Meet my Girlfriend

Perfect Two

Minho arrived home and came in quietly – not even making his arrival recognized by anyone in the house. He was too tired and too disappointed to think about anything. The fact that Yeojin didn’t even text him to ask him if he was okay just added to the heaviness of his feeling.


“Minho-yah?” He didn’t know his mother was still at the living area. He smiled at her and sat quietly beside her on the couch. “How are you? You seemed a bit sad. Is something wrong?” She asked immediately trying to figure out what happened to her son.


“I’m just tired, omma.” He said but his mother sure won’t believe him that easily.


“Did you fight with your girlfriend?” She asked and Minho looked at her as if he couldn’t believe that she was asking about his girlfriend. “Why? You told me you have a girlfriend, didn’t you? I suppose I should believe you, that’s why I’m trying to know if the both of you fought.”


“If we really fought, will you be happy because we could possibly break up and then I’ll have a chance with Sunghee?” He asked out of nowhere but his mom smiled and he heard her sigh.


“Maybe yes, maybe no. I don’t know, but of course I can’t be happy if you’re sad. But really, Choi Minho.” She flipped herself to face Minho better. “Don’t you think Sunghee is a better catch than that girl?”


“Mom, what are you saying? You don’t even know her yet.”


“Yeah, but… Sunghee is almost perfect. She’s kind, she’s beautiful, she’s intelligent and I know she will love you more than anybody will.” His mom insisted as she didn’t really want to lose.


“Don’t you think she is only like that to you?” To what his said, his mother became speechless and in deep thought. “She’s trying to win your heart, of course she will be the nicest that she could be.” He told her.




“But I’m still rooting for my girl, Ahn Yeojin.” Suddenly, his father talked as he was going downstairs. He possibly heard their conversation. “I still think Yeojin is the best catch for him. Not because Sunghee and Minho are friends from the past means it will be good if they end up together. Sunghee grew up in a different country, and we actually didn’t witness how she matured. I’m not sure if she possesses the same young wonderful attitude as she had them before.” He said and finally took a seat beside Minho to join in the conversation.


“That was a good point you have there, appa, thanks for helping out.” Minho smiled after knowing that surprisingly, his father has faith in Yeojin. He was not the type to usually voice out his opinion on something as personal as this.


“But yeobo, did you hear what Minho said? He has a girlfriend, so even Yeojin doesn’t have a chance.”


“You, two, are funny.” Minho said and from that moment, he would really want to break it out to them and tell them that Yeojin really is his girlfriend.


His mother placed a hand on his shoulder so he looked at her. “Are you really sure you and Yeojin didn’t see each other in the Philippines?” She asked and he heard his father laughed.


“See? Even you still secretly roots for my girl!” He laughed soundly and Minho was enjoying that reaction as they talk about Yeojin.


It was good to know that though they were not aware about it yet, they already like her and would definitely treat her right once they figure out. He was just hoping that one day, Yeojin’s mother will like him as well and will start treating him just as how his family would treat Yeojin.


“We saw each other.” He revealed and he wanted to laugh when his mother’s face changed brightly and made an O shape.


“You didn’t tell me about it! Oh! You secretive child!” She said and hit his arm playfully as if she was mad. Minho made a funny laugh.


The two suddenly and wanted him to tell what happened during their meeting, but he kept on laughing over how playful and weird his parents were at that time.


They’re laugh was interrupted when someone rang the doorbell.


“Huh? Who would still visit at this hour? It’s already past 10 pm.” His father said and stood up. “I’ll go see who it was.” He walked towards the door and then to the gate.


“Hello, Mr. Choi.” He couldn’t believe what he saw. It was Ahn Yeojin standing outside their gate and she was smiling at him.


“Yeojinnie? You’re back?”


“Ah… Yes. Just this morning.” She told him and it even made him in shock.


“Oh! Let’s go in! Let’s go in, dear! Why is a beautiful girl still outside her house at this moment?”


“Sir, is Minho already home?”


“Oh yes, he just came from somewhere. Let’s get inside.” He told her not even wondering why Yeojin went there and was looking for Minho. He was just too excited to see her again.


Mr. Choi entered the house first. “Who is it?” Minho’s mom asked.


“A beautiful angel who heard our conversation so she went here to visit us.” He said and Yeojin then appeared, surprising both Minho and his mother.


“Yeojin-ah!” Omonim stood up automatically and went to hug her tightly. “Oh, dear, you don’t know how much I missed you! Finally! Are you back here for good?” She asked continuously in excitement.


“Yes, I am, auntie.” She smiled at her and smiled at Minho’s father, too.


“When did you arrive? I wasn’t informed that you’re already here!”


“I just arrived this afternoon.” She smiled and chuckled a bit by the number of questions that were being asked. Meanwhile, Minho couldn’t even enter the conversation because it really seemed like the couple was so excited to see her again. “I’m here because I’m worried about Minho.”


“You’re worried?” His father looked puzzled and turned to Minho. He flashed and awkward smile. “Why? Did something happen?”


“I was afraid he’d get really offended of what my mom did when he had dinner with us just a while ago.” She said out loud as if she was finally making their relationship obvious.


“Yeojin-ah.” Finally, Minho went to her and held her hand – as if no other people were around them. “You should’ve just called me up. Why did you have to go here? It’s late already. What if something happened to you? And you should call me if you’re coming.”


“I’m sorry I was just worried. Omma really did it on purpose. She saw how nervous you were when you arrived so she played along. She told me to tell you that you should eat at home again and she’ll treat you nicer.” Finally, Minho smiled and felt relieved. “And besides, since we’ve let omma know, I think your parents should know, too, that’s why I decided to come.”


Minho suddenly remembered that his parents were around. He looked behind him and saw the two standing and looking at them. They were smiling naughtily.


“Well, I think we know already.” His father said with a huge fatherly smile on his face.


“Ah, seriously… kids nowadays are really full of surprises.” His mother shook her head but she chuckled.


Minho then pulled Yeojin closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Omma, appa, meet my girlfriend, Ahn Yeojin. I think she’s the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, and loving girlfriend I could ever have.” He said proudly.


“I think so, too.” His father seconded, and both of them looked at his mother who was almost speechless at that time.


“Why? Of course I think so, too!” She said in excitement and reached out to hug the two together tightly. “Aigoo~ Finally, finally! I can have Yeojin as my daughter!” She said proudly and paused for a while. “But you have to make sure your mom and dad will treat him well, too.” Yeojin smiled and nodded. “Great! But now I won’t allow you to go home! You have a lot to tell me! I’ll tell your mother not to worry because you are safe with us.” She said excitedly and started doing all sort of this and that because Yeojin was finally there.

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Re-reading this. Just saw shinee weeks ago and Ugh- I CRIED. TT
Chapter 64: I actually read this story a few days a go but I just got a chance to give my comment now so well...yeah
I really hope you could consider to make another sequel of this, thoTT_TT but it's up to you actually:')
I just want to say that I really love Yeojin's character here! I mean I just realized that starting as an innocent and ends up being possessive is really possible and I love it so much! Never expect Yeojin would say such things to Sunghee and knock her down like that lol!
Chapter 33: Omg -- hwaiting hihi
Chapter 30: GDI SAM MILBY FTW. ♥
Chapter 24: this made me cry tbh ;;
Chapter 22: i almost cried on this part because I am a mom. And yes, my background song while reading this is The Name I Loved. ♥
Chapter 21: I am actually on lunch here at work and reading thisssss. Omg my Minho feeeeeels. ♥
Chapter 20: omG-- ♥♥♥my heart ♥♥♥