Let me wake you up

From ... With Love


I wasn't sure if I was really.. dreaming or awake as I was driving home. But I knew that my heart was happy, it was beating faster than ever and the constant smile on my face, It just didn't want to go away. I was totally captured..

When I came home I went upstairs immediately and looked where we had just been sitting and hugging each other. My hearts skipped a few beats as I thought about it again and it indeed made me feel even more happier. I couldn't wait until I got to see her in the morning and I couldn't wait to have her beside me..

This is going to be a long night.. I know that myself..

So in order to make the time fly away, I got into the shower and took a long shower. When I was don with the routine of showering, I went outside changed into Pjs. I looked at the clock to see it was already 2 am in the morning but to my surprise I wasn't even tired

I looked around in my room and decided to clean the entire bedroom. And without me noticing I soon went allover the house to clean it. Exhausted I threw myself on the bed and saw that it was 3:30 in the morning. Too tired to even think about anything else, I soon fell asleep





No... let me sleep more..


I yawned with my eyes still closed, later on felt my mother tapping me, my hair which made me open my eyes

"What's.. wrong mom?" I whispered

She shook her head

"Just wanted to see if you were ok..."


She shrugged

"I'm just... worried about you.." She said

She then took out the small can with the pills and handed me the glass of water that she had brought me

"Here.. don't forget to take it araso?"

I nodded

I looked at the clock to see it was 9 am. Mom went outside my room, closing the door after her and I rolled myself over to the right side of the bed. I stared outside the window, knowing what was making mom worried. She was afraid of me loosing the sight..

I didn't want to think about that.. I really didn't..
Cause thinking about it would make it all worse and I really.. didn't want to slip into depression..

I started to play with my fingers and I stopped when I felt the hard, shiny ring on my finger. I raised my hand in front of me and instantly remembered JaeJoong.
I shot up from the bed and hurried inside the bathroom and took a shower. I wasn't even thinking but I knew what my heart wanted. I wanted to visit him..

Hurried to change and dry my hair. I grabbed the keys and took my coat and took the pill and went downstairs

"Going somewhere?" She asked

"A friend's house.. We're.. going to study" I said

"But it's early.. At least have some breakfast before leaving" Mom protested

I shook my head

"I'll.. just eat with her mom.. She uhm.. told me it was ok"

"But.. where's your books?"

"Oh.. Uhm.. I left it at her place yesterday. I really gotta go mom. It's a huge project and we can't loose time" I said

Mom nodded

"Call me.. ok?"

I kissed mom on the cheek before I ran outside and started to walk in high speed towards his house. My heart was beating fast as I could barely wait until I could see him in front of me..

About 40 minutes later I finally reached the house. I was trying to catch my breath as I slowly entered the garden. Indeed and just like he said no one was home except him. I could see his car parked on the driveway.

I took out the key and unlocked it very carefully, almost as if I was afraid that the door might break if I were to open it in a rush. I entered the hallway and closed the door behind me

The familiar scent that I have felt so many times before hit me instantly and I felt how my heart started to calm down. He was here somewhere..
I locked the door behind me and took off the coat and the shoes and started to walk around. The house was completely silent..

I looked up to the second floor and I guessed that he was probably in his bedroom, on his bed still sleeping like a pig.
I chuckled quietly as I tip toed my way up, my breathing increasing as I my stomach started to have the ticklish feeling. I couldn't wait until I got to see him..

His bedroom was closed and I took a deep breath before opening. Through the small gap I saw his bedroom, the curtains preventing the light from coming it which made it dark in the entire room. I heard soft music coming from the laptop, piano playing gracefully and beautifully to your ears, making it feel even more pleasant.

I opened the gap a little more to see the beautiful person I've longed to see. He was lying on his bed, without a shirt, topless and wearing black loosy pants. Even if he was sleeping he still managed to look like model. Like he was shooting a scene for a drama where he was sleeping cause his hair was on it's perfect place. Or almost..

His blanket covered only to his waist which made his topless upper body bare. He was having his right arm under his head as his left arm was stretched out

I chuckled at the cute view in front of me. I was more than happy..
Just being able to have this picture of him inside my head was more than enough.
A beautiful memory that I would never want to disappear..

With a trembling heart I entered his room, closed the door behind while listening to the soft piano music.
He was breathing silently, which made me guess that he must have fallen asleep really late..

I started to wander around in his room, trying to remember each and everything in his room. I tried to fit his description in his letter of his room while looking around. He really described it well, very detailed. I chuckled at the memory of the letter inside my head..

I walked over to his closet and I saw the box still on the floor. Probably he had neatly put all the letters back into the place. I smiled widely as I grabbed one letter and carefully sat down on the bed.

I was about to open it to read my letter again when a sneaky arm had silently and without me knowing it, sneaked it's way around my waist and the next thing I knew was that the letter fell down on the floor and I was pushed down on the bed, him lying on top of me

His eyes were playfully looking at me. I swallowed hardly, feeling my heartbeats increase even more

"I had a feeling that there was something angelic in my room.. and I guessed it right when I saw it was you" He smiled

I chuckled

"I thought you were asleep" I whispered

He smiled

"I woke up 30 minutes ago. I cleaned myself but I guess I fell asleep again about 5 minutes before you came.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry if I woke you up"

"Don't be.. I've been waiting for you" He smiled

I noticed the dark bags under his eyes and I raised my fingers to carefully caress them, as if I was trying to make them disappear with my fingers.. which I knew I couldn't. I wasn't.. a girl with powers..

"You look so tired" I whispered

He chuckled

"I'm fine... Don't worry"

I shook my head

"Didn't.. you sleep well?" I asked him

He shrugged

"I.. fell asleep pretty late.. because I was too excited about everything"

"About what?"

"You.. A lot of stuff happened in one day.. and I.. am still trying to realize that this isn't a dream"

I smiled at him as I tilted my head to the side

"Me too"

He chuckled as I felt him moving the hair strand away from my eyes and putting it behind my ear

"Let me wake you up"

He suddenly leaned forward, him still lying on top of me and I soon felt his lips, carefully kissing mine. At first it was more of brush, just carefully touching and caressing my lips, but as the heart beats of ours increased, the breathing becoming more heavier as well, it was hard to hold it back

I felt his hands going under my back, pushing me harder against him as my wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair

The kiss become more intense and passionate, it was as if we were kissing for our lives, afraid that we might wake up from this dream

He soon pulled away from me, trying to let us both catch our breaths

"I think.. both of us woke up" He breathed heavy

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Chapter 70: It was beautifully written. This story tugged my heart heavily. I actually stop reading this story halfway because the emotions were too much for me to handle but now I finally finished reading it. The drama was soo epic. The flow of the story was captivating me and managed to take in my emotions into it. T_T At first, it started with a lighthearted chapters and then it began to become heavier as it goes. It felt like I was there and attached with the characters. Feeling connected of what they felt in that situation. It was unbearable for me to read it. There were always the times I shed a tear every time they fell into tragedy and difficulty. Anyway, it was an incredible story. I'm happy to read this and it's also help to open my mind what does blind people experience and thoughts of their state. Love your story! ♥
db2620 #2
This story is one of the most perfect fics i've read in my whole life. The story is unpredictable and it gives me uncountable emotions :'D i cried a lot! ;(( this fic should be a drama plot omgggg 10 thumbs up for you author-nim! ♡♡
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 70: OMG I'm crying a river T^T this is so sad but so sweet. I love it!!!
Chapter 70: This is the second time I read this, and I still crying a river while reading it.
anneanne #5
Chapter 70: huuuuuu i just found this fic. huuuu the struggle makes me cry a river TT.TT the ending makes me cry a river too.... it's just that im so touched with the letters.. huhu im not sure that i read all part.. cause it's just too much to take ?
but in the end i read it all i guess.
anywaaaaay thanks for such a great story !!
This is the second time I finished reading this story, the first time was two years ago. And this never fails to make me cry over and over again ;A; you're a great writer I mean it.
seoleeya #7
im crying TT TT
Nainah #8
That was...absolutely the most amazing thing I have ever read in my life it was so exceptionally beautiful that I couldn't stop reading it's 3am right now I have been up all night reading this and I finally finished! This is the first time I have ever cried over anything fiction be it a movie, song or book. Thank you for writing such a amazing story this is definantly something I'm coming back to read again and again! But for now I'm going to sleep I have school tomorrow DARN IT!
x3LKimmyH #9
this is getting so good! you have good writing skills :D <br />
keep writing your awesome stories :D