5 months later...

Perfect Two

“Why, hyung, are you getting married?” Taemin asked Jinki as he roamed around the two storey house Jinki bought with his own savings from the money he earned as an entertainer. “Not a condo unit, but one spacious house. There must be something going on that we don’t know~” He teased, but Jinki only shrugged his shoulders as he was not in the mood to be pissed towards his younger brother.


“This is like the size of the houses Jonghyun and Minho bought for their families. It’s either Jinki hyung is planning to get married, too, or he is just envious of those houses they have right now.” Kibum commented mentioning the first two married men in the group. “Considering that he’s the oldest, I know he has some pride, too.” He added which made the other three laughed, but Jinki threw a glare on him, which made Kibum immediately shut his mouth.


“I told myself I’ll buy a house once I see one and I fall in love with it. As soon as I passed along this street and saw this house, I was immediately captured, and when I figured out it was for sale, I knew then, that I had to buy it and make it mine.”


“Wow, really rich hyung…” Jonghyun shook his head and laughed. “He just buys a house whenever he feels like it while I and Soeun had to save a lot for some months before we were able to buy that house. Such a big time…”


“Stop it now, will you?” Jinki rolled his eyes. “We’re here coz you’ll be joining me to celebrate my first day on this house. Let’s have a drink.” Then, he placed the wine he bought on the table and also took shot glasses for the five of them.


Minho and Jonghyun exchanged gazes. Neither of them could go home drunk since it was unplanned and they were not able to get permission from their wives.


“What now, you, two?” Jinki said as he immediately noticed the two who were as if talking with their eyes. “Are you not going to drink because you’re afraid of your wives?”


“I normally can’t drink, hyung.” Jonghyun defended himself right away.


“Minho?” Jinki looked at Minho, waiting now for his own personal alibi. However, the latter shrugged his shoulders.


“I have a woman with a baby in her tummy at home. It’s only justifiable for me to be exempted over these things for the mean time.” He chuckled and stood up to check the fridge. He saw cans of soda so he took two and tossed one to Jonghyun. Because of the situation at home, as much as Minho missed drinking, sure he really couldn’t do that for Yeojin and the baby. Yeojin’s condition caused her to have series of mood swings and Minho understood that he needed to be the one with the most understanding and responsibility.


An hour has passed and the other four were engaged in some interesting conversation, while Minho seemed to have his mind at home, thinking about what Yeojin was up to at the moment. He kept on looking at his phone, trying to find the best appropriate time to leave the rest of them. It was already 6 pm.


“I’ll just make a call.” Minho stood up and excused himself. He dialled Yeojin’s number but it only kept ringing and there was no answer. Thinking she was sleeping, Minho called the maid they hired to be with Yeojin at home especially since Minho couldn’t always be there due to work and sometimes, his soccer practices.


“Sir.” The maid immediately answered as soon as it rang.


“Ahjumma, I was calling Yeojin but she’s not answering. Is she in the bedroom sleeping?” He asked.


“She’s in the room, sir, but she has not come down to eat her dinner yet. I went up and took the food in your room but the door was locked.”


“Oh.” Minho uttered and knew for the nth time, Yeojin was feeling stressed again. For the past months, right after the wedding and as soon as Yeojin started feeling the difficulties of bearing a baby in her tummy, things got more crucial for her and her emotions. She would always suddenly cry and complain about a lot of things – that sometimes, Minho couldn’t get her at all. That was why they decided to make sure someone was always there to look after her, and often times, her mother or Minho’s mother, would go to their house just so Yeojin won’t feel bored and think about any depression again.


And tonight, he was guessing Yeojin was feeling down again that’s why she locked herself in their room. “I’ll go home immediately, ahjumma. Thank you.” He hung up, and went back to the other guys to say he’s leaving. They didn’t want to let him go at first, but when he told them about Yeojin’s condition, they allowed him eventually.


*** *** ***


Yeojin was crying on her bed and she covered herself with the blanket. The past months have been very difficult for her. She was always emotional, and got irritated over things she didn’t actually need to be bothered with. Little things trigger her anger, and for today, the fashion week event she saw on television made her feel miserable.


It was expected that she’ll gain weight upon having a baby inside. She was originally 47 kg and upon stepping into her fifth month of pregnancy, her weight has gone up to 58kg. It frustrated her so much, seeing that she almost couldn’t see any curve on her waist at all. Her cheeks became so puffed, her arms and thighs were bigger and her hip size dramatically increased.


She couldn’t see herself as beautiful as she was months before. She was not the same Ahn Yeojin who married the most handsome Choi Minho.


“Yeojin-ah…” Suddenly, there was a soft voice coming from the door. It was Minho and he just arrived from somewhere.


But she didn’t reply or say anything. She was too busy being miserable about how she was feeling at the moment.


Soon, the door opened. She knew Minho had used his spare key to open the door. He didn’t talk or say anything though. He stayed silent and all she could hear was the closing of the door, and the slow footsteps leading to the bed where she was. Seconds later, she felt the weight on one side of the bed. She kept her eyes closed and her head covered with blanket. She wanted to move and wipe her tears, but she knew Minho would only notice that she’s actually crying. It was best to make him believe she just fell asleep.


“You know what they say? That women are most beautiful when they become mothers.” Minho uttered after a short while, watching over his wife he knew wasn’t sleeping at all. Her abnormal breathing confirmed his thoughts that she was actually awake. “I should take a leave from work so I can look after you for longer time.”


“No, Minho, don’t do that. I’m sorry.” Yeojin suddenly flipped herself towards Minho and removed the blanket on her head. She was surprised about what he wanted to do, and though she always felt miserable and wished Minho was always there, she understood that Minho also needed to work.


“I knew you were crying.” Minho reached for her face and quickly wiped her tears with his fingers. “Why are you always sad, Yeojin-ah? You’re making me worry so much about you.” He sighed and looked at Yeojin’s watery eyes which were about to cry again.


“I’m afraid…”


“Of what?”


“Of… of not being beautiful in your eyes anymore.” Yeojin blurted out, which literally shocked Minho. “I am not the same as before. I am ugly. I am overweight. I am…”


“Sshh… sshh… I don’t like what I’m hearing.” Minho frowned but stayed as soft as possible. “Babe, you’re not ugly and no matter how fat you become, you will always be the beautiful woman I married, and I don’t want you thinking about that anymore. Aigoo, why are you being like this?”


“I’m sorry… I just can’t help but think this way…” She said and sniffed, trying hard to control her raging emotions.


“Do you want our baby to feel bad because you’re not feeling well? Don’t you remember what the doctor said? She said if you’re feeling lonely, then the baby would feel the same, too. I don’t want you to be like this, Yeojin…” Minho pulled her for a hug, and once again allowed Yeojin to cry in his embrace.


He understood why she was acting this way. The pregnancy had her adjusting to major changes both physically and emotionally. He knew it was really hard for her, and the only thing he could do was to make sure he would always be there to support her.


“I’m sorry, Minho… I’m sorry for making you worry.” She said in the middle of her sobs, but Minho smiled and looked at her, gently planting a soft kiss on her lips after a while.


“Don’t feel sorry for anything anymore, my love. I just want you to feel happier from now on. Does having me by your side ease away your depression?”


Yeojin nodded and wrapped his arms around herself. “When I feel your warm embrace, I always feel better.” She said and closed her eyes tightly as she rested her head on his chest, feeling and hearing his heartbeat.


“Then I really should stay here beside you. I won’t go anywhere.”


“But you have work…”


“I can always have someone manage the Pasta House for me, and I can take a leave from soccer. I’m good enough so I don’t need to practice that much.


“You’re so full of yourself.” Yeojin whispered and laughed.


“But you can’t argue that from now on, I’ll be staying here beside you, okay?”


“Then take me out on a date.”


“Sure.” Minho quickly answered. “I’ll show that I can always boast you around Seoul and tell everybody I have the most beautiful wife in the world.” He said as he kissed her forehead. “I could do everything just to prove you I see you as the most beautiful woman.” Minho paused when Yeojin met his eyes. “Actually, I can do one thing tonight but your doctor said it won’t be healthy for you to have any more contact…”


“YAH!” Yeojin shouted as she was so shocked about the method Minho was talking about in showing her that she’s beautiful.


“That’s why you should stop crying or else, I’ll break my promise to the doctor.” He chuckled and kissed her forehead again. “Always smile, okay? I want the most beautiful baby and it could only happen if the mother is always feeling beautiful.”


“Deh.” She smiled and closed her eyes back again, feeling the warmth and the security she knew only Minho could provide her.


After all the things that happened, the two finally found the place where they belong.


It’s in each other’s arms that they would find the warmth they were both longing to have. After all the heartbreaks and the supposed to be sad ending, there was a new beginning, and a story that will never end, for Minho and Yeojin found the sweetest beginning together, and both of them knew, that while holding each other’s hands, they will take the path in a happily ever after – with no ending and only a wonderful forever. 

A/N: I hope that this story didn't only make you feel giggly and in love. I hope that in a way, this story made you learn and realize something. It can be something simple and not as big thought as one could imagine. I hope that in a way, this story taught you one realities of life. If I touched one heart and moved one emotion just by merely writing a story like this, then I will be very very happy. It's always an accomplishment touching people's heart, and reaching through them by the chapters I write in which I put all my efforts and my heart in. 

Thank you very much for supporting me on this story, a story, which is in my case, has brought a lot of realization and inspiration not just about life, but about life. :) 

Oh, and I'm really sorry for all those typos and the wrong pronouns all throughout the story. I write continuously and often times, I don't get to reread the chapter anymore... I am sorry for long gaps of updates as well... it's either i wasn't in the mood, or school works were piled up for me to do. 

then again, THAN YOU VERY MUCH!

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Re-reading this. Just saw shinee weeks ago and Ugh- I CRIED. TT
Chapter 64: I actually read this story a few days a go but I just got a chance to give my comment now so well...yeah
I really hope you could consider to make another sequel of this, thoTT_TT but it's up to you actually:')
I just want to say that I really love Yeojin's character here! I mean I just realized that starting as an innocent and ends up being possessive is really possible and I love it so much! Never expect Yeojin would say such things to Sunghee and knock her down like that lol!
Chapter 33: Omg -- hwaiting hihi
Chapter 30: GDI SAM MILBY FTW. ♥
Chapter 24: this made me cry tbh ;;
Chapter 22: i almost cried on this part because I am a mom. And yes, my background song while reading this is The Name I Loved. ♥
Chapter 21: I am actually on lunch here at work and reading thisssss. Omg my Minho feeeeeels. ♥
Chapter 20: omG-- ♥♥♥my heart ♥♥♥