen

I gave out a sigh

"I don't mind doing it all. Why did you do it?"

"We had nothing to do. So we had like this big summer cleaning today" Yunho said and entered the kitchen with Junsu and all of them sat down at the dining table

Great, now what? What am I suppose to do now? My room was so clean already, my closet neatly folded and the laundry was already washed. There must be something that I can do now when the exams are over and the only thing remaining was.. the graduation

"I know what you can do"

All four of us turned our heads to the kitchen entrance to see Changmin tiredly entering, made his way to the dining table and he pulled out his bag and put it on the table

"I know your exams are over right? No more homeworks if I'm right?" CHangmin said and looked at me

I didn't answer but Yunho answered for me

"What are you planning to do?"

Changmin waved me, telling me to come and join them and I had no other choice than to sit down quietly, waiting for him to say something

He pulled out a bunch of papers, putting it down right in front of me. And then you could hear the other members getting the exact same papers as well

"You guys are going to do this" Changmin said

"Do what?" Yunho asked bluntly and looked at the papers

"You're going to learn how to read and write embossed printing" Changmin said

"What is this good for?" Junsu said

I missed the glance that Changmin gave to Junsu. I was still staring at the papers

"It's good for you so you do it. You'll have to manage this the day after tomorrow ok?"

"What is this good for? I don't need to learn this" I said and looked up

Changmin eyed me

"You are and you will. No excuses. You have to . This is good for you and you'll grow as a person"

I stood up

"I don't have time for this" I said

"Oh yes you do"

I heard Changmin standing up and his tone wasn't friendly anymore

I spun around to face him

"I think it's time for you to wake up and open your eyes a bit. Or are you planning to be a zombie for the rest of your life?"

"And what is that suppose to mean?" I said and gritted my teeth

Changmin folded his arms

"You're going to learn this Hyung. On Friday, You have to manage and understand this.."

"Tell me one reason why I should even do this crappy thing" I said angrily

Changmin raised his eyebrow

"I'm sure you will do this cause if you don't, you'll regret it"

"What's in it for me?" I asked

I saw the expression on Changmin's face soften up and he unfolded his arms and sighed

"More than you know Hyung.. Do this.. In the end, it's all worth it"

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Chapter 70: It was beautifully written. This story tugged my heart heavily. I actually stop reading this story halfway because the emotions were too much for me to handle but now I finally finished reading it. The drama was soo epic. The flow of the story was captivating me and managed to take in my emotions into it. T_T At first, it started with a lighthearted chapters and then it began to become heavier as it goes. It felt like I was there and attached with the characters. Feeling connected of what they felt in that situation. It was unbearable for me to read it. There were always the times I shed a tear every time they fell into tragedy and difficulty. Anyway, it was an incredible story. I'm happy to read this and it's also help to open my mind what does blind people experience and thoughts of their state. Love your story! ♥
db2620 #2
This story is one of the most perfect fics i've read in my whole life. The story is unpredictable and it gives me uncountable emotions :'D i cried a lot! ;(( this fic should be a drama plot omgggg 10 thumbs up for you author-nim! ♡♡
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 70: OMG I'm crying a river T^T this is so sad but so sweet. I love it!!!
Chapter 70: This is the second time I read this, and I still crying a river while reading it.
anneanne #5
Chapter 70: huuuuuu i just found this fic. huuuu the struggle makes me cry a river TT.TT the ending makes me cry a river too.... it's just that im so touched with the letters.. huhu im not sure that i read all part.. cause it's just too much to take ?
but in the end i read it all i guess.
anywaaaaay thanks for such a great story !!
This is the second time I finished reading this story, the first time was two years ago. And this never fails to make me cry over and over again ;A; you're a great writer I mean it.
seoleeya #7
im crying TT TT
Nainah #8
That was...absolutely the most amazing thing I have ever read in my life it was so exceptionally beautiful that I couldn't stop reading it's 3am right now I have been up all night reading this and I finally finished! This is the first time I have ever cried over anything fiction be it a movie, song or book. Thank you for writing such a amazing story this is definantly something I'm coming back to read again and again! But for now I'm going to sleep I have school tomorrow DARN IT!
x3LKimmyH #9
this is getting so good! you have good writing skills :D <br />
keep writing your awesome stories :D