
From ... With Love



I could feel him breathing warm and tender, his lips planting the softest kiss on my lips. Considering this as my first kiss, it seemed more like a dream.
It.. wasn't real..

It didn't seem to be real..

I felt him pulling away from me and I opened my eyes slowly as he was looking at me. We didn't say anything but it was so obvious now.
We finally knew the identities..

I followed JaeJoong as I saw him walking over to the stone, lift it up and grab the pink letter. He then put the stone back down and looked at me

"It.. took you awhile.. to answer" He whispered almost hurt

My grip around his blue letter became more tightly and I didn't know what to answer.
He walked over to me stood right in front of me. I felt the cold wind coming, brushing my neck, my hair moving with it freely..
But.. to me, it felt like it was a small and careful touch

JaeJoong then grabbed my hand and he slowly led me away from the place. I was in daze as I felt him holding my hand. How many times haven't I dreamed about holding JaeJoong's hand?
How many times haven't I dreamed about having him close to me ?

And now.. our identities were revealed. He was the one I had been writing with the past few years.. and he was also the one I had a crush on.
It was the same person..

I got into the car and waited for him to get inside as well. We didn't say anything as he drove through the silent night. Outside, there wasn't a single person on the road. A few cars passed now and then but besides that.. it was empty.
JaeJoong soon pulled over and I saw that we weren't at his house or mine. I didn't recognize the place at all




I now had a reason to tell her the truth. I now had a reason to... finally.. get away and be with the one I've longed for

With both of my fists folded, I walked with determined steps towards Tiffany's door as I knew that Yumi were waiting in the car. No one had said anything during the ride to Tiffany's .. All I knew was that both of us had revealed our identities..

We now knew the truth..
She was the same girl that I had loved.. I guess that is where I had seen the similarities. They both had a connection..
As I thought about it, if I had seen the letter earlier.. I would've.. known that Yumi was her and ... I wouldn't have to go through this.. with Tiffany.. or watch her with Yunho, my entire head and heart full of jealousy...

I rang the doorbell and within a few seconds I saw a smiling Tiffany

"Oh.. Oppa.. Annyeong!"

She threw herself at me and hugged me tightly. I tapped her on the back but didn't do anything else.
She pulled away from me and looked at me a bit confused

"Something wrong ? Gwenchana?" She asked softly

I had been waiting for this. I knew I had been unfair towards her, dating her and giving her hopes but what else could I do? She confessed on her birthday.. how am I suppose to say no?
And of course I can't really blame that the reason was because of the birthday cause I had my own reasons as well but still..

I looked away from her for a minute before looking back. I guess she somehow started to sense that there was definitely wrong

"Tiffany..." I started

I faced her as she watched me, waiting

"I.. don't.. see you in that way" I said


"I.. don't.. feel the same way .. you feel.. about me.." I said honestly and looked into her eyes

I wasn't afraid cause I knew I was doing the right thing. I knew my feelings now even though it took me awhile and I was determined to finish this before we're going to take it to the next level. I didn't want her to fall for me more than she already have..

"I don't.. I'm.. sorry" I whispered

Tiffany was quiet. She was still. Like a statue. Nothing was being said and I heard her breathing

I looked at her


Suddenly I heard a small chuckle
I looked up to see a tear falling as Tiffany were smiling at me

"Who am I fooling Jae?" She whispered

I stayed quiet

"I knew all along that I ... never had that special place in your heart but yet.. I kept persuading myself that I might have a chance.." She whispered

I waited

"I know.. there is.. someone else in your heart.. and I've always known that for some reason but it's.. first now she has appeared.. right?" She said

Tiffany .. knew more about my life than myself ..

"I guess.. you finally saw it.. right? It took you.. time"

I was completely in shock

"So.. you knew all along?"

She nodded slowly

"I.. kept wishing that you might get over her if you dated me.. and when I confessed and you accepted.. I thought.. I would have a chance but.. seems like your.. feelings were stronger than I thought"

"Tiffany.. I"

She shook her head

"I'll be fine.. I'll.. get over it somehow.."

"Mianhe~~" I whispered

"DOn't be. I was happy.. that I at least got to hold you and kiss you. I don't regret any of it.. The small amount of time we shared.. those days means a lot to me.."

I swallowed hard

"I can't help but say I'm sorry.." I whispered

She shook her head

"Go... You should.. go now" She sobbed quietly

"Tiff.. I.."

SHe looked up and smiled at me

"I'll be fine.. Scars heals.." She smiled

I sighed heavily

SHe walked towards me and planted a kiss on my cheek and then she stepped away, going towards the door. Before she closed it she looked at me

"THank you.." She smiled




I saw JaeJoong coming back, closing the door and he soon speeded up. I didn't want to say anything, actually.. I didn't dare to. I had no idea what he was doing at Tiffany's house but the longer he was talking to her, it made me more frustrated.. not to mention the jeaousy that had grown inside of me

JAeJoong soon parked his car outside his house and he went over to my side and helped me to open it before locking the car and walked to his house. I didn't know what we were doing here but I didn't care. I didn't want to separate from him now when I had him with me. I had 'Him'. And that Him was JaeJoong..

JaeJoong locked the front door . He looked at me as I was taking off my shoes. I looked up

"I'll.. be right back. Dad and mom's not home.. so just make yourself comfortable.." He smiled

I heard him go to the kitchen . I took off the purse I had and the coat, my scarf and hung it and walked towards the livingroom. IT was dark..

My heart was beating like crazy as I wandered around on the main floor. I stopped right where the staircase was and my curiosity grew as I knew that his bedroom were upstairs. I
Sounded like he was very busy in the kitchen and about 5 minutes was all I needed..

I wanted to make sure that he actually.. were the guy that I had been wanting to talk to all the years when he was in school. That he was the guy that knew almost everything about me
That he was the one. that.. knew me..

The one I love..

I followed the staircase upstairs and walked down the hall. His parents room were open a bit, which I passed. I soon spotted his bedroom down the hall and the door were closed

With a nervous heart, I put my shaking hand on the doorknob and entered his room.
Just like he had written in his letters, describing his room I soon realized that he had tried his best to describe it exactly as it was..

I entered as I looked at the walls, a few jewelry hanging, some pictures and posters. CAlendar.. a tv in the corner.. His king sized bed.. The black and white curtains.. The candle lights that he loved..

I bended down to smell it and it was surely raspberry.. just like he said. I chuckled quietly as I remembered that he told me that he only got the raspberries because he knew I loved the scent. When I then saw his wardrobe, open, the thing that caught my eyes and attention was the big pink box on the floor

Nervously I walked over and bended down, sat down and stared at my own letters. The hand writings..
I was shaking like a leaf as I took up some of the letters. There was no doubt that it was my letters. I recognized everything. My hand writing, what I had written..

It seemed scary in a way..

That we would meet this way..

"I have all of them..."

His voice startled me and I dropped the letters back into the box as I saw him standing in the doorway

"I've saved every single one of them.." He whispered

He walked over to me, sat down right next to me leaning his back onto the bed as he started to place the letters in order

"Pretty.. lame huh?" He chuckled and looked at me

"Aniyo~~" I whispered

I felt my heart beating faster because he was sitting so close to me. I could feel the warmth through my sweater, him only wearing a white tee

"We've.. found each other.." He whispered

I looked at him..

"You don't know.. how long I've waited for you" He whispered like he was in pain

A tear strolled down my cheek as I felt my heart beating faster and faster. I was actually sitting here with him..

"I've dreamed about this moment" I whispered

He looked at me

"Not as much as I have.."

I soon realized that we were a bit closer to each other than before. CLose enough that I could feel his nose tip against my own. He was breathing heavily.. His breath was warm
He soon raised his hand, and his finger touched my face. Caressing carefully. His fingers felt like silk to me, warm and tender
I closed my eyes as I felt the goosebumps allover my body. The warmth he was sending through my body through the his finger tips . The feeling.. was .. phenomenal.

I soon felt him approaching me and I felt him putting his ear where my heart was beating like mad. Beating like it never has before

He let out a sigh as he was listening to my heart beating. I opened my eyes and looked down on him. His eyes were closed as he listened carefully..

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Chapter 70: It was beautifully written. This story tugged my heart heavily. I actually stop reading this story halfway because the emotions were too much for me to handle but now I finally finished reading it. The drama was soo epic. The flow of the story was captivating me and managed to take in my emotions into it. T_T At first, it started with a lighthearted chapters and then it began to become heavier as it goes. It felt like I was there and attached with the characters. Feeling connected of what they felt in that situation. It was unbearable for me to read it. There were always the times I shed a tear every time they fell into tragedy and difficulty. Anyway, it was an incredible story. I'm happy to read this and it's also help to open my mind what does blind people experience and thoughts of their state. Love your story! ♥
db2620 #2
This story is one of the most perfect fics i've read in my whole life. The story is unpredictable and it gives me uncountable emotions :'D i cried a lot! ;(( this fic should be a drama plot omgggg 10 thumbs up for you author-nim! ♡♡
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 70: OMG I'm crying a river T^T this is so sad but so sweet. I love it!!!
Chapter 70: This is the second time I read this, and I still crying a river while reading it.
anneanne #5
Chapter 70: huuuuuu i just found this fic. huuuu the struggle makes me cry a river TT.TT the ending makes me cry a river too.... it's just that im so touched with the letters.. huhu im not sure that i read all part.. cause it's just too much to take ?
but in the end i read it all i guess.
anywaaaaay thanks for such a great story !!
This is the second time I finished reading this story, the first time was two years ago. And this never fails to make me cry over and over again ;A; you're a great writer I mean it.
seoleeya #7
im crying TT TT
Nainah #8
That was...absolutely the most amazing thing I have ever read in my life it was so exceptionally beautiful that I couldn't stop reading it's 3am right now I have been up all night reading this and I finally finished! This is the first time I have ever cried over anything fiction be it a movie, song or book. Thank you for writing such a amazing story this is definantly something I'm coming back to read again and again! But for now I'm going to sleep I have school tomorrow DARN IT!
x3LKimmyH #9
this is getting so good! you have good writing skills :D <br />
keep writing your awesome stories :D