Realizing Something.

Perfect Two

 “I knew it!!” Yeojin clapped her hands together as Minho went out of his room wearing his frog pajama outfit. He was frowning and was obviously irritated while scratching his head. He shouldn't be doing that, but he didn't know how on Earth was Yeojin able to convince him – though it was really against his will.


“Are you happy now?” Minho looked at her angrily. She grinned and nodded satisfyingly, repeatedly looking at him from head to toe, obviously admiring how cute and awesome he looked on that outfit. “Yah, can you stop doing that?! It irritates me more.” He kept his arms together and looked away, still manly standing with his funny overall.


“Why? It suits you!” Yeojin exclaimed and Minho didn't know if he should take that as a compliment or an insult. “You really look like a frog!” She even added which eventually made his eyebrows raise. “Now that you have worn your costume, I'll get Angel from the room so she can party with us!”


Yeojin then took Angel out on her baby chair. The three month old baby was now wearing the pink pig overalls they bought for her as well. “Say Happy Birthday, ahjussi~” Yeojin said cutely as she pushed the chair. “It's Minho ahjussi's birthday, honey!” She said happily.


“Stop calling me ahjussi!” It was of no help making Minho feel better. “Hey, can we eat now?” He looked at Yeojin and she paused for a while. “I'm hungry.” He added.


“Oh. Okay! Okay! Let's eat!” Yeojin then fixed the baby's position beside her seat at the table and Minho followed with a heavy heart. Everything was great, except what he was wearing at the moment.


They both started eating as Yeojin gave Minho almost all the dishes so he could try them all. Nervous as to how he would comment on her dishes, she waited until he was able to have his first spoon.


“Uhm!” Minho exclaimed with eyes shining bright. “This is really good!” He looked at her while nodding. “You really made this? Wow. I thought you were not that good as a cook.”


Yeojin frowned and pouted. “I cooked them all, okay?” She said but smiled eventually. “I made sure I followed all the steps and the amounts of ingredients that I need to put.”


“Hmm.” Minho nodded again after trying another dish. “Hmmmhmmm...” And again, he had another taste of the food. “HmHm.” And again, again.


“No more comment but 'hmmhmm'?” Yeojin tilted her head a bit as she observed her reaction. Minho shook his head and refused to talk. He didn't want to be disturbed because he was eating really happily.


“Uhm, yah..” Minho said with his mouth still half full. “Were you the one who also made the cake?”


“Yes.” She nodded and smiled. “I love baking. I love cake.” She said.


“Is that delicious as well?” Minho asked and Yeojin, instead of answering, took the cake and placed it near him.


“Try it then.” She suggested.


Minho took another spoon and got a bit of the cake. He tasted it and was satisfied by it, when suddenly, a finger touched his nose and he was surprised to suddenly have a white icing on his face. “YAH!” He shouted and was about to wipe his face when Yeojin stopped him.


“No!” She said and held his arms. “Don't you know that according to tradition, a celebrant could not remove the icing on his face until the celebration ends because that would be a badluck?” She told him seriously and smiled, then quickly lifted up the camera that was in her hand and took a shot of him with the icing on his face.


“YAH!” He shouted again and Yeojin giggled. “You are being too much! This is for you!” He said and put an icing on her nose as well.


“NO! It isn't my birthday!” She was about to remove the icing on her face when he stopped her as well.


“You can't. That would bring a badluck to the celebrant!” Minho teased and laughed, making her pout and frown cutely.

“I'll let it off because it's your birthday. Oh wait!” She stood up and went to her room and came out again with a small blue box. She gave it to him. “It's my gift. I'm sorry it's not that expensive.”


Minho looked up at her with a confused face. “You shouldn't have bothered. Setting up this surprise celebration is already a great gift for me.”


“Just open it. I chose it myself.” She smiled and anticipated his reaction as Minho started opening the box.


What welcomed him was a gray striped necktie that was properly folded inside the box. “Wow.” That was the only word he was able to say. He wasn't the type to always wear suit and tie but whenever he has the opportunity, he always had hard time choosing the right necktie that he think would sit him. But seeing that necktie for the first time, he knew it was what he had always wanted. Simple but with class.


“Did you like it?”


“I do... I really do.” He said as he ran his fingers on the fabric, appreciating it fully. Yeojin was happy he liked what she gave him. “But...” after few seconds, Minho started talking again as he thought of something. “Do you know what it means when a girl gives a guy a necktie?”


Yeojin frowned and shook her head. “I didn't even know there was a meaning behind it.” She said cluelessly.


“It means that the girl would want to tame the guy and be under her control forever. More like... the girl would want the guy to stick with her forever.” He said boldy and looked up at her.


“Well that's not what I meant when I gave you that!!” Yeojin immediately protested and didn't want to be misunderstood. “Like really! I didn't know such saying exists!” She added.


“And according to tradition, whoever receives a necktie will be forever stuck with the person who gave it.” Minho added and chuckled again. “It is such a pity if I really would have to stick with you forever.”


“AND WHY IS THAT?!” Yeojin crossed her arms and looked at him with eyebrows raising.


“Oopss. It is STILL my birthday. You are not supposed to get mad at me.” Minho said and laughed again as he saw her being pissed off. She pouted again and looked away, taking her camera instead.


“Fine. Let's just take your birthday picture and send it to your omma.” She also took Minho's phone that was on the table.

“NO!” Minho tried to take his phone away but she already got it.


“Okay. Wear this first.” With one swift move, Yeojin was able to put a party hat on his head. “And then hold this.” She then gave the cake to Minho. He was about to protest and remove the party hat but suddenly was unable to move when the cake was handled to him.


“Yah. I don't want to do this.”


“Don't you want to make your mother happy? She said she wanted to see you celebrate!”


Eventually, Minho gave in and flaunted the cake. “But just one picture okay?”


She nodded happily. “Okay.. smile!” Minho did and she snapped a birthday picture. Without giving it back to Minho, she put a caption 'Though I would be happier having you around, celebrating this day was still fun.' and sent to his mother. “There. I sent it already.” She gave it back with a happy smile on her face. “Now, can we take a picture together? Us three?” She asked him with such puppy eyes and yet again, Minho couldn't do anything but give in. Yeojin clapped happily and placed the camera on a right position, setting it on a 10 second countdown. “Carry Angel!” She asked and Minho obliged. After setting up the camera, she ran towards the two and they waited.


Finally, the camera snapped a shot of the three of them. Minho was holding Angel while Yeojin held one of Angel's hands and leaning towards Minho. Their smiled appeared pleasant and showed a really bright ambience.


Yeojin took the camera and showed the photo to Minho. Both of them looked at it together and all of a sudden, the room was filled with silence.


“You know what?” Minho said after a while. “I realized something.”


“Me, too.” Yeojin added and Minho wondered if they were bought thinking about the same thing.


“Well anyways... thank you for this night. It's a wonderful birthday celebration, though this is the first time I wasn't able to celebrate with the family.” He smiled and Yeojin nodded.


“I was happy as I made all of these for you, so there's no problem.” She smiled back.  

A/N: So what did the two of them realized?? Hmm? /winks/

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Re-reading this. Just saw shinee weeks ago and Ugh- I CRIED. TT
Chapter 64: I actually read this story a few days a go but I just got a chance to give my comment now so well...yeah
I really hope you could consider to make another sequel of this, thoTT_TT but it's up to you actually:')
I just want to say that I really love Yeojin's character here! I mean I just realized that starting as an innocent and ends up being possessive is really possible and I love it so much! Never expect Yeojin would say such things to Sunghee and knock her down like that lol!
Chapter 33: Omg -- hwaiting hihi
Chapter 30: GDI SAM MILBY FTW. ♥
Chapter 24: this made me cry tbh ;;
Chapter 22: i almost cried on this part because I am a mom. And yes, my background song while reading this is The Name I Loved. ♥
Chapter 21: I am actually on lunch here at work and reading thisssss. Omg my Minho feeeeeels. ♥
Chapter 20: omG-- ♥♥♥my heart ♥♥♥