A Funeral

The Bodyguard


 Naeun opened her eyes slowly. So, today…is the day, huh…


She stood up and yawned. Opening her door, she walked silently.


She was out of the kitchen right now. Started to listen when she heard of Kris’ voice.


“Okay, today…At 2 p.m.”


Naeun cleaned and came in the kitchen. Kris got surprised when he saw her. He hanged up and raised an eyebrow.


“You’re…early.” He murmured. It was 7 but it was Saturday for God’s sake. Naeun gulped. “My dad’s…funeral…” She murmured but didn’t go on.


Kris looked away. “It’ll be today. Do you want someone to come?”


Naeun shook her head. “I and my dad had no friends actually. He was always at business trip and I was so idiot to realize that. Actually…you were the only person I’ve seen with him.”


Kris nodded slowly. “What about your friends? Maybe they should be with you…”


Naeun shook her head again. “I don’t want. They’ll pity me but I don’t need it. I have you. That’s really something, too.”


Kris sighed and put his hand on Naeun’s head. “Yes, I’m here and I’ll always be. Then go, get ready while I’m preparing breakfast for you.”


Naeun nodded quickly and left the kitchen.


Kris brought his fingers to his forehead and slowly massaged. I can do it, I really can…Dammit…




When they were having their breakfast Naeun’s phone started to ring. She slowly took it and answered. The number was unknown.


“Um…hey?” She talked with an uncertain voice.


“Hello!” An energetic Luhan spoke. “Luhan?” Naeun got surprised. Kris was listening carefully too but he kept eating.


“Hi! I hope I don’t disturb you…because If I do..”


Naeun cut his words. “Oh, no! Of course not! I’m glad to hear you!”


Luhan relieved and laughed a little bit. “Oh, great! I wanted to ask you…Um…today are you busy? Can we go a date?”


Naeun beamed happily. “I would love to!”  But then… “Omo! I can’t…I’m…I’ve something important to do…”


Luhan was disappointed but he tried to act happy. “Um…Don’t worry, we can do it later, right?”


Naeun sighed. “Yes! We surely should do that!”


Luhan laughed again. “Then…See you later, jagiya! I…love you.”


Naeun giggled. “Bye…I…” She threw a glance at Kris. He wasn’t looking like listening. Naeun whispered. “I love you too.”


Kris rolled his eyes and kept his silence. When she hanged up Naeun sighed and kept eating too…





There was no one. Just staff, Kris and Naeun… So little people for a long life…


Naeun sighed. Her tears were falling slowly. When it got over, they buried him, Naeun held Kris’ hand. “Please, take me somewhere else…”


Kris nodded and he moved her on.


Now they were walking at the street. Naeun was still crying softly. Kris tightened their hands and whispered. “Shhh…Don’t cry, I’m here.”


Naeun nodded. Kris took her to a café. “Let’s drink something.” He talked with a whisper again.


Naeun slowly nodded and they came in.


“What would you like to drink?” Kris asked to the crying girl. Naeun gulped. “Um…a coffee would be okay, I guess…”


Kris nodded. When they were talking a waiter came.


“What would you like, sir?”


Then all of them froze. There was an uncomfortable silence now. Oh, Dammit…


“So…is this your important thing to do, Naeun-sshi?” The waiter asked with a sad voice.


Naeun stuttered. “N.no! Luhan, t.that’s not l.like that!”



A.N// Hi~~

that's it for today^^

and go and check this


He is perfect! He speaks 4 language, his voice is awesome and he has a DIMPLE!:D

yep, I'm talking about Hanbyul:P

Anyway thanks for your time~~

I love you~~~^^


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Chapter 50: I wish there was a sequel T-T but I seriously loved when he had to tell the truth!! It was very funny and sweet and adorable~
Chapter 50: please make a sequel T^T please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.
Chapter 46: OMO THIS CHAPTER MADE ME GO BONKERS. omfg author-nim!!! this was so cute and funny, I like this chapter hehehe keep up the good work author-nim I really love your story! I can't wait to finish it! it's getting late where I live but who cares! I wanna finishhhhhhh
Chapter 49: You have the best sarcasm out of all the authors i have ever known haha.the plot is great and u made me laugh countlessly.love u!
Chapter 49: You have the best sarcasm out of all the authors i have ever known haha.the plot is great and u made me laugh countlessly.love u!
ggy_erd #6
Chapter 49: awww...love it ... it's a really good story :)
valeriemillenia #7
Chapter 49: Daebak ^^ it's beautiful :)
Chapter 49: Wow! I loved ittt.. I was too good.. Author,you could make some sequels :p :p :p And yeah.. It seems like the story has just started !!! Kris' confessions were so funny haha!

Keep writing like this. Hwaiting. Love ya~
coolkatfuntime25 #9
Chapter 49: omg i loved this story i hope you write another series of this like later the years they get married and their kids have this kind of story to or something give a twist though you know what i mean. but over all i freken loves your story. it's the best and the most romantic story. man i LOVE YOU
Chapter 49: OMG already ended?? I'm really not willing! because I'm really really loved this story! T____T
your story is awesome! I hope there's sequel of this..... *sobs hard*