4th Chapter

Hello.. Another Chapter.. Since I'm stuck at home since I'm  sick then I decided to make another chapter hpoe you like it  :)
That same evening Taeyeon was very very agitated wondering what Tiffany want to tell her. Instead of going out and hang out with CL like she usually doshe stayed in her room that night waiting for a single text from Tiffany.
Hmmm.. I got the feeling somethng is not right with her. Oh man, I hope nothings wrong with her.
After sometime of waiting and doodling she recieved a message from Tiffany.
Tiffany> Tae! Sorry I took so long.
Taeyeon> No worries, so what was it you want to tell me?
Tiffany>I cancelled the wedding.
Taeyeon> eh? Why?
Tiffany> Because I don't feel like marrying her character anymore and..
Taeyeon> why?
Tiffany> I'm going to break up with her soon..
Taeyeon> why? did you guys have a fight or something?.
Tiffany> No not at all.. Its just I don't love her like I love someone else..
Taeyeon> and may I know who is it?
After a couple of minutes Tiffany never replied so TAeyeon thought she fell asleep or something then her phone lights up again..
Tiffany> Its you Tae..I love you so much Tae.. I don't know when it started but I'm sure  I'm inlove with you Tae..
Taeyeon was shocked,she doesn't know what to reply.. Would she say thank you? or ignore that last text? Or reply to her If she's joking.. NO.. Taeyeon can't say those thing to Tiffany. She think carefully what does she and Tiffany like when they we're together and it hit her.. Maybe just maybe Tiffany fell for her because all of those gesture she show to the latter. She has a crush on Tiffany but she never told her that.. was it really just a crush or something more?. She gets excited whenever she sees her. she fells like there are butterflies in her stomach whenever they are together, she feels very content when she kiss her or just by holding hands. Wait its not a simple crush anymore., She's inlove with Tiffany.
So she do what her instinct tells her to do.She replied at Tiffany's txt.
Taeyeon> Pani-ah. are you sure about this? I love you too not just a sister or a friend but aren't you rushing things up? Maybe you're just confused because of those things we do.. Are you sure you want to break someones heart because of me? We've only known each other for a month. How about you sort things out with her first then we talk what to do. ok?
Tiffany> ok tae. I will, goodnight you still have to go to school tommorow, iloveyou.
Taeyeon> iLoveyou too Pani-ah. goodnight.
The next day..
The soshi girls decided to do something elses aside playing, So they went to a nearby mall to stroll around, they even watched a movie and so and so fort.. AFter all the activities they have done, Soshi decided to eat..While waiting for the food they have ordered, they chat along."So yoong, how are you and Taecyon coming along?" Hyoyeon asked her with a sly grin. THe other trio teased yoong by saying " yiiieee! are you a couple now?", Yoona blushed with this remark. she immediately said, " No. we're not but I'll think about it."Jessica quickly said, " Be careful and think about it before saying yes to him". "I already know that Sica do don't worry to much." Yoona said. Then Seohyun faced Taeyeon and asked her, "Tae, aren't you and Tiffany are so close together nowadays. Is there something you want to tell us?" Then  all eyes are glued at Taeyeon. Taeyeon almost panicked but thanks to her fast thinking of excuse she said " Nothing is between us, Its like 2 normal friends. Why?" Hyoyeon asked her again, " Are you sure?" Holding her laughter. " Yes Hyo, Its  normal. We also hold hands sometimes right? and you know how girls find me, Its like they find a cute little sister that they never had, A toy that can never ceased to amuse them.." Her friends just agreed with her since its all true and they also knew despite how boyish Taeyeon is, Some boys like her and courts her but she always turn them down. After that talk they eat happily and took some pictures then talk some more then they decided to go home.
When Taeyeon got home, She dress her usual clothes a boxer and a big shirt. Then she remembered she never text Tiffany that day, so she got up lazily and get her phone then slammed on her bed again. Then she began to text Tiffany casually like the incedent last night never happened.
Taeyeon> Pani-ah, How are you? Did you eat you're dinner already?
Tiffany> I'm fine and I already ate my dinner. How bout you? :)
Taeyeon> I already did with my friends.
Tiffany> Thats good, Tae.. I already talk to her and I already broke up with her...
Taeyeon> EH? you broke up with her just like that? Can I call you now? So we can talk properly?
Tiffany agreed and Taeyeon called her. "Pani-ah, are you ok? What did you told her?", "I'm fine Tae i didn't even cry but I don't know about her. I just told her I'm breaking up with her because I realize it was not love at all." Tiffany told Taeyeon. "That was a little bit harsh Pani-ah.", " I know Tae but its the only way I can think of." Tiffany said sadly. "Aish, You really are something Tiffany Hwang, you know that?" Taeyeon said mockingly. "Tae, since we broke up already and you also said that you love me, What are we now?" This question made Taeyeons heart pump 3x the normal rate. Then she finally said, " You officialy broke with her right? Then.. you also said that you love me right?.. Let's be friend Pani-ah.." Taeyeon said casually and at the same time holding her laughter for she know what would be Tiffanys reaction. "What?! just friends?!", 'Woah, Pani-ah calm down. I'm just kidding, you're my uhh.. my.." Taeyeon was having a hard time saying it. " My what Tae?". " My girlfriend, Pani-ah. You're mine now but can we take it slow since I'm not used to this kind of thing." She said slowly to Tiffany. The latter agreed it to it and they said goodnight to each other and they sleep well that night.
Well Taeny couple is now official..  Please stay tune for the next chapter.. :)
I dunno when I can  do some updates again since I have work this coming days.
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A loot of typos and wrong grammar. Sorry! I want to fixall of from chapter 1 but I'm too lazy.


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1141 streak #1
Chapter 51: Wow finally finish reading up to this chap... what I don't get is why did she lie to taeng about her mom wanting her to date a guy and later after the break up she is with Yuri and later dating her and why after al this years why is she still bothering tae? Maybe she still love her and regrets her decisions??? Authourssi pls what is Fany's reason cause I'm dying to know...
Chapter 49: leave her tae... make her realise muahahahahahah *choking*
Chapter 49: Nice chapter ^^
iCass14 #4
Chapter 48: love this OMG that last kiss got me
czankx #5
Chapter 48: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!.. :DDD
TaeNysmith22 #6
Chapter 48: Maligayang kaarawan hahaha I don't know if I should be happy but damn, Tiff is confusing me!!! There's someone waiting for her and she just kissed Taeyeon just like that!! Hehe thanks for the update ^^
kimmy- #7
Chapter 48: Happy b'days to you author,wish you all the best....
maemae08 #8
Chapter 47: Wahahaha! Taeyeon is sooo whiped!
ayanikki14 #9
Chapter 47: C'mon let's go on a date :)